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Posts posted by Bkungbank

  1. They is airport link from LCCT( the old LCCT have not airport link i think the new airport 2 should be call not confuse) to KL central final stop still far from China town you need to transit monorail to "Pasar Seni " station 1 station away from Central terminal if you can't say pasar seni you can call Central Market which everybody understood.

  2. Promote anti corruption was the responsible of the government funny things when the banners hang in hospitals many people are offended such words if they didn't done wrong why they so afraid such words, Mr Narong didn't done wrong he needs to promote corruption free in health ministry as some over charges drugs really hurts the poor people and tax payers money.

    Only bad people couldn't accept good things and start making trouble.

  3. Slum housing are the most risk for drug as the children easily attracted by friends, parents should play important role in monitoring their children, many of drug addict are from broken family back ground . Police can only advice but the choice are up to them to decide and going to visit jail are very important itinerary to educate youngster about danger of drug too.

  4. Vice like prostitute still a necessity for society even sins and diseases as it can reduce rape cases,

    Singapore have Geylang streets for men to shop around, Hong Kong and others countries still allow red lights district .

    Malaysia which banned on red light have problems where father raping his own daughter cases happen after banned on sex cannot get in public places which the result worst then ever.

  5. This is not touts standing in front of gates looking for customer this is taxi counter provide by AOT is something ridiculous unaccepted and TAT wanted to reach target 700 Billions from tourist income have rally tackle is problems seriously as normal fare is 600-900 Baht to Patong or Karon beach okay midnight charge addition 200-300 Baht but not 1,700 Baht in Bangkok you can go to Pattaya already with this price.

  6. Thailand are leading tourist destination in Asian countries but few years back politic aspect and neighbor countries like Myanmar and Indonesia are gaining fast increase tourist revenue.

    It's like a hotel we have to maintain cleanness and competition ,thinking we will always stay at top are wrong the world are developing fast if Thailand have mindset relax will lose to neighbor have to always stay competitive like some set back like visa, scam on tourist and safety.

  7. Government spending have really benefit for the country ,people and the whole economy and on certain popular spending for own party benefit but harm the GDP of the country, What my personal view the spending should based on economy strength with both opposition and government discuss in parliament to find correct path for the nation.

    Currently the government ego to make own decision without listen to any side which a disaster for the nation,Some good projects like free buses and train for the poor should continue but some bad project like rice pledging programmed shouldn't be continued.

    Every year of Songkran they have a deity for certain year but this year a expensive on petrol and inflation which not so good news.

  8. The Western culture and Eastern culture are not the same, Western people when their children grown up independent for his or her to choose their own life to live with but Eastern culture a parent have responsibly until their die, they have to inherit wealth for their children to make sure after they have die their children would not suffer in poverty.

    In shopping you can see western children are running freely where eastern children are holding hands by their parent, Bill gates and Warren Buffett are donation half of the money to charity where Hong Kong Billionaire Lee Kah Seng are not doing so.

  9. Don't blamed the boy as you hit and run that's a fault , let the police to investigate not hitting a cat or dog this is human we talking about sometimes the bike might not wearing helmet a short journey but we never knows when it will happen, don't drink and drive, it's not only hurt you and someone that we might killed like this accident a good lesson to warned of others.

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  10. Do a small partition in 25 sq. you only need the bed side to be cool at night by using curtain or wood partition depend on your budget . 8000 BTU enough with very cool as you cut the space to half and very save on your bills too. You don't need the whole room so the rest goes to waste and save the earth.

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