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Posts posted by Benmart

  1. A lot of people are going to lose a lot. Including Thais. This is baby with bath water on steroids. Too inflexible and done too fast. It would be OK if there were now easier "real" visas, work permits, including legalization of online freelancing, etc. But there is not. On the condo market, no kidding, this is really bad for places like Pattaya. Cause and effect clearly not well considered on this one.

    Unfortunate as it my be, those who ignored, scoffed or circumvented the immigration laws, must now comply or leave.

    The writing has been on the walls for some time. I remember reading past posts saying something along the lines of, "It's (Immigration crackdowns) temporary and things will go back to the way it was before". "They will enforce it for a while and then go back to the same old thing".

    The cause was most probably due to the person not complying with immigration law and now they must face the effect.

    I wish luck to those that can apply for the proper visa. For those that cannot, farewell and good luck.

  2. During British area authorities send criminal and prostitute from England to colonize Australia. This is a black face of British colonization.
    However the British and after Australian  try to deport and exterminate aborigen 

    It is difficult for any country to claim the absence of the dark sides of its own history.

    I would suggest researching your own countries history before casting stones at another.
    • Like 1
  3. Give me good French cheese over the Australian excuses any day!

    While I delight in eating cheese, there seems to be more to this story than excellent French cheeses.

    Franch produces many excellent foods, wine included, as do many other countries. It also boasts open minded, forward thinking stewards of the public good. Let's hope this applies to others populations as well.

  4. These free trade agreements don't mean a damned thing when you have a thoroughly corrupt customs regime.

    No matter what duty exemption forms you have on the table, you still have to pay the man, or you will not hand over the goods.

    Trust me... I have imported from China and Malaysia and both times they totally ignored the Forms E & D respectively, you threaten to report it to their boss and they just laugh at you... The money is going to the boss anyway.

    You have nobody to complain to, police etc.... they are all corrupt and none are on your side.

    Let us see if the past practices continue. For every instance of corruption, there are likely multitudes of honest transactions that have taken place.
  5. If the parents are coming to work, then how can they bring their kids with them?

    Surely their kids can't get the necessary registration documents anyway as they are not allowed to work.

    Looks to me that the children are indeed being brought to work.

    Thailand must NEED the internationally banned child labour.

    The pint is the pound, the world around, just look at what is happening in the United States right now, from Central America... Children coming in, with no parents? Oh well.....


    Or is this just a part of Human Trafficking? Oh and I forgot, this legal, visa/vee the ones that want them.


    Some merit to your post. Mr. Kerry is a temporary appointee and doesn't merit much attention IMO. Singling out the USA on a global problem seems to be a veiled dislike for the country.

    I would like to see an example of any other major power that has brought up issues on human rights, child labor, slavery, etc. that has resulted in progress being made to combat these issues.

    The USA, for all it's failings, blunders, mistakes and misguided intentions, is not the only title holder of wayward, bigotted and corrupted thinking.

  6. If the parents are coming to work, then how can they bring their kids with them?

    Surely their kids can't get the necessary registration documents anyway as they are not allowed to work.

    Quote - "travelling back into Thailand without waiting for legal documentation".

    There's nothing new here, as this has been happening for decades. It's a chance for another organisation to reap money - simple as that.

    Many NGOs are financially strapped, are regularly audited by independent, non-affiliated international agencies and are transparent financially.

    That being said, there are always those that take opportunities, such as this, to reap profits from the pain and suffering of others.

    I prefer not to lump all or any organization into a collective entity.

  7. I would have thought that an investigation of these companies would have been absolutely routine.

    All sounds very generic what they are looking for though. Unusually rich. I thought the shins were amply rich already.

    Accumulation of wealth can be tracked via banking institutions, informants, money laundering trails, etc. It is tedious and time consuming. Let's hope the momentum continues and those found guilty are held to answer.
    • Like 1
  8. It's amazing to note that the mainstream TV news has played down the fact there was massive Cobra Gold military exercise going on in the South China Sea when the Malaysian Airlines went down. (off radar) How many 'state of the art' radar systems on boats, planes & on land would have all been possible to see where it went. But that information has been classified. Like the US's major intention of further stitching Thailand into it evil corporate control web of Neocon power. American Corporate Foreign policy has massive spiders web of strings attached. The James A Baker PR corp is the mouth piece for them & Mr Square head. Amongst all the variety of interpretations this one make a lot of sense if you have the time to listen. US shot down MH370

    Vietnam Found Malaysia Airlines 239-Passengers Missing Jet?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhba3Ck2w04 Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 FOUND By Chinese Satellite

    Cobra Gold Military exercise finished on feb 21 & the Malaysian airlines Flight 370 went missing on March 8,2014.

