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Posts posted by sz1a

  1. Well, I suggest watching some documentaries about tribes and observe how they live. No one is demanding anything from anyone, shit happens, be at peace. Now apply that to Thailand and realize they have more of this mentality than us customer-ass-kissers in the west. Next time you tee off and a pack of soi dogs interrupt your game at the 7th hole a shrug of your shoulders might spare you a headache. Shit happens.

  2. I'd like to add that the bus driver might have also been undertrained in bus driving. There are safe ways of averting sudden obstacles without flipping a bus over. If it flipped it might have been going too fast and reducing reaction times.

    Let me give a farang scooter driving analogy: By looking at the amount of farangs injured in scooter accidents and crashes, one might think scooter driving is inherently dangerous. The truth however is that the farangs don't know what the <deleted> they are doing and have never been on a motorcycle before or own a license or know how to operate one safely for that matter. Locking the front brakes in a sand covered turn seem especially popular.

    Back on topic: I think the issue is the low standard for obtaining driver's licenses for various vehicles that are the culprit for the many accidents. There are safe ways of operating a vehicle in any country where you can reduce the risk to extreme outside factors and mitigate the rest of them. One way of being safe when approaching intersections where you risk being crosscut is obviously to slow down.

  3. I left Thailand after 1.5 years and didn't expect to think much of it. I went to Sweden. Now I realize how much I miss Thailand. There is more to do in Bangkok than stockholm and the fact that Thai's do have a culture is nice. I'm giving the rest of Europe a try but the idea of returning or spending 6 months or more every year in Thailand and a few in Europe seem great now. I like the laid back life and greater happiness of the average Joe in LOS. I'm okay with cold weather, I just prefer the carefree mentality of Thai's. Even if you don't live a carefree life and have responsibilities you can enjoy your spare time better. At least in northern Europe, we have so much wealth but no one seems happier because of it. Here the concern is how to squeeze more work out of people, not how to have a fulfilling lifestyle.

  4. "So why do Thais have to deal with a problem of a western culture?"

    That is a pretty ignorant question. The world is round, we share it. Thai's don't have a divine right to be protected from foreigners, borders are a man-made thing. If anything I encourage more cultural exchange so we can all learn what works and what doesn't from each other.

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