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Posts posted by Plus

  1. a police investigation team, which can be accused of not being impartial, but who have also used explosives experts in their investigation.

    As long as police are investigating themselves they can have Pope himself on their team, it won't change the predetermined outcome - police have done nothing wrong.

    As far as I remember that "investigation" was ordered by a general who tried to convince the public they'd done nothing wrong when the assault was still going on.


    That's the second excuse for posting lies - first one was "Lying is ok if you are polite". Second - "Lying is ok if you can cite some "experts" name".

    Well, this forum is no a sandbox or a courtroom - we generally don't expect posters to lie to prove their points. It's just abuse of our faith.

  2. I'm not bashing windows or anything, it's just a security concern.

    Perfect example yesterday - went to Intel site, they have a page to determine the best drivers for me. First, ActiveX bar comes up, no big deal - click and away, but this time the activeX downloaded hardware scanning tool and tried to install it, and that's when another, Windows warning came up, about running a program. That's when a regular user should have been prompted for admin password.

    Imagine it was a kid "loading" a game but the site prompted him to install some dodgy toolbar loaded with malware - he wouldn't have given it a second thought - click "ok" and continue to the game. That's how most infestations happen. Admin password would have saved him in this case.

    Of course I can set up a user account with zero password - the question is: how to get this user to login automatically on start up? Turn the computer on, go get some coffee, come back and Windows is ready. With a login prompt, even with empty password, you wait until Windows loads and takes you to login screen, then you have to click and wait another minute or two until your personall settings are loaded and all user start up programs initialised and the system finally frees its resources for you to start computing.


    Ie8 crashes on Intel's page, btw, in compatibility mode, too. I have to download and install Firefox to try again.

    I have some reasonably new drivers backed up on a hard drive already, but their setup crashed a few times even in compatibility mode with admin privileges. I now let Windows install the drivers itself - just point it to the folder where drivers are located.

    Intel graphics setup installs not just drivers but the settings manager, just like nVidia and Ati, and that settings manager apparently doesn't work under Win7, and newer, Vista compatible versions, don't have drivers for older chipsets. That's a lot of mucking about for me tonight, unless Win7 builds some sense and remembers the drivers it already installed a dozen times. I think it did a few clean restarts in the beginning, before I started adding users.

    Maybe the problem is that on start up Win sees "VGA compatible card" and tries to install it form scratch, not "Intel graphic chipset" - that's how it sees it AFTER intel drivers are installed.

    I thought I could create a restore point and somehow "freeze" windows in a state with properly loaded drivers, but I can't find "Create restore point" option in Restore System manager. What's up with that?

  3. Drivers are playing up again - they work fine, it's just Win doesn't remember them and tries to reinstall after each restart. Reinstall - need a restart, restart - need a reinstall.

    I broke the cycle again, by manually reinstalling the drivers from the CD, restarted, and the same "new hardware installed, need to restart" routine started again.

    Broke the cycle again, everything is just fine now, including sendin output to connected LCD TV, but I'm not doing any restarts for now, I want to watch a movie first.

    That's an exhausting and time consuming battle, will try to check Intel graphics downloads later, before bed.


    In that Control User passwords - can I set a user, not admin to login automatically? Admin should keep his password, btw.

    Have you seen things like that on Linux, and I guess originally on Macs - user is logged on automatically, but, as a user he can't install or do anything to the computer, he needs to provide admin password.

    Win 7 is aiming for the same funcionality, I believe - every program that tries to run, asks for permission, but, as I'm logged as admin already, they don't need my password. It's very easy to agree to install anything this way, especially if it's passing as a plugin or ActiveX control on same gaming site for kids.

    Thanks for help, btw, very appreciated.

  4. We conceded three against Manchester United and four today, so we have to improve the way we defend

    At this point I thought they should cast Wenger in Pink Panther movies.

    What has gotten into him? Where is his fighting spirit, the power, the spirit?

    I agree - they are just kids, and the coach is a "soccer mom" himself.

    They badly need someone who can impose himself on the players and the opponents, someone like Viera, someone who is not afraid to put his foot down. Wenger, it seems, is carefully trying to weed out any such personality traits from the club. He's got great skills as a manager, no doubt, but his attitude sucks.

  5. Yesterday installed it on old laptop. No drivers in Win7, but it happily accepted drivers from manufacturer CD, then weirdness started.

    I tried to set a user account for daily use, first thing - needed to install video drivers again, I had something else on my mind, so I deleted that account, then later turned on Guest, then settled on good old Microsoft way - admin with no password.

