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Posts posted by Kudel

  1. Over the years I have heard about scandal in just about every practicing religion that is subjected to public scruinty. I cannot remember any publicity about the Amish nor their off shoots, but then they seldom travel out of their community, never saw a collection box displayed, nor do they openinly, at least, indicate a desire or need for the latest electronic gagets or the ownership of "stuff" which seem to bring about indivudal downfall.

    Don't forget the infamous 'beard cutting' episode.
    Theres a program running on the national geographic channel called Amish maffia i think you wil be very surprised.
  2. The best part of this story would occur when a list is published showing who he was laundering money for. But I suppose that will never happen. Again the amounts of money involved are so staggering there is no way in the world they came out of a collection box. But I still cannot understand what happens after he launders the money. How does he get it back to the "influential figures" ?

    "Again the amounts of money are so staggering there is no way in the world they came out of a collection box"

    But not so staggering when converted to GBP,200 Million Baht = £4.255 million GBP.

    you forgot to calculate the cost of the luxery cars ,his villas an al the children he has with different thai women plus the money being made from promoting luxury goods and etc etc.....

    At least everybody knows the vatican is corrupt ,but i dont think the pope will be selling or promoting air purifiers anytime soon.And also the fact that in very pc correct Belgium al official religions can get yearly goverment funds it was shock an horror again for the Thai community in my country to find out that therravada buddhism would not receive such funds a few years ago and our beloved rock and roll monk is already being talked about all over europe his movie in his private jet on youtube was not well received in our small thai community in Belgium apparently.

  3. I concur on the work part......but doing the 'things you love' hardly ever make any money...unless the stars are aligned of course

    In this modern day and age with the power of the internet at our finger tips many of us young guys are turning our passions into money makers.

    Or at least carving out our own economic (and location) independence so we don't have to slave away at a job we hate working for someone else.

    What would that passion be then,making porn movies?Ever read the many topics on the net about foreigners trying to get a decent internet connection at their fingertips.
  4. The evidence against this 'holy man' and his financial activities seems to be so damning, one wonders if it will lead to extradition should he decide to stay put in France.

    Couple his thirst for jet-setting with his apparent lust for the 'gals', you've got to ask, why/how has he gone so untouched/noticed till now? The general opinions of people of faith is one of decency and devotion to religion yet this one man has and will continue to drag Thai Buddhism and all it stands for through the sh*te for a long time. Many Thais were already disillusioned but the faith he 'practises'. This will no doubt fuel their doubts even further and the longer this 'shower' continues to rain, the more Thais will wonder why they donate and visit the temples.

    He will probably not be able to stay in France because a schengen visa will only give him the maximum stay of 90 days ,if he seeks asylum in france it will probably not be granted to this joker because he will not be sentenced to death in Thailand for his colorfull lifestyle.

    I remember a few years back the hole Thai community in my country was in shock and horror because a certain monk from a very famous temple in Thailand got locked up in immigration and deported for overstaying his visa apparently some holy men think they can break the law and get away with it.

  5. i am building a village now , we had to put in drain holes every 25 meters both sides of the road and then had to have 1 metre drain pipes running for 500 meters outside of the village to the easement. this is only for 38 houses. being built 30 minutes from pattaya .

    and in an other topic you are making fun with other posters on this website.
  6. It would appear that there are plenty of experts (x is an unknown quantity and a spert is a drip under pressure) found here in Thai visa forum. For those who have been constructive in their replies, I thank you. For the rest my original post is clearly not mean't for you. I was simply passing on an experience for doing business in Thailand. I clearly stated not to trust all smiling Thai's but I also went on to say that to accuse every Thai would be racist and ignorant. As this is a forum based on Thailand, it is applicable to Thailand itself. As for not identifying that things can go sour in another country may also suggests that the world is not a perfect place but does not enforce an ignorance that any business venture doesn't have the opportunity to go south even when dealing with your own countrymen. We had a very good relationship with our landlord at first and if I choose to help my wife then good for me. I don't think you would appreciate people being critical of your own personal judgments but this is a forum where people are allowed to post their own opinions. I was originally legally advised but not all legal advise can be correct or be in your best interests in a foreign country. Unfortunately in many cases people have plenty to say but in some cases seldom this opinion is ever based on a true experience. These people are fence sitters are simply not worth noting. For those who have been direct and critical, you posts haven't gone unnoticed and I have taken your views on board and value your experience. People make mistakes and sometimes it can be a hard lesson learnt.As i suggested previously, I wanted to share an experience. Thanks to all.

