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Indrid Cold

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Posts posted by Indrid Cold

  1. I have only been here like 2 years now and have been asked to produce travel documents once, on the bus to Nong Khai. They were military looking people boarding the bus. When he looked at me and i reached out to give him my pp he just noded and was hurtingly uninterseted. I have EU pp.

    I do honor the visa rules though out of respect for the laws in this country that allows me to be guest here.

    • Like 1
  2. Relax and enjoy your life!

    If you had a Western woman, you'd do the washing, cleaning, cooking and a 60 hours job. Everything else would be misogynistic....

    I am very relaxed about this, it is enriching my life here. This not talking is just something she does to ad some drama, no big deal, when she is angry for real she is far from silent.

    Relax and enjoy your life!

    If you had a Western woman, you'd do the washing, cleaning, cooking and a 60 hours job. Everything else would be misogynistic....

    ...plus, she would keep 100% of her earnings, you have to give 50% of your earnings to her, and pay all of the bills from your remaining 50%.

    They are rather keen on my earnings here too but gf do share her income in a never ending supply of provisioning.

  3. So if you you are right we should send our 2-15 years out snake hunting since olny 7% of them die from snakebite right?

    No, it means you should stop posting completely incorrect and made up statements on public forums that you cant back up.

    Sorry to have to break it to you but i will never refraing from posting anything to satisfy your doubtfull needs.

  4. The stat didn't come from anywhere, did it...? It was total bull shit, wasn't it..? facepalm.gif

    yeah but you have to lift it up a little bit to get the left corner in angle.

    Just to set the record straight; studies show that the peak age group of snakebite deaths is 15-29 years (25% of all deaths is within this age group). Only 7% of deaths is within the age group 2-15 years (Sawai Y, Honma M (1976) Snake bites in India.)

    I am talking mortality. So if you you are right we should send our 2-15 years out snake hunting since olny 7% of them die from snakebite right?

  5. So the statement is nothing but unconfirmed gossip worth diddly...? Thanks, I was only wondering.

    Well the stat did not come from Ireland and you are welcome

    The stat didn't come from anywhere, did it...? It was total bull shit, wasn't it..? facepalm.gif

    yeah but you have to lift it up a little bit to get the left corner in angle.

  6. 9 out of 10 lethal snakebites are bitten children

    Is this stat available somewhere? I'm not saying you are wrong, but I would be interested in where this stat came from.

    It was a documentry i saw long time ago, it was from India so maybe this can vary from country to country. Repitiles sun bathing and kids playing around not being observent. The same doctor allso said that the biggest reason people die from snakebites are the shock "OMG. IM SNAKEBITTEN! NOW I DIE" lowering your imune system.

    So the statement is nothing but unconfirmed gossip worth diddly...? Thanks, I was only wondering.

    Well the stat did not come from Ireland and you are welcome

  7. 9 out of 10 lethal snakebites are bitten children

    Is this stat available somewhere? I'm not saying you are wrong, but I would be interested in where this stat came from.

    It was a documentry i saw long time ago, it was from India so maybe this can vary from country to country. Repitiles sun bathing and kids playing around not being observent. The same doctor allso said that the biggest reason people die from snakebites are the shock "OMG. IM SNAKEBITTEN! NOW I DIE" lowering your imune system.

    They did used to believe that the fear of the snake bite was more dangerous than the toxic effects. Kevin Budden believed it to his cost.

    I have been thinking about this many times and maybe if it is a small one but.... How do you keep your cool when a drain pipe size cobra has sunken his teeth in your neck?

    now i saw the link too. interesting reading :)

  8. 9 out of 10 lethal snakebites are bitten children

    Is this stat available somewhere? I'm not saying you are wrong, but I would be interested in where this stat came from.

    It was a documentry i saw long time ago, it was from India so maybe this can vary from country to country. Repitiles sun bathing and kids playing around not being observent. The same doctor allso said that the biggest reason people die from snakebites are the shock "OMG. IM SNAKEBITTEN! NOW I DIE" lowering your imune system.

  9. He had no right to nut you when you were getting loaded and having fun. If he did not like what you had to say he can walk away or go to another bar.

    I need to take my bike in for some brake work soon. They keep squealing and I also noticed some oil leaking onto the rotors. Second hand bikes can be a pain sometimes, probably worth just buying one new.

    Hope you get your brakes sorted out, oil leakage is annoying.

  10. Yet another "low life" story !

    Don't we all just love this trash ?

    Matthew 7:1-5

    Religious "nutters" are no better than the other "trash"


    There is not much "judgement" involved when determining what amounts to a bad smelllsmile.png

    Some of course may have defective "noses"

    Proverbs 21:24

    • Like 1
  11. My protocol for online dating.

    1.Small talk on the dating site.

    2.Add on fb.....carefully study her timeline....photos...etc...if no fb available...abort!

    Beware of very sparse timelines and photos..possible scammer.

    3.Talk through skype

    4.Meet in person

    ...at no point send any money...and IF requested, abort asap and move on.

    skip 1, 2 and 3, stay sober.

  12. You never buy a ford not here or anywhere, just my opinion though. The label says ford, its a mazda. If i bought a truck here it would be an isuzu.

    Dam_n, wish I had consulted you before I bought one sad.png

    well my opinion does not nesecery have to reflect the reality. I dont know where thai ford is built, it might be better then north EU ones.

  13. You pulley puller and magnetic stand are common in Thailand, Hardware House has many to choose from.

    csb pulley puller? how is the quality of indicator clocks at hardware house, it should meassure tiny play pecisly.

    Maybe the name is indicator gauge idk. the pulley puller i need is for most old gm cars that has v-belt, its the split one for servo/generator pulley. If im not mistaken hardware house is in central plaza kk. i have been there i think but i have built in resitance against places like homepro etc. when they imo. stock to much junk. I could be wrong though about hardware house. I will check it out again next trip to kk.

    Hardware house in in Sriracha, Rayong and Bangna. No Konkaen branch, think you confuse with Global house.

    Yes i might very well do so, hardware house in rayong was mentioned before said to stock the 200w soldering iron, this is store i must check out, it could posibly solve several of my hard to find problems. the family wants to go to hua hin i think i could change that to rayong without problems. Thanks.

  14. You pulley puller and magnetic stand are common in Thailand, Hardware House has many to choose from.

    csb pulley puller? how is the quality of indicator clocks at hardware house, it should meassure tiny play pecisly.

    Maybe the name is indicator gauge idk. the pulley puller i need is for most old gm cars that has v-belt, its the split one for servo/generator pulley. If im not mistaken hardware house is in central plaza kk. i have been there i think but i have built in resitance against places like homepro etc. when they imo. stock to much junk. I could be wrong though about hardware house. I will check it out again next trip to kk.

  15. I believe what you should be looking for is an old fashioned iron which you heat with a propane or "blow" torch.

    More common here and elsewhere that you would imagine especially for big jobs that require a lot of heat not a lot of temperature.


    Any local Thai sheet metal shop will have one so they'll know where to get one.

    Yes i have been thinking of contructing one myself, i want it with a brass head. But im old and lazy and not skilled in blacksmithing enuogh to know when it has the right temp. A plug in ca. 200w soldering iron is what i am going to have: I will probably have one sent to me from back home among with some other hard to find tools, like a pulley puller and a magnetic stand indicator clock. I am very stubborn when it comes to tools and only work with ones i am familiar with.

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