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Posts posted by pb1936

  1. I seem to recollect that Mr Thaksin, having been arrested on various charges, was released on Bail. He jumped Bail by fleeing the country prior to the Court Sentence, knowing ( presumably ) that he would otherwise be sent down. His departure coincided with the military coup. The tanks were around Chiang Mai on the day he left, so to what extent it was a coup rather than a pre-arranged event is perhaps questionable.

  2. Well when a Government imposes all manner of restraints and restrictions on foreign residents, denying them ownership of property and businesses, this is what happens.

    I would like to see the same inflicted on Thai nationals ( or any others from counties with similar laws ) visiting or resident in the UK, where currently any foreigner is free to buy or invest in whatever they wish.

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  3. But what about this, posted on TV today.................... ?

    Independent watchdog 'necessary'
    Pongphon Sarnsamak
    The Nation

    Foundation reminds govt of provision in charter for consumer protection bodies

    BANGKOK: -- The Foundation for Consumers yesterday called on the government to set up an independent consumer protection organisation following the discovery of packed rice contaminated with the pesticide methyl bromide.

  4. The so called " haze " is actually dense smoke pollution caused by the annual illegal torching of mountain ranges in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai Provinces ..... commonly referred to in the media as " dust ". There is no need for anyone to report it. It is a regular feature at the same time each year ( February to April ) with everywhere covered with dense smoke and an acrid smell. Nothing is ever done to stop it.

  5. There seems to be increasing corruption in all counties. together with an overall decline in standards of honesty and responsibility.

    In Thailand, everyone knows that corruption is rampant everywhere. at all levels, and is completely out of control.

    Any talk of stopping it seems impossible. The country is evidently quite happy with things as they are.

    It would be a start if some high profile figures were banged-up for a good long spell. stripped of their ill-gotten gains. and their names publicised........

    But this is never likely to happen, because they all have their fingers in the till.

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