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Posts posted by Kudel

  1. I dont believe anyone is suggesting you need to use an "oil rig welder" to weld a roof truss, but what you need to do is ensure the roof truss is being welding in accordance with the engineered design, ie a competant person, using the correct elctrodes (if the process is SMAW for example) and ensuring there are not excessive defects in the welds....yes even in "oil rig welding" certain discontinutes are permitted.

    In other words you are meeting the intent of the engineered design, if you are not meeting this, you do run the risk of possible failure

    The basic engineering principles of loads and forces whether a roof truss or an oil rig are the same...the key difference is the possible consequences of failure thats all, hence all the requirements on "oil rigs" as the consequence of failure is very high.

    What "chrisinth" detailed in his example of roofing construction would be considered very good engineering practice as related to a load bearing structure...

    It would be good to think that the angle iron roof truss for a normal 3or 4 bedroom house bought off the shelf in Thailand and maybe modified on site to suit would have been supplied by a company that had ndt practices inhouse in other words would have used coded welders its not really likely, the builder would just go for the cheapest option.

    I can see a lot of posters on this topic understand best practice construction and if you know what to look for you can see good welding all around you most if not all stainless steel gates and railings you see are very neatly welded and sprinkler pipework in big builds are very neat work good looking welds and neatly fitted to the roof and the box section welding at Swampy all good work but off course that is all at a cost.

    At home you see companies advertising for welders and are looking for 1st class and 2nd class welders for less skilled welders say for light roof truss work it would in most cases be just a visual look at the welds.

    I dont like to think we are giving the impression to others reading this post that there roof is going to fall on top of them its probably as safe as houses

    So why after six years or something are there renovation works being done?last year i saw alot of scafolds being built and most of the plumbing in said airport has to be re done apparently .when did swampy open 2006?

    The normal comments on TV are Thai's dont maintain anything and leave it until it goes to rack an ruin and now we are questioning or getting all cynical as to why they are carrying out maintenance..!!!..20x20xblink.png.pagespeed.ic.AQgCnSOpp_....even for a building 7 years old considering the through put of people, lots toilets being flushed, general wear & tear, one would expect lots of maintenance would be on-going...

    Suppose in this case if the plumbing needed repair and it wasnt being done...TV finest would be stating "see Thai's dont maintain anything"...but we have a case were it seems maintenance/repair being done and it is still being questioned....giggle.gif.pagespeed.ce.AcGRO3FsZu.gif

    it is a wel known fact that some serious corners where cut when the airport was built,was also discussed to death on thaivisa at the time and in the english newspapers,remember the debacle with the crappy tarmac on the runways.when the airplane i was on landed last year only one runway was open because they were fixing al cracks and potholes on the other runways and this has been going on for how many years?
  2. Thanks Guys, The plan is to invest 10 million bt into deposit account 3.2% for 12 months, that is 26,666 bt a month coming to my pocket after one year plus my home country for small pension 30,000 bt (present euro/baht rate) and 20,000 from rent for my house in Ireland (Not too hopeful, many ghost house in Ireland). and a rent from my second Condo for 15,000 bt (also hard to rent like in Ireland, many ghost condos in Pattaya) Suppose I got lucky, total income would be about 91,666 bt a month. If I cant rent out my second condo and a house in Ireland, subract that from 91,666 = 56,666 bt. Cant complain about that. thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif

    i could be wrong but only thai people and people who have permanent residency will get that 3.2% from said deposit acount.foreigners will get next to nothing %

    You are wrong on that point, the account is not dependant on the type of visa or nationality.

