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Posts posted by HoudiniXLogic

  1. I've never had a problem with the motorcycle taxi's ever. I guess I'm not as anal about strangers bugging me (completely desensitized to everything now), so when the Taxi guys ask me "pai nai, pai nai?" while I'm walking past, I'll say "Pai 7, Pai mahalai (university), Gub baan, Pai hongnarm, etc" and usually its a small chuckle and they reply "Pai leiiii (go ahead)".

    Theres this one dude who's always baked, and even though theres definately a mental delay when he speaks, he's sharper than a scalpel when he's behind the wheel. If anything, the Govt needs to make a more official motorbike taxi-stand.

    And set up the random pylon in the middle of the sidewalk to make it much much harder for motorbikes to get through. Like the ones they have by CDC.

  2. Ramkamhaeng is a funny example of a bad footpath. On the side of the even-numbered sois (ramkamhaeng uni side), the footpath is pretty walkable with vendors being far between, and theres an area by Rajamangala Stadium where vendors can set up shop and not obstruct the footpath. There are spots where I can ride my skateboard for a good length without some kind of mess-up.

    On the Odd numbered soi side, however, is a completely different story. By the road are vendors lined up and taking up nearly half the footpath, and on the other side are rented shops extending their sale products into the footpath even more, and thats to the point where theres only enough room for 2 people to walk side by side. If you have a backpack on, forget it and go walk on the street.

    As annoying as they are, sometimes you just see the right thing you want to eat.

  3. Respect to that. I would've done the same thing.

    I remember walking down Sukhumvit (between soi 12 and 8) with a few friends of mine, and there was a cop check and they were checking everybody (including a couple hookers who they looked into handbags). When they checked me and my friends, thy just searched my pockets and cigarette packets. Good thing I had a couple of Thai friends with me, and even though they were searched also, they kept just spouting off random funny stuff, during the pad down the cop had his hand over my buddies crotch, and my buddy said "P' rawang na krub, deaw Phom arom keun." (P' be careful, I might get an erection). When they were done, I asked them if they wanted to search my shoes and sock, and their faces turned into disgust at the prospect of having to search the stinking and rancid shoes of 5 sweaty skateboarders. After they they just shoo'd us off.

    Try making them search your shoe, not many will risk their face value for that.

  4. All red bull products should be shunned, the guy and his father who is shielding him no doubt, should be hounded wherever they go. There should be large public cursing rituals, and black magic mumbo jumbo to invoke the ghost of the murdered policeman to chase them.

    Personally I do not know how to use Facebook but why do the young computer kids not get onto the social internet things and tell everyone - could even boycott the Red Bull product

    Why a boycott? The company and its employees has nothing to do with this. In fact a large chunk of the company is Austrian owned.

    Instead, why not boycott Ferrari?

    The family is the sole importer of Ferrari vehicles into Thailand.

    I don't know why the media emphasizes Red Bull and not Ferrari.

    I suggest you and others refuse to purchase Ferrari products in thailand. that will hurt the family, including the relatives and dealership employees who have nothing to do with the alleged crime more than a boycott of red Bull.


    Great idea! That will really hurt the family. I will not buy a Ferrari.

    Stupid suggestion! How many people on TV have enough money to even dream of buying a Ferrari?

    I mean I can go take a huge piss in front of the Maserati dealership on Viphawadee but that wont damage business one bit.

  5. All red bull products should be shunned, the guy and his father who is shielding him no doubt, should be hounded wherever they go. There should be large public cursing rituals, and black magic mumbo jumbo to invoke the ghost of the murdered policeman to chase them.

    Personally I do not know how to use Facebook but why do the young computer kids not get onto the social internet things and tell everyone - could even boycott the Red Bull product

    Why a boycott? The company and its employees has nothing to do with this. In fact a large chunk of the company is Austrian owned.

    Instead, why not boycott Ferrari?

    The family is the sole importer of Ferrari vehicles into Thailand.

    I don't know why the media emphasizes Red Bull and not Ferrari.

