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Posts posted by Kudel

  1. Lots of Khun Thai cover there dogs in used motor oil as a remedy to cure skin disease which is endemic with the Thai dog population ... it's cheaper than taking your mutt to the vets ......

    Seriously it is a genuine Thai remedy :thumbsup: ...

    I certainly considered that option.

    In fact it does smell a bit like sulpher so i thought maybe it was a home remedy and not motor oil.

    However if it is motor oil and it remains on his hair and skin that must be highly toxic.

    He looks none to happy about his state.

    I am considering shaving all his fur off but no easy task.

    It sounds like the dog is covered with heavy fuel oil /hfo wich is used by big ships its actually like liquid tarmac when heated and i have seen it on many beaches in Thailand and as a ships engineer i can tell you for sure you will not get it out of its fur only thing you can do is cut of its fur and use cloves when doing so because its highly toxic.
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  2. This "party" exhibition you describe is indeed getting more and more normal in Isan.

    And thanks to the growing poverty in the rural areas with thanks to the T-Government, things will get worse.

    There is les and less work, the 300 baht per day wage rule is not adhered to, the prices go up, and more and more people loose their jobs.

    It will get worse, trust me!

    In what world are you living in?more and more companys are investing in this country and are looking for staff all the time specially the automotive sector in the industrial center of Thailand.
  3. When was the last time Iran attacked anyone? Which country in the middle east has hundreds of illegal nuclear weapons? CIA have said Iran are not attempting to produce nuclear weapons. . Stop watching Fox News.

    Hmmm, i believe just days ago if not minutes ago.Supplying weapons to dictators is an act of attackingSupplying financial help and training for terror groups and acts is also attacking, NO?
    Yes Iran contra gate springs to mind and the cia suppleying and training the mujahideen with weapons in the Russian Afghan war we all know where that lead to.
  4. Why would you want to spend loads of money on an architekt in Thailand almost al of the condo's and farang built houses look the same allover the country unless youre victoria and david beckham who want something special and have loads of money to spend.

    The only constructian managers you wil find in isaan would have to be that chinese thai bargirl who you want to invest all youre hard earned into,ore some dodgy foreign builder companys using lokals who have no idea what there doing and and overprice everything so best of luck in losing youre money.

  5. P.S. This topic has been approved by George and Raro. Please do not delete topic.


    After going to Thailand for over twenty years and married with a Thai woman for ten years i must confess that i am a member of many Belgian/Thailand forums and blogs and almost every other week theres some guy who comes a long with some brilliant bussiness idea to make cash in Thailand so this not unique to thai visa.

    He I seems like a nice chap uni educated in Belgium and Thailand but is missing a lot of life experience and seems a little full of himself.

    But then again who am i to judge if he wants to burn a big hole in his pocket.

    One has to be determined in order to succeed in setting up a venture. I sincerely appreciate all your advice and insights and I'm far from done with my homework on this project, especially after reading some of your comments.

    when importing alcohol to thailand from a country without a free trade agreement tax is 400 procent with trade agreement is 200 procent.

    Free trade agreement only covers import duty not excise tax and vat and as i see it correctly Belgium or the European union have no free agreement as of yet thats why yinluck shinawattra had a meeting a few weeks ago in the european parlement to try and get this done but this wil still take a long time before this ever happens because of things like human rights track record in thailand.

    So youre uni educated you do the numbers .

  6. P.S. This topic has been approved by George and Raro. Please do not delete topic.


    After going to Thailand for over twenty years and married with a Thai woman for ten years i must confess that i am a member of many Belgian/Thailand forums and blogs and almost every other week theres some guy who comes a long with some brilliant bussiness idea to make cash in Thailand so this not unique to thai visa.

    He I seems like a nice chap uni educated in Belgium and Thailand but is missing a lot of life experience and seems a little full of himself.

    But then again who am i to judge if he wants to burn a big hole in his pocket.

  7. As a fellow Belgian i can only support youre initiative but i think youre a little bit too late with youre bussines concept because there are already other companys such as belgian beverage asia co ltd importing Belgiums finest beers a simple google search would already have saved you a lot of money and trouble .

    and as a side note the company i named in my post is run by a chinese thai family and i dont think they would appreciate to much competition from foreigners just rember who runs this country.
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