    Mate some simple research concerning doing bussiness in Thailand on google could have saved you alot of hassle and money ,some simple advice from a fence sitter if only you would have listened to some of the fence sitters on Thaivisa this website has been around for more then a decade i believe.
  7. OP, if you're wondering why you haven't received any responses yet, it's probably because this topic was discussed very recently.


    buy a sat nav system not that expensive anymore these days even in Thailand ,no need to sulk about the Thai educational system.

    You do know how to travel to Thailand so i assume you know how to go to a shop and buy a sat nav system .

    Even possible to download apps on i-phone and i-pads with Thailand maps ,how hard can it be.

    Wow, I don't even know where to begin. What are you on about? Try reading the OP. Then click the link and read a bit of the discussion if you like.

    Yes, I know how to travel around Thailand; thanks for your vote of confidence. And don't worry, I'm not sulking about the Thai education system.

    Maybe they cant give you the right directions because most Thai people in the popular tourist areas come from other provinces ,so sat nav apps might direct the op in the right direction.

    No pun intended fella.

    I don't care. I wasn't taking up the discussion. Just giving the OP the link from last week's thread, fella.

    If you want i can give some sat nav coordinates to some temples where you can learn and have some jai yen yen time.Fella.
  8. OP, if you're wondering why you haven't received any responses yet, it's probably because this topic was discussed very recently.


    buy a sat nav system not that expensive anymore these days even in Thailand ,no need to sulk about the Thai educational system.

    You do know how to travel to Thailand so i assume you know how to go to a shop and buy a sat nav system .

    Even possible to download apps on i-phone and i-pads with Thailand maps ,how hard can it be.

    Wow, I don't even know where to begin. What are you on about? Try reading the OP. Then click the link and read a bit of the discussion if you like.

    Yes, I know how to travel around Thailand; thanks for your vote of confidence. And don't worry, I'm not sulking about the Thai education system.

    Maybe they cant give you the right directions because most Thai people in the popular tourist areas come from other provinces ,so sat nav apps might direct the op in the right direction.

    No pun intended fella.

  9. OP, if you're wondering why you haven't received any responses yet, it's probably because this topic was discussed very recently.


    buy a sat nav system not that expensive anymore these days even in Thailand ,no need to sulk about the Thai educational system.

    You do know how to travel to Thailand so i assume you know how to go to a shop and buy a sat nav system .

    Even possible to download apps on i-phone and i-pads with Thailand maps ,how hard can it be.

  10. 6 years.

    Yeah thanks.

    Only asked coz it is probably expired by a week now but have since been assured its no problem renewing once back in Thailand.

    Again, you've been assured it no problem renewing once in Thailand.

    I think you gf is having you on!

    my soon to be ex wife,has Belgian nationality and passport ,last year she she tried to enter Thailand with her Belgian passport because her Thai passport and id card expired by 2 years and the nice lady at airport immigration let her in the country on the expired thai passport but warned her to make all the paperwork in order whilst in Thailand so youre girlfirend does not need to worry to much.
  11. When setting up a business for a woman.

    1) Assume it will be a total loss from day 1 with you footing the rent and stock bill (so don't sign an expensive lease)

    2) Avoid any business that surrounds your woman with horny foreign men (especially of the two week millionaire type)

    3) Try and arrange it so the business needs no staff beyond your woman and you.

    4) Avoid a business that has stock that can be stolen, perish or eaten by staff.

    I think that about

    Interestingly, for 10 years we (wife and I) have been running businesses, that tick all your don't boxes,

    very successfully ! :thumbsup:

    So if you have more wisdom, to share with us, please post it here. :coffee1:

    Would you like to share with us about all your "successfull" BUSINESSES ?. btw is that your bar on soi 8 in Pattaya ?

    About point 1 and 2 When buying a bussiness for said wife ,get married with a pre nub and if not go back to where you came from .
  12. So after all these years you've finally realised that all the things expats like to eat are either more expensive here than back home or on a level par.And all the locally produced imitation goods are sub standard and over priced.Great work.