    sorry my bad ,somebody gave me wrong info.
  3. Thanks Guys, The plan is to invest 10 million bt into deposit account 3.2% for 12 months, that is 26,666 bt a month coming to my pocket after one year plus my home country for small pension 30,000 bt (present euro/baht rate) and 20,000 from rent for my house in Ireland (Not too hopeful, many ghost house in Ireland). and a rent from my second Condo for 15,000 bt (also hard to rent like in Ireland, many ghost condos in Pattaya) Suppose I got lucky, total income would be about 91,666 bt a month. If I cant rent out my second condo and a house in Ireland, subract that from 91,666 = 56,666 bt. Cant complain about that. thumbsup.gif

    i could be wrong but only thai people and people who have permanent residency will get that 3.2% from said deposit acount.foreigners will get next to nothing %
  4. Let me just restate this again, it's ridiculous for anyone to say you cannot live in Thailand on 50k per month when that's over £1000 and working a minimum wage job in the UK 38hrs a week will only give you £900 or so after tax. If it's possible to live on that wage in the UK it's possible anywhere in Thailand including Bangkok and Pattaya. Now of course if you plan to pick up bar girls every night it's going to be harder but then you need to remember not everyone is here to pick up bar girls.

    To the guy above are you seriously asking how you can save more money? To me it's blatantly obvious not to you? Seems you over spend on a lot of things that are probably not necessary.

    Alot of pensioners from my country go to Thailand to live the so called life on a pension between 1000 to 1500 euro's a month i wont go in to details but when everything goes wrong ,somebody starts a website asking to deposit money for medical care or a flight back home because insurance was not important to these kind of people.

    No wonder some embassy's are fed up with the exploits of some of there fellow country men in thailand sometimes a waist of taxpayers money .

    And then the so called shitty country they left would have to clean up there mess .

    Best country to retire my ass.

  5. I dont believe anyone is suggesting you need to use an "oil rig welder" to weld a roof truss, but what you need to do is ensure the roof truss is being welding in accordance with the engineered design, ie a competant person, using the correct elctrodes (if the process is SMAW for example) and ensuring there are not excessive defects in the welds....yes even in "oil rig welding" certain discontinutes are permitted.

    In other words you are meeting the intent of the engineered design, if you are not meeting this, you do run the risk of possible failure

    The basic engineering principles of loads and forces whether a roof truss or an oil rig are the same...the key difference is the possible consequences of failure thats all, hence all the requirements on "oil rigs" as the consequence of failure is very high.

    What "chrisinth" detailed in his example of roofing construction would be considered very good engineering practice as related to a load bearing structure...

    It would be good to think that the angle iron roof truss for a normal 3or 4 bedroom house bought off the shelf in Thailand and maybe modified on site to suit would have been supplied by a company that had ndt practices inhouse in other words would have used coded welders its not really likely, the builder would just go for the cheapest option.

    I can see a lot of posters on this topic understand best practice construction and if you know what to look for you can see good welding all around you most if not all stainless steel gates and railings you see are very neatly welded and sprinkler pipework in big builds are very neat work good looking welds and neatly fitted to the roof and the box section welding at Swampy all good work but off course that is all at a cost.

    At home you see companies advertising for welders and are looking for 1st class and 2nd class welders for less skilled welders say for light roof truss work it would in most cases be just a visual look at the welds.

    I dont like to think we are giving the impression to others reading this post that there roof is going to fall on top of them its probably as safe as houses

    So why after six years or something are there renovation works being done?last year i saw alot of scafolds being built and most of the plumbing in said airport has to be re done apparently .when did swampy open 2006?
  6. Telling this to a group of thai girls in a bar .what kind of bar might this be?upscale bar in bangkok maybe or a go go ?Last year i met a norwegian guy in buriram 28 years old and living with a 42 year old ex go go dancer she apperantly had no problem showing of her young scandinavian stud to the locals.

    The guy was a sailor and spoke thai ,loa,and khmer.

  7. I am one of those old guys married to a 40' something younger Thai Women, Prior to coming to Thailand I learned as much as I could about the Thai Law. I knew I could never own land in Thailand, when I met my wife I dated her for 2 years prior to getting married. After we got married and she had 22 rai in the village we planned to build our house on her land, but the cost of putting electricity on the land, was far beyond what we hoped for. So we brought another rai in the village and built our house!

