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Posts posted by pb1936

  1. The method of using the top-hat section battens is a good one, but i have never seen it used here. The usual technique seems to be for the foil to be loose laid over the top of the rafters and welded battens and held down by the tiles - which is a very poor method and subjects the flimsy foil to movement during tile laying and to mechanical damage by the tile lugs.

    Almost invariably, the foil is damaged anyway by men climbing over the roof structure. The foil is little more than baking foil. There are more robust alternatives.

  2. Some posters have referred to a lack of education on these matters, but Thai private schools in the Chiang Mai area have proudly used Nazi / Hitler themes in their annual concerts, complete with pupils dressed in SS uniforms, waving Nazi flags, and goose-stepping around under huge Nazi banners, displaying the Nazi salute .....the point being that it seems the schools promote all this rather than educate the pupils on the facts.

  3. I live in the CM area. During the burning season, entire mountain ranges are set ablaze every year - you can see the massive dark clouds of smoke spreading for miles.

    In my mind there is no doubt that our smoke problem is produced by this burning and excuses which point the finger at neighbouring countries are rubbish.

    Thailand has no concern for the environment.

  4. Some time back, I was interested in the Bonnie 100, until I saw the price ! Triumph UK advised me that they have two factories near BKK, equipped to the same standard as UK and that their bikes made there are equal to the UK product. However, the official prices in Thailand were the same as imported machines !!

    So, this seems to have been the Thai way of saying Thankyou to Triumph for building factories here / training a skilled workforce / employing a large number of Thais / etc., by slapping on taxes equal to an import - disgraceful.

    Much hoping that the rumored price deduction is for real

  5. The Thai authorities repeatedly claim that British Police investigators will be allowed to " observe" only. According to the British media ( which I prefer to believe) this is not true.

    Can anyone imagine that a team of top-rate experienced UK Police are coming to Thailand to meekly hold hands with the RTP ? The agreement between the PM's appears to be that the UK will attend to verify the dna and investigate the human rights issue....... that is likely to be exactly what they will do, and quite right too ! If they are obstructed in this pursuit, we can expect mayhem.

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  6. So does this mean that they weren't tested the first time around? When they tested so many Burmese? They didn't test three Burmese that worked in the bar where the deceased had been right before they were murdered??!!!?!! Why wasn't there a match the first time around??

    This! Repeat 100 times.

    Is there any journalist in this country willing to ask the blatantly obvious questions or do they all just print whatever the higher ups tell them?

    The FBI confirmed that the semen was from an Asian correct? To put a rest to all this (and to prove that the police are just massively incompetent rather than horribly, horribly corrupt), let the FBI visit with these three men, collect DNA samples, and tell us all if there is a match.

    Until then, this appears so wrong in so many ways.

    What does the FBI have to do with any of this ??? The victims were British, for goodness sake !!!!

  7. The military PM is ultimately responsible for the situation in Kao Tao. If his statements are more than hollow words, he needs to get himself to the island pronto together with the new chief of the Army, a group of senior officers, and a large contingent of armed squaddies with serious determination to take control of ( and resolve ) the disgraceful investigation......and to shake down everyone associated with the current shambles.

    A substantial Army presence should then be retained until the bandits have been cleared out.

    This is a chance for the PM to show the world and the Thai people that he is serious..... but.so far, it appears that he is content to let the circus continue.

    • Like 1
  8. The winners to date in this grotesque crime are the police who have successfully delayed, confused, and failed to apprehend the guilty, even tho' they must be aware of who they are.

    However, what is really surprising is that the military PM has not intervened to clean up the hideous mess - after all, this case was a major test case for the new administration and an

    opportunity to prove themselves.

    As days pass it looks increasingly unlikely that justice will be served.

    • Like 1
  9. Here's a report from the Daily Mirror in the UK - seems to sum-up the situation clearly. It is quite obvious that the local BIB know who the killers are.

    Andy Lines has spent the last week on Koh Tao reporting on the tragic deaths of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller
    Adam Gerrard / Daily MirrorKoh-Tao.jpg
    Andy Lines at the spot where Hannah and David died

    Thailand’s top police chief shook my hand and promised he would catch the killer of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller .

    But it has been over a week now and police are absolutely no closer to solving the crime.

    I spoke to Thailand’s top police chief Somyot Poompanmoung - their equivalent of the Chief Constable of the Met Police.

    The Royal Thai Commissioner pledged the people responsible for the horrendous crime would be brought to justice.

    He seemed to be focused on the job in hand but so little progress has been made.

    First British tourists were being blamed.

    Then lowly paid Burmese immigrants.

    And then the Brits again.

    Adam Gerrard / Daily MirrorKoh-Tao.jpg
    Andy Lines speaks with Police Colonel Prachum Ruangthong

    It was only after our online Mirror exclusive over the weekend about a bust-up with gangsters in a bar that police conceded they were investigating the possibility a Thai man may have committed the crime.

    I left London last Monday and have spent a week on this beautiful remote island 50 miles from the mainland.

    There is a sinister undercurrent here I cannot quite put my finger on.

    But certainly drugs are involved.

    Many people here clearly know what REALLY happened that night.

    For the peace of mind of Hannah and David's families the police must break through this mafia style Omerta code of silence.

    It’s the least they deserve.

    To see those responsible for the murder of the pair to face justice in a Thai courtroom.

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