    I have heard there was still a US aircraft carrier in the area at the time.

    The aircraft was a Boeing 777 using Rolls Royce engines that evidently the manufacturer knows where every one of the planes using RR engines are at all times in flight.

    Also all the US satelittes in the sky there is no doubt in my mind they know exactly where the missing plane is.

    What better place to not find the plane than the middle of the Indian Ocean.

    Of course it was shot down with a missile.

    Supportive evidence that can be verified is appreciated.
  9. By law the US is obligated to reduce military spending etc. following the "overthrow" of a democratically elected government (I'm not going into the semantics of democratically). On the other hand the US doesn't follow it's laws except when it wants to, i.e. Egypt military aid, spying etc., etc., etc. The Thai general is no fool, but John Kerry certainly is. China is just waiting to pick up the pieces. It was a very bad, stupid mistake by the US, lets hope it doesn't get compounded by letting China get a real foothold here. And for the poster about 'knocking shop' (assuming that bit of slang means house of prostitution) you know nothing. This has been covered over and over again in other threads. Just a quick reminder, if they get caught with a prostitute they face courts martial. Oh thank you Buddha, it wasn't that way when I was USMC.

    Thank you for your post. Semper Fi and thank you for your service.

    Those that served understand. Those that didn't may think otherwise based on heresay, television and conjecture.

  10. What has Thailand to do with either WW I or WW II for that matter?? But I guess that these 2 countries are so a like

    that this must be the reason for participate I guess... Non of them speak any english...


    With a little research you'll find the following:

    1) Siam joined the Entente and declared war on the Central Powers (Germany & Austria-Hungary) on 28 July 1917. The country then sent an volunteer force of roughly 1,300 troops to the western front in France. This expeditionary contingent, however, did not arrive until late spring 1918, and 19 Siamese soldiers were killed until the war was over. The main reason for Siam to enter the war was to gain favor with France and Britain, the dominant colonial powers in the region. Siam had lost considerable amounts of territory particularly to France in the late 19th and early 20th century (Laos, Cambodia), but Britain also posed a threat from the south (Malaya) and west (Burma). But an additional bonus for Siam was that after declaring war on Germany they could simply take over the German-built northern railway line (to Chiang Mai) without paying a dime. The few remaining unfinished kilometers to finally connect Bangkok and Chiang Mai were eventually completed by a company from then-neutral Denmark. Siam also expropriated other German business concessions, interning their German owners and employees.

    2) In mid-1941, Japan initially "requested" from Thailand (Siam was renamed "Thailand" in 1939) - then ruled by an ultra-nationalist regime under Field Marshal Plaek Phibulsongkhram, a self-confessed admirer of Adolf Hitler - to be granted passage rights through the country to enable its impending invasions of in Burma and Malaya. The Phibulsongkhram regime initially refused, which prompted the Japanese to conduct an amphibious landing in southern Thailand on 8 December 1941. After a mere few hours of fighting, Thailand conceded and gave in to Japan's access demands. In fact, on 14 December 1941 an alliance pact was even signed between Japan and Thailand, which effectively made Thailand an ally of the Axis Powers (including Nazi Germany). Japan had now full access to the country and could use all Thai infrastructure, including airfields, railways, roads, naval bases, communications facilities, etc. As a reward for its "cooperation", Japan allowed Thailand to annex considerable territories of French-Indochina, as well as of British-Malaya and Burma, but practically all of these territory gains had to be returned again after the war. On 25 January 1942 Thailand declared war on Britain and the U.S., although the Thai ambassador to Washington refused to deliver the declaration of war, one of several main factors why Thailand was not treated as an aggressor by the Allies after the war, but instead came out as a "victor".

    They quickly switched sides once the Allies started to gain ground in SEA.
    Thank you for posting this. It saved me time doing it myself. Pibul was certainly an opportunist and knew an opportunity for power when he saw it.

    Every country, I would imagine, has dark episodes in it's history.

  11. The foreign policy of the US's 'community organizer' president has been a disaster. An article today from a 'liberal' website is just one example: 'Everyone Says John Kerry Should Stay Out of the Middle East' http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/07/13/everyone-says-john-kerry-should-stay-out-of-the-middle-east.html

    To a Thai, a true friend doesn't desert them over high-horse principles. A true friend is someone who will stick with you through thick and thin. The current administration of the US has clearly stated (by Thai standards) that it is not a friend to Thailand and will only help/cooperate with Thailand if Thailand follows the US's rules. I can't say I blame the NCPO for taking the attitude they have; in fact I admire their courage to stand up the the US pressure/threats. The US needs all the support it can get and the current administration is too dense to comprehend that. I hope that by the time a new administration is sworn in that it is not too late to repair the relationship as Thailand is strategically located and really does have some influence on the region. This is not good for Thailand either as any partnership with China will have many more 'strings' attached than one with the US.