    Number one I would never marry any women that I did not trust, one never knows if your relationship will last "until death do us part" I know my beautiful Thai wife did not wake up one morning and said I think I will fall in love with an old Farang man! I knew that she was looking for financial stability with someone she could live with and I was lucky enough to be that guy,

    Best decision i ever made, I built her and my step-daughters a good house, in my step daughters name

    If we ever part (God Forbid) I will walk away with a heavy heart and leave all to her, She has earned it, If something should happen to her (God Forbid again) I would not stay in Thailand I would go home and spend my final day with my children.

    I could not repay her for all the happiness she has brought to my life!


    she did not earn it,it already was hers from the start ,you own nothing she owns everything .

    Are you by any chance the author of that silly book thailandfever.

  8. She went on to say that there were some seriously bad women knocking about too, she finds it laughable that guys couldn't suss out that marrying a prostitute was a high risk strategy.

    Most foreigners in Thailand (including you, methinks) has very little idea who is and who isn't (or wasn't) a prostitute.

    (Not that it makes a great difference in the failure or success of a marriage IMHO)

    Since a few years thai massage parlors have been popping up like mushrooms in my country,every few weeks or months police would raid such parlors and find girls "enslaved" by said parlor owners,but mostly Thai woman where or are involved in these human trafficking rings because they have the contacts in the old country.

    Some women are married to guys from my country and are doing this out of free will.

    So it's not only farang "enslaving" these girls but Thais apparently have no problem doing this to there own kind.

  9. 1. Under Thai law (simplified) only property acquired subsequent to the marriage or current income is considered common property.

    2. Anyone from a country that recognizes trusts could, prior to the marriage, transfer their assets to a trust, establish a trustee arrangement, and then have themselves established as a beneficiary of the trust such that the assets no longer belong to the beneficiary -- what might happen then upon dissolution of the marriage becomes moot point.

    Funny this topic come's up because a law company wich is a well known sponsor of Thaivisa answered almost the same question asked by a farang on the stickmanweekly today.

    Said farang was splitting up from only village girl wedding ,and according to this company it is still possible that in some cases the thai judge would still split everything fifty fifty of acquired property in thailand during said only village wedding.

    I had my prenup signed up in my home country and Thailand legal wedding of course ,so wich means divorce in my country said divorce laws apply ,divorce in Thailand thai divorce laws apply.

    I mentioned the idea of a trust to him last night, I think that's a wise move on a lot of levels.

    Why would he need a trust, when he is not married? After the village wedding, he is not any more married to his partner, than he is to any other female in this country! :rolleyes:

    As commonlaw marriage is not recognized under Thai law, I don't see the problem? As long as he doesn't legalise the marriage at the amphur, it is smoth sailing. Well at least when comes to, who owns what, if:hit-the-fan:

  10. Wonder how many people in the us know that Henry Ford was a big financial sponsor of the nazi party during it's rise to power before the war and the catholic church helped nazi war criminals escape to South-Amerika after the war .And then there was Werner van Braun who helped a lot with the space program during the fifty's and Sixty's in the US.

    Werner Von Braun was a POW, and in essence forced to work for America. He and his colleagues were considered the greatest war prize. If you are worried about Henry Ford having fascist inclinations, you must be REALLY worried about Walt Disney..... Regarding Nazi chic in Thailand, that is simply a product of a failed education system here. With Hitler's vision of a Aryan ruled world, he would have wasted little time in getting rid of the Thais....Regarding Jing Thing's constant reference to "non-Jews", I think he is referring to the millions of gypies who were killed.
    Nice post but hitler was the product of inbreeding parents ,the local priest in his birthtown at first would not give them permission to get legally married because there bloodline was to close these are al documented facts.So he would never fit the profile of the master race.
  11. Wonder how many people in the us know that Henry Ford was a big financial sponsor of the nazi party during it's rise to power before the war and the catholic church helped nazi war criminals escape to South-Amerika after the war .