    Try reading a little more carefully.- Why are Edam cheese and smoked salmon cheaper in Thailand than the UK?- Why aren't tomatoes cheaper here? Or whole chickens? Or bananas? All are produced locally, and all are popular here.- Why are potatoes so cheap, given that they're not a usual part of the Thai diet?Thanks for the "great work" comment, though. Appreciated.
    Yes food is cheap in Thailand,but when i go to a Thai shop in my country most Thai fruits and veggies are imported from Vietnam because the european union has a small issue with some Thai produce concerning the usage of certain pesticides wich are verboten in Europe and very bad for body.
  13. very nice to see thatl life in europe is still alot cheaper then in thailand,consumer electronics for one are alot cheaper in Belgium then Thailand what a great deal you have done by moving to thailand

    You're probably right ... So I manage buy the few consumer electronic things that I need on my once every one or two year trips to the USA including a new laptop. Just about everything else then excepting clothes/shoes is still cheaper in Thailand than USA
    A full health insurance is also cheaper in my country even when over 65 and pre excisting conditions.
  14. In the overall picture overseas remittances are a drop in the ocean. Wholesale switching of rice for rubber, and especially cheap government loans for civil servants are just two of the reasons for Isaan advancement. I was speaking to a police friend of mine the other day (he's only a low ranker), who has just got married. He was able to borrow millions, new car, house and land, sin sot etcetera. Low interest it will still take him a lifetime to repay. I've heard of nurses, doctors, teachers and other civil servants doing likewise. It means that they will have to persevere in their professions to pay back what they borrow.

    I think a few years back i read an article in the newspaper that cant be mensioned here about woman from Buriram province married to foreigners sending money home from overseas the pile of cash being mentioned in the article was not a drop in the ocean and would make the hair raise on youre back.

    I can hardly blame the ladies if the man is feeling generous or dumb.

    Aplenty of decent Thai ladies around and it's not decent to slam a region just because of a small minority profiteering from man who are not thinking things through or for the long term

    It was not my intention to slam people from a certain region in Thailand i did not write that article it was a study and poll done by a female proffesor from a big uni in Bangkok.

    Many Thai females in my country live honest lives and have decent jobs .

    • Like 1
  15. In the overall picture overseas remittances are a drop in the ocean. Wholesale switching of rice for rubber, and especially cheap government loans for civil servants are just two of the reasons for Isaan advancement. I was speaking to a police friend of mine the other day (he's only a low ranker), who has just got married. He was able to borrow millions, new car, house and land, sin sot etcetera. Low interest it will still take him a lifetime to repay. I've heard of nurses, doctors, teachers and other civil servants doing likewise. It means that they will have to persevere in their professions to pay back what they borrow.

    I think a few years back i read an article in the newspaper that cant be mensioned here about woman from Buriram province married to foreigners sending money home from overseas the pile of cash being mentioned in the article was not a drop in the ocean and would make the hair raise on youre back.
  16. And after so many years still waiting for that book "how to become a millionaire/billionaire for dummies in Thailand" to be published .For sure there is money to be made from a book like that.Ahummmmmm.......

    Instead i only get to read books about bargirl/farang relationships gone bad and the occasionel thriller about bargirl/ farang relationships gone bad tssss.......

    Lucky for me i can find beter books on the net concerning Thailand.

  17. What is it with the Belgians? Every second post has a Belgian expat in trouble! Obviuosly not well suited to live here (statistically speaking). I recommend refusing entry permits to all Belgians, it would save millions in health care and police time.

    the thing about belgians is they are even weirder than the dutch and french combined

    Your comments above are incorrect, the population of Belgium consists of three cultured backgrounds which is inclusive of three official languages, Dutch language in Flanders, France language in Wallony and the German language in the Eastern region.

    The social activities of the Belgian people are based on the three high rated European countries, France, Holland, Germany, and the nation can not be regarded as being weird, (strange, eerie, bizarre, etc ) for the activities of the Belgian bloke here.

    When individual people get involved in crime, or silly/bad activities, then that are individual matters, not national matters and their countries can not be generalized for it.

    I stand corrected:

    the thing about belgians is they are even weirder than the germans, dutch and french combined


    So just because some of Belgiums finest get in trouble in Thailand all Belgians are weirdo's.

    I'm from Belgium to and people from al different kinds of nationalities get in trouble in Thailand al the time,

    And i hope the dude in youre profile pic is not you because us Belgians don't like to be insulted be a guy with a haircut that would not even get messed up by a hurricane and you need some dental work also.