    Your post has merit. However, I'm not a political "expert", if there is such a thing. There may be political posturing for public consumption, but I would imagine the discussions of substance take place behind closed doors. Hence, I'm in the dark about much of this as anyone else.

    My guess, and the are many on this forum, is that relationships between the USA and Thailand will warm up once the civilian government is back in place.

    As for Mr. Kerry (as well as his predecessors), I wish him well. It's a rough job. Avoided by most. Criticized by many. A appreciated by few.

  12. US is bound by their own law in how they react to a coup. I'm surprised the Thai government doesn't know that.

    What US law are you referring to? Did you even bother to read the OP?

    The exercises have been conducted every year since they began without interruption. They were even held in 2007, one year after a military coup led by retired Army General Sonthi Boonyaratglin dislodged former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

    Now, what are you surprised the Thai government didn't know? They should have let the overzealous supporters of the remains of Thaksin's puppet government continue their violence on legal, peaceful demonstrations because of the threat of US sanctions? Thailand, with this most recent action inaction has proven once again it will not be a puppet state of the US.

    The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Section 508 may be the law the poster is refering to.

    During the 2006 coup, aid was indeed suspended in certain areas, but the US Government decided to participate in the 2007 Cobra Gold Exercise. This past decision has sparked new debate about the appropriateness of that decision and how it has been applied during recent events.

    As for the US/Thailand relations. The term "Puppet State" seems to be used by those that cannot or will not see the relationships, between two sovereign countries, to negotiate treaties and trade pacts that benefit both states.

    The US and many other countries, with all their past and present faults, have contributed to the modernization of Thailand. Japan, once an occupying force in Thailand during the 1940s , is now investing enormous amounts of money into Thailand. The US, as far as I know, never invaded or occupied this country by military force. (GI's on R&R and bases here during the Vietnam War don't count). :)

    The bravado statement "...not be a puppet state", seems to attach more importance to a situation than it warrants. I would hardly describe the US as an interested Puppet Master of a rather small, inward looking, puppet show.

    This Too Shall Pass

  13. Castration for ALL sexual offences should be mandatory.

    Castration and life in prison for all sexual offences against children.

    Death penalty for rape and murder.

    "ALL" sexual offenses? Seems that prostitution and soliciting the same would qualify in your mind. There will be long lines for execution on that one.

    "ALL" sexual offenses against children. What are ALL offenses in this category? Fondling through clothing qualify in your mind?

    Please do some reseach on castration as it applies to sexual crimes. Does your definition of castration involve removal of just the testis or the penis as well?

    Don't forget arsonists, traitors, embezzlers and the like. Where do you draw the line?

    I think you and Draco share a lot in common.

  14. Prayuth could use good ole Chalerm as his poster boy for this campaign. Too much booze will turn you into a pathetic scumbag like this.

    I wonder if a plan to have off-duty cops wearing balaclavas and driving round Thailand on motorbikes executing on sight anybody drinking or suspected to be drinking alcohol would have the Thaksinites crying Hallelujah as they did during his war on drugs? Double standards, much?

    When I read garbage like the above its small wonder that General Prayuth declined the offer from Aliens to participate in the reform process. Its a Thai problem and only Thais can resolve it I believe he was quoted as saying.

    Hopefully the NCPO does not read the TV news section, the topic & comments on Thaksin's birthday alone shows you what type of farangs we have over here.

    If only the Shinawatra cabal were still the entrenched establishment your comments might have some merit. Alas, Thaksin is not the eternal dear leader he so dearly wanted to be, he is just a criminal on the run. As such, and like other criminals on the run from justice, he attracts derision from neutral readers. I think the NCPO would be unsurprised to see 99% of the Thai visa posts scorning the serial liar, violent terrorist and convicted fraudster, but they might raise an eyebrow at posts like yours that display profound distress at losing the Shin amart.

    As part of growing up, self esteem ought to increase. When this happens you might feel the urge to make a comment on a political forum. Don't be so timid, you opinion is just as valuable as anybody else.

    I prefer not to continue to to fuel the political rhetoric on a topic that is apolitical...alcolhol abuse.
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