    And then there was Werner van Braun who helped a lot with the space program during the fifty's and Sixty's in the US.

  12. Is there a world outside of Thailand for Thais?

    Ever meet a Jew in Thailand?

    There's a few synagogue's in Bangkok so there must be a few.The stunt they pulled with that mural is already on israeli newswebsite's and i smell a international row in the making all because of thailands finest uni students.

    Even my ex who hails from isaan doesn't find the hitler adoration in Thailand funny .

  13. My msz points this out every week while shopping. The retailers are relying on the famous Thai customer's cunning in the hope that their scheme won't be foiled, as most Thais don't travel with a calculator.

    The most basic mobile phones have calculator function built in and Thai's never leave home without there beloved mobile phone and most of them are cunning enough to shop at local markets because it's cheaper then the big name retailers.
  14. I remember two pictures , one of England's member of the Royal family Prince Harry wearing a full Nazi uniform and another of conservative MP Aiden Burley at a party with people in full Nazi uniforms. I know that this is not as newsworthy to expats here as that of Thai youth wearing T-shirts with a Swastika on it. Also check if public display of Nazi memorabilia in the European Union is banned or illegal, It is not.

    There seems to be a dual system of indignation here, its OK for Falang's to display Nazi sentiment but how dare Thai's wear such things in their own country when it offends me, "an outsider".

    I can see that the Thai hate brigades are out in full force, The US and Europe are hot beds of active political involvement in Neo-Nazi sentiment, which is clearly not the same in Thailand!Public display of nazi memorabillia is banned and illegal in europe,try finding a copy of mein kampf at most local bookstores in europe good luck....

    But i once saw a bunch of real deal skinheads having fun with the ladies in bangla road phuket,i don't think those boys came to Thailand for an international congress of the aryan brotherhood.


  15. My 27 year old GF attended the ceremony at Chula today to see the graduation of a friend however she did not see the mural. When I showed it to her she recognised Hitler and knew at least something of the history of that time, as she attended a private UNI in BKK majoring in International Business, and WW 2 was studied to some extent. So you cant say that ALL Thai students are ignorant of these events and the evil that Hitler and the Nazis brought to Europe.

    The main lesson to be learnt from the Nazis and other similar regimes is that, given the opportunity, many people will join in the evil, some through fear but some being happy to do so. This can happen in almost any society and we should aim at never allowing this horrible history to be repeated. And that is why all should be educated about Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc.

    Well, you can only be pee if someone is Nong.....

    And according to some people in another topic we are confused about buddhism and the azian swastika priceles.
  16. there is a Thai website/forum where thai woman married to foreigners/living abroad do there complaining about there said farangs and exchange lots of tips with one and other about for instance divorce laws and ways on how to navigate around certain laws of there host country and other stuff etc etc ....talk about insulting thai woman some things being talked about on said forum is way beyond insulting and i wont provide any links because of thai visa policy but said forum is named after a very popular thai gossip magazine.

    Do ALL Thai women married to westerners use the website? If not yours is just another inappropriate generalisation.
    I did not state in my post ALL THAI woman read again sunshine.

    You said 'Thai women' not 'some Thai women'. Believe me - I am not your sunshine.
    Well report my post to the mods who will remove my post insulting ALL THAI women and sorry if you feel insulted but not all of us thai visa members are native english speakers .
  17. there is a Thai website/forum where thai woman married to foreigners/living abroad do there complaining about there said farangs and exchange lots of tips with one and other about for instance divorce laws and ways on how to navigate around certain laws of there host country and other stuff etc etc ....talk about insulting thai woman some things being talked about on said forum is way beyond insulting and i wont provide any links because of thai visa policy but said forum is named after a very popular thai gossip magazine.

    Do ALL Thai women married to westerners use the website? If not yours is just another inappropriate generalisation.
    I did not state in my post ALL THAI woman read again sunshine.
  18. This thread paints an appalling picture of Thai ladies, but a worse picture of farang gentlemen. I hope that none of my friends read it...

    Not to worry.