    What happened is that it lost video drivers, started reinstallin them, asked for restart, then, on the restart, installed them again, asked for another restart and so on. Eventually I broke out of that cycle by uninstalling video card comletely and settting password to Admin, don't know which one worked. Had no time to see how it behaves after restart, brace myself for another session tonight.


    Assuming video issues are solved - what's the way to set a password free user account that autologins?

  6. Without the Blue Shirts no storming of Royal Cliff, no emergency decree, no arrest of Arisaman, no attack on Abhsist's car, etc.

    Yeah, I bet 99% of Bangkok rioters haven't seen a single blue shirt themselves, but it's so convenient to blame them now.

    the occupation of government house and the airport, the use of arms are what constitutes a violent overthrow of the state,

    No it isn't. It's just occupation of government house and the airport - PAD was protesting against the government, which is only one part of the state machinery, and PAD didn't hunt for the Prime Minister to physically bring government downfall. Reds went for all of it - from Privy Council to the military to the courts to the government.

  7. I am stopping following this thread.

    If people actually start talking about the SUBSTANCE ..

    There's no substance in this plan - no neutral leaders able to pull us out of this mess.

    Instead we should be thinking how to make the best of living through the coming dark ages, I don't see any improvements for years, at best maybe three-five years of relative peace without any actual improvements before something starts to change for the better.

  8. It's predictable that you blame the Nation's demise on Thaksin, but I think that if there were an earthquake you would probably blame that on Thaksin too

    Well, there's the case of Suriya's attempted takeover of the Nation that subsequently led to its financial difficulties as the boardroom strategy has shifted from providing better journalism to staking off potential predators.

    I didn't make it up, and it happened long before PAD.

    In my personal experience, the Nation has seriously eaten in Bangkok Post marketshare in the past decade, btw.

  9. The Blue Shirts have been a major factor in the process of escalation. I would even go so far, that without the Blue Shirt attacks no Sonkran Riots would have happened.

    I could accept that blue pissed reds off into storming Royal Cliff, but riots in Bangkok?

    admit that they have to carry equally responsibility

    So, in one breath you exonerate reds of Songkran riots and talk about accepting responsibility. How can I take you seriously?

    agenda for PAD supporters to discuss, while calling the remainder of society too uneducated to take part in this "discussion".

    So not a call for overthrow of democratic system of government you accused them earlier?

    And, of course, it's absolute nonsense about excluding remainder of society from this discussion.

    But, honestly, I don't expect any logic from your posts [see the "responsibilit" part].

  10. Coup was just a necessary and unavoidable step in ridding the country of Thaksin's megalomaniac ambitions.

    It's simply naive to expect that he would have folded and retired on his own after witnessing what he has done to get back to power in the past three years. He should be stopped by all means necessary - coups, airport blockades, whatever.

  11. Which counters Abhisit's claims of "due process of the law", and "everybody is equal under the law", or "the return of the rule of the law".

    Is there any evidence that Abhisit stalls police investigation agasint blue shirts, btw? Are there any investigations? Are there any complaints filed?

    Do you have any evidence of Abhisit obstructing justice?

  12. On Oct 7 the police attacked PAD with teargas without any warning, people were trapped and fought back, and the hel_l broke loose. Police continued using their attacks all through the day even when everyone saw what those exploding canisters do to the people and PAD continued to fitht back with all available means.


    Demands to bring blue shirts to justice are reasonable but politically impossible - not enough damage has been done to strip them of Newin's protection, and Abhisit is not in the position to turn on Newin yet. That would not bring about any justice at all, only more political chaos.

  13. PAD has had, in their after coup incarnation used violence increasingly, and their admitted aim is "New Politics", which is a overthrow of the democratic system of Thailand.

    PAD took over the govt house and later the airport wihout use of violence, simply pushing numbers of people forward.

    Reds were at that stage during pre-Songkran blockades, annoying but peaceful and non-violent. Songkran has changed all that.

    And "new politics" proposal is NOT an overthrow of the democratic system, it was an idea for the society to discuss.

  14. Of course she is posting propaganda, i have never doubted this. ...

    At least she is polite while doing this, and so i have no problems with what she posts. Everybody is entitled to his/her opinions.

    Propaganda is deliberate distortion of truth, and I abhor it whether done it polite or confrontation manner. It shows extreme disrespect to fellow forum members.

    In Koo's defence - she probably truly believes in what she says, the source of the lies is not her.

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