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Posts posted by Bkungbank

  1. School time we are given test to proved how much we have learned , during University also the same reason given to us before we able to graduate, in love our partner do the same to test how sincere we are to them.

    In God also did the same test how we served His words and son, In country also the same thing happen now that we tyrant or really a good citizen.This is nature occurrence to divide good and evil, white and black.

  2. It sometimes very different from western world we have to take it or leave it.

    First I understand the salesman about new bicycle and demo set if he put the paddle and let the customer try this unit cannot be sale anymore or have to reduce price, some manufacture did provide demo set but some didn't

    Second the bus driver might get fine from police officers who standing nearby as no bus stop the driver cannot let the passengers out form the bus as some motorcycles might hits you too the fault surely will blame the driver.

    Camping the other couple didn't think about sex but more on safety as if they get closer reason was if any robbing occour we able to look each other and not trying to 'Look each other'.

    Sometimes we have to put on their shoes then we will understand the real explanation by not over stress ourself as life is short don't takes thing too seriously . In this minutes they are boarding the plane after few hours they are gone.

  3. Singapore is buying water from Malaysia and now Malaysia also facing water shortage due to dry spell, it not nice to buy from your neighbor the and wasting away or stealing your northern neighbor tradition inherit from their ancestor hundred for years.

    It's noting wrong like some Thai people living in Penang do have Songkran festival in Thai temple but why Singapore like to steal this ideal to promote tourism for themselves as Thailand facing politic uncertain as a truth best friend will never do this when you are in trouble .

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  4. Most spenders are women, every important floor for clothing reserved ground floor for ladies shoes, perfume etc , so some VIP are very important customer deserved parking. As for security Thailand still a safe heaven.

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  5. The shopping guard blocking the road side also look a like sometimes have to take a closer look the logo , the helmet, vest, even the colour in helmet also look a like a gold line it's very confusing sometimes just look at the gun if no gun not police.

  6. After treatment are very important like environment, if he or she mixed back to same group of friends it cannot get rid of it. Support from family members like if he or she close to parent always put a picture of the parent in wallet to remind how sad the parent was if born into addiction children.

    The loved can over come brain needs for the drug. If you are fasting don't look at people who are eating and put a fat person picture to always programmed that fat are bad and ugly.

  7. “The recent tuk-tuk rally in Phuket is an example of the problems that originate from conflict and misunderstanding between two groups of businesses.

    “Each of the business operators has to struggle to earn a living in order to keep up with rapid changes in the environment and the economy.

    It sounds sympathy for tuk-tuk 1st Km for 300 Baht , where Bangkok taxi 1st cost only 35 Baht, the cost of living higher then in big city like Bangkok

  8. Any countries a police officer have the right to protect himself by self defend in order to fire back if his life was treated during on duty, same as this crackdown the whole city on fire and state of emergency was declared ,

    I don't mean they deserve but why only one sided but red must charge with burning the city too, as to defend innocent citizen from burning to death by the red, this was not empty execution the red side arms do have fire arm , guns and bombs, Why it didn't mention in investigation ?

  9. A knife we can used for cooking or robbing, computer we can used it for knowledge or scamming ,a word democracy we can used for served the citizen or looking for own profit it's depend how we used the 'tools' if we used it on the right path surely the whole nation will be happy but misused for 20-30% up front the country in disaster . UN chairman should analyse the real reason behind and by not just reading the book from cover.

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  10. The spending power not too much compare with mainland China as you can Naraya handbag in airport price tag not a problems just pick and put in basket, the hotel here are very cheap and comfortable compare with Hong Kong where small and expensive, the Thai food still a top favorite for Hong Kong people in Hong Kong simple Thai dishes cost about 1,000 HKG about 4,000 Thb.

  11. Lucky for you using true internet service are quite good but before 8.00 p.m operators going back, they apply sub contractors the bill will paid but true not us compare with others internet provider will takes 2 days to repair. I think in the market true service repair are the best, some cable line are old so try to chat with operator online in true website they will locate the problems and change a new line for free .

  12. It's not the way to fight by not going election because the 90% world population believed in election by blocking the road and not contest in election cannot get rid of Thaksin empire it shows more childish way of immature way of Thai politician.

    To fight we need to expose the wrong doing of other side like watergate scandal will makes President Nixon to resigned , we need to shown the people what damage have he done, example like rice pledging costing corruption the proof the money being transfer to overseas,

    need to strong evident to fight to people will not being stupid again as farmer and tax payers money suffer but the people gain huge profits are those involved, so the next election the care taker will never win majority from the real people not few thousand walking on the street.

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  13. Philippines is a beautiful country but for security wise far more behind from Thailand , I recalled my experience in Manila few year back a police car stopped my taxi and asking my passport as I have telling him in my hotel safe deposit just few block from here , the policemen refuse and asking for beer money to be given or big trouble in Thailand this will never happen. Even the police robbed you just imagine that, beer SM is very cheap but the cost if living much higher .

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