  18. I'm providing an auntie with 3k a month.In return she signed the family farm over to me, she still lives there.When she dies I can do whatever I like with it.Don't give money away.

    you can not own land or a farm in Thailand so thats 3k down the toilet for you.
  19. Would you care to quote anything recent history? i.e. in last 4 - 5 years?

    At least one of those clubs announces at the start of each meeting that no speaker or business is endorsed and they are only chosen on the basis of appearing to be in the members interest.

    Clubs cannot be responsible for arrangements of which they are unaware. 'Caveat emptor' is always the case - especially in Thailand.

    Errr nope i wont quote anything about these so called clubs because of the strict libel laws and defemation of character wich some of these "honest" business people in patters like to hide behind and i dont wont to get banned by the mods.

    But most long term expats ive met over the years are wel awere of these individuals maybe you should do some googling to catch up on things.

    The question is COULD YOU quote anything that is RECENT history?
    Mate get youre head out of youre arse and look it up on google and the drummond website and you will find cases wich are much more recent than 4 to 5 years as you are saying .
  20. Update-- Met another Canadian today that needed help with directions. My wife and I decided we should get in our car and lead him to his destination which was just a few minutes away but could be confusing to find. Ended up having lunch with he and his wife at a great local guest house/ resteraunt for Farangs in Nong Khai. Had a very cordial and polite lunch which I made sure we went Dutch on even though he wanted to pay.

    Great old gentleman of 81 years Young and Enjoying Life in Issan. It was a true pleasure to meet and talk.

    As we continued with our day of shopping I was able to say hello to a few other Farangs that were smiling and gave a great hello back.

    All this kinda made my day!

    I think many people just get stir crazy / cabin fever, going days or weeks at a stretch without just having a conversation in English (Or their native language)

    And many Issanoire can be considered to come from the 'no talk tribe' - even in put Thai. Or put Lao.

    Pick a nearby place cafe / pub etc, & just let f'lungs know to come along at a certain time each week for a drink & a chin wag. That way you can check others out before you decide to get too friendly. Mostly they're not too bad, but don't carry more than 2 big notes. ;-)

    F'lungs here are way behind the eight ball, we really need each other to help preserve sanity. That is the origin of the 2 expats clubs in Pattaya. PCEC & PEC. Google them, pop in when you visit Patters. (if you would admit to it)

    and a lot of people who joined such expat clubs in patters ended up loosing more than there sanity but the content of there bankbook according to a certain english journalist who cant be named here.
    Would you care to quote anything recent history? i.e. in last 4 - 5 years?

    At least one of those clubs announces at the start of each meeting that no speaker or business is endorsed and they are only chosen on the basis of appearing to be in the members interest.

    Clubs cannot be responsible for arrangements of which they are unaware. 'Caveat emptor' is always the case - especially in Thailand.

    Errr nope i wont quote anything about these so called clubs because of the strict libel laws and defemation of character wich some of these "honest" business people in patters like to hide behind and i dont wont to get banned by the mods.

    But most long term expats ive met over the years are wel awere of these individuals maybe you should do some googling to catch up on things.

  21. Update-- Met another Canadian today that needed help with directions. My wife and I decided we should get in our car and lead him to his destination which was just a few minutes away but could be confusing to find. Ended up having lunch with he and his wife at a great local guest house/ resteraunt for Farangs in Nong Khai. Had a very cordial and polite lunch which I made sure we went Dutch on even though he wanted to pay.

    Great old gentleman of 81 years Young and Enjoying Life in Issan. It was a true pleasure to meet and talk.

    As we continued with our day of shopping I was able to say hello to a few other Farangs that were smiling and gave a great hello back.

    All this kinda made my day!

    I think many people just get stir crazy / cabin fever, going days or weeks at a stretch without just having a conversation in English (Or their native language)

    And many Issanoire can be considered to come from the 'no talk tribe' - even in put Thai. Or put Lao.

    Pick a nearby place cafe / pub etc, & just let f'lungs know to come along at a certain time each week for a drink & a chin wag. That way you can check others out before you decide to get too friendly. Mostly they're not too bad, but don't carry more than 2 big notes. ;-)

    F'lungs here are way behind the eight ball, we really need each other to help preserve sanity. That is the origin of the 2 expats clubs in Pattaya. PCEC & PEC. Google them, pop in when you visit Patters. (if you would admit to it)

    and a lot of people who joined such expat clubs in patters ended up loosing more than there sanity but the content of there bankbook according to a certain english journalist who cant be named here.
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