    I suggest you and others refuse to purchase Ferrari products in thailand. that will hurt the family, including the relatives and dealership employees who have nothing to do with the alleged crime more than a boycott of red Bull.


    Because not everybody can afford a Ferrari and a Ferrari isn't sold in every 7-11, Family Mart, mon'n'pop shops, etc while almost everybody can buy red bull (even the overpriced "import" one.

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  6. For starters, pretty much EVERY culture/race is racist to some degree, INCLUDING those that like to scream RACIST the most at every opportunity.

    And as MOST of you should already know, "white skin" in SEA is NOT so much of a racist matter as it is a SOCIAL CLASS matter. The "whiter" your skin, the higher up on the "social status" scale you may be. This dates back to ancient history long before "white men" ever came to Asia.

    And as MOST of you should already know as well, in Thailand when 2 people meet for the first time, the "whiteness" of the skin (as well as attire, make-up, jewelry, etc) help determine who is "higher" on that social scale and who should be wai-ing first and lowest. That is the reason so many Thais (primarily women it seems) are so keen on having "white" skin, so that they can appear to be of a higher social status than they really are.

    Dunkin Donuts biggest mistake perhaps was not marketing a white chocolate donut with a model done up in "white" face. Want to bet that if they did that you would not hear ONE SINGLE CLAIM of racism from ANYONE ?

    Thats how Thailand is EXACTLY the same as India. Brahmins and Kshatriyas all the way to the Pariah and Sudras.

    Thailand has a lot of Aryan pride in them.... OHHHHHH!!! soooo THATS the connection to nazi obsession!!!!

  7. Well about <deleted> time they removed those phone booths. Half of them havent been working properly since forever. I guess I'm the only one who uses these things when my cell phone runs outta credit, but its usually only the ones in outdated shopping centers that seem to still work (and I use that term VERY loosely).

    As for motorcycles on the pavement, well F me, I'm guilty of that too to a certain extent. Nothing more annoying than having to balance a scooter in traffic behind a dirty muffler. Sorry mister farang, you'll be pissed at me, but I'm sure theres other issues more deserving of your wrath

  8. Oh come on, I see it everyday in the mooban with the local mom n pop, 7 year old going to buy ciggies and whisky for their dad. Mind you the family has a friendly relationship with the shop so if anything, its like asking a kid to do a chore. I mean, I was THAT KID who was 7 or 8 and getting something from the shop for my parents work colleague. How'd I grow up? Pretty much the same as the majority of homies born in 88.

  9. I went to an international school, and I remembered seeing people fret over the length of my hair when I met people with kids from Thai Schools.

    But those hairstyles aside, give the students some young-adult clothes to wear, not children's clothes. Its an eyesore because in my western opinion, no straight man should every wear shorts that short. AND THEY'RE NOT EVEN CUTOFFS. I've seen some schools require students to wear leather shoes, but it looks even more ridiculous when coupled with ankle high socks and short shorts.

  10. Do it if if you're sure you're gonna be with her in that house until your very last breath. Land is the keyword here, because as far as the BIB are concerned, anything built on her land belongs to her, even if its your house.

    But foreigners can buy property in Laos.....

  11. If Indian and Chinese tourists become the staple, Thai's are gonna miss out the good ol days of when they could joke around Farangs and rip them off without a care in the world. A lot of my south-asian friends tell me that Indian tourists are attracted to Thailand in general because they heard that anything can be bargained for in this country. I do believe that, since I've seen an Indian guy try to bargain a McDonalds from 145 to 85 baht (he failed and walked away with his set on the counter).

    I mean the only way that Thailand will ever clean up its act when pertaining to tourism is for foreigners to actually choose either Burma or Laos as a destination over Thailand. Knowing Thai people (and being half of one myself), they are very proud in the fact that Thailand is ahead of Burma and Laos, but if these two countries start taking the tourists away from Thailand, then the loss of face experienced will hopefully motivate the govt to improve on the country's tourism aspect.

    Remove the backpackers and Pattaya and Khaosarn will be empty.

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