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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. Pity that it took the guy 3 years to decide to travel to Thailand (and spend a lot of money) and meet his "Teerak", but only to find out that his "Teerak" was as cold as a fridge and did not want to sleep with him or even have sex with him. I could have warned him after 1 chat with that woman.
  2. A few days ago, I meet a woman in ThaiFriendly and after a few chats, she gave me her Line Id. to continue chatting. As far as I understand, she meet a few years before an English guy, who travelled from England to Thailand to meet her. But when they meet, she was cool as a block of ice and refused to sleep with him or to have sex with him. At least as long as they are not married. She would like to be "friends" and help each other financial, but not have sex. Poor English sucker. But, at least the English sucker went to Bangkok to meet a girl/woman who "sells her self".
  3. This is a week review of calls on my phone. I never answer these numbers, but they are becoming a real PITA. Specially as most of these calls are done in the middle of the night.
  4. Wonder who is doing her jailterm while she is shopping in Milan. Off course, against a good contribution to the family ....
  5. Life in prison in Thailand is 40 years prison. As this fellow plead "Guilty" and turned himself freely to the cops, the jailterm is automaticly reduced to 50%, or 20 years in jail. Showing good behavior in jail and being cooperative, the fellow woll become availabe for reduced jailterm or 10 jears in jail. If not realease earlier by a "Royal Pardon" this guy will be roaming the streets for his next victim in 10 years. TIT
  6. What is "Porn (ographic material)? I remember a movie in the early '80's which was banned because of "Pornograhic". Yet, the whole movie didn't show any naked parts of a woman or a man that would be Pornographic. But according to the law enforcers, the movie "showed man and woman in actions that would lead the viewer to get excited". Tik-Tok movies, shown by the thousands by young girls on that platform, don't show any "Porn" but are always shown in in a very short Bikini or showing movements that excites the viewer in order to gain followers. I concur with a lot of posters that the DES is filled with Dinosaurs, living in the stone age, who have no clue about the Internet.
  7. Video: Ayutthaya woman appeals to the press after the police prove to be completely useless That's not fair. Useless police is my headline
  8. The answer is: NO Nobody is going to stop for a pedestrian. The Zebra crossing can be made up to international standards, but the drivers and the vehicles are made to 3-world standards. Will never work.
  9. You have the same financial advisor as me. I feel that I am sitting on a fortune .....
  10. The sad side of this story is that the pickup driver will "buy" himself out at the police station and it will end as another "fait divers" on the killing roads of Thailand. As long as a useless police force can take decisions that should be done by a competent court and people can buy themselves free, nothing will change. Tip to the 14 year old boy.
  11. Footpaths not exisiting or in a horrible state; Every footpath occupied directly by street sellers; Cyclists are killed like birds; Tourists are stolen by Ladyboys everywhere; Keep dreaming atta boy...
  12. Where do they mention a "prison" time? The grandmother will very likely be declared a "nut case" and walk back on the streets after treatment in a mental health care center. TIT
  13. About walking distance from my house lives a car repair man I see on a regular base cars coming in his shop which are beyond "Total Loss". Yet, these cars are leaving his shop after a few weeks and they look as if they came straight out of the factory. Thai's can do wonders in destroying cars and repairing cars
  14. Why spend time on commenting on this? The carnage on Thai roads has ever been the same and will not change as long as the fines are so ridiculous and obtaining a DL is easy as peanuts. Thai "birth control"
  15. Any animal who attacks a human, specially a child, should be given the lethal injection. No discussion. If the attack was a cause of negligence or wrong education of the animal by his/her owner(s), the owner(s) should be forced to pay ALL the medical costs and send to jail. No fine in such cases.
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