    There are those busy here removing improper posts insulting Thai ladies

    As you speak.

    And, I DO agree.

    While in the case of Thai ladies, inappropriate generalisations are removed, in the case of Farang gentlemen, damning admissions are allowed to stand.

    There is a big difference between inappropriate generalisations about other people and admissions about your own (the generic you) behaviour. If people want to condemn themselves out of their own mouths who are we to stop them?
    there is a Thai website/forum where thai woman married to foreigners/living abroad do there complaining about there said farangs and exchange lots of tips with one and other about for instance divorce laws and ways on how to navigate around certain laws of there host country and other stuff etc etc ....talk about insulting thai woman some things being talked about on said forum is way beyond insulting and i wont provide any links because of thai visa policy but said forum is named after a very popular thai gossip magazine.
  19. You always pay for it any way or the other.

    So they say but there's a big difference between paying for sex directly and going out and having a laugh with a girl and spending some money in the process.

    And you don't always 'pay'. Last week I had a girl I met just come straight to my apartment (she didn't want to go out) and she brought food and beer with her so actually that was a profitable situation for me.

    Quite simple.... don't keep tham as girlfriends.

    Pick up, them tell 'em your very busy working most evenings and nights (working online is the best thing to say) and that you'll be with them as much as possible, then get them over once or twice a week.

    Exactly this.

    You don't say they are your girlfriend and it they start using the word you correct them and say you may have dated / had sex / whatever but you are not their boyfriend and aren't looking to be because you're a busy guy with a lot to do and don't have time for it BUT you enjoy their company and are happy to hang out with them again.

    Though I wouldn't tell them I'll be with them as much as possible as that implies I'm going to spend a lot of time with them and in my case I'm probably not.

    If you are honest and treat them fairly and don't try and lie and bullshit them most will be surprisingly OK about it. Maybe even make them want you more.

    Why is it that so many guys seem to think that they can butterfly around Thailand at will but then get upset when they find out that "their girl" is also a butterfly?

    I found that the best way to deal with thai gals is to just tell them the truth....I am a butterfly. When you start with all that " I love you" stuff is when your problems will quickly multiply.

    Rent the girls. Don't try to own them unless you are prepared for the trials and tribulations of "ownership" which anyone who reads TV should know can be substantial.

    I don't care what the girl is doing. I tell them they can do as they please and it's none of my business.

    But hold on the OP isn't talking about bar girls here is he? Surely he doesn't refer to bar girls as g/fs and wants them to fall in love with him and all that nonsense.

    A bar girl is with you for your money. It's none of her business how many other girls you are seeing so if that's the case then don't worry about it.

    The girl that came to youre so called appartment for free is more cunning and has more patience then others weeling in there so called catch of the day.

    Rule nr one in the farang in thailand player guide is to never bring one night stands to youre place of residence be she for free or paid for.

    Enough treads concerning getting that crazy thai girlfrind out of my condo have been written on thaivisa and other thailand related websites.

    • Like 1
  20. Why is it that so many guys seem to think that they can butterfly around Thailand at will but then get upset when they find out that "their girl" is also a butterfly?

    I found that the best way to deal with thai gals is to just tell them the truth....I am a butterfly. When you start with all that " I love you" stuff is when your problems will quickly multiply.

    Rent the girls. Don't try to own them unless you are prepared for the trials and tribulations of "ownership" which anyone who reads TV should know can be substantial.

    Please be gentle on the wannabe playboy ,or he is a troll or he will be featured soon as the big star in some sleazy english newspaper in thailandl like so many of the overaged teenagers that wanted to fool thai woman.
  21. It's not unusual to spot heroic Hitler portraits at copy painting shops in Pattaya, complete of course with NAZI swastikas. All I can do when I pass such places is to snarl at them. Oh well ... Someone is buying ...

    I seriously doubt anyone viewing those works of "art" are confused about whether its Nazi stuff or not ... :blink:

    Maybe they had German English teachers,just saying ..'
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