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Posts posted by Benmart

  1. I'm sorry I don't agree with this, I live across the road from a beach in Rayong and you need to see the amount of dogs which are dumped on the beach by people from between local to Bangkok number plates. It's lovely for that one dog but what about all the others, the local temples have notices now saying they are full and can't take anymore dogs or cats.

    All this money has been raised for a dog, I love dogs and we have a 12 week old golden retriever but it is looked after. I have been attacked so many times by feral soi dogs that if I had a gun I would shoot all of them, they have attacked children and not been removed by the police. All you people saying how good she is doing should think about your motivation, it would be better if all you people would contribute to the sterilisation program.

    I started my reply only about dogs, do any of you care about people and their families which live on the streets of Thailand, I feel sorry for that dog's suffering but there are many things that the money contributed could be put to better use?. Are you all x factor tv watchers and just live for celebrity?.

    my edit, he's a soi dog how long do you expect he's going to live for?. if his life is prolonged by expensive vets fees what does that make all of you, don't post humanity because it's a dog. some of you need to travel more and see realities of this planet, if you had you wouldn't be posting about humanity.

    While your post has some merit, I a prefer to comment on the OP and not stray too far.

    Glad one small animal was rescued.

  2. The problem here is classmates; all employed to cover each other's arse.

    I remember a prob in the junior playground... when we were at war. We all made machine-gun noises that went, "D-na na na, D-na na na, D-na na na."

    One day a new boy came, and he went, "K-chow, K-chow, K-chow", and just as we were getting into serious battle, the dinner lady all dressed in pink said, "Come on boys, inside, it's spittin'. It's spittin'. It's that rain that gets you wet through."

    So we never got to the end of that war game, to see if he was on our side or not, but when summer came he had a bazooka sound, "K-boom, Kboom" and we all had to pretend to die....... wink.png

    And the moral of that was....... I have no <deleted> idea. cheesy.gif

    A terrific example of the quality of 90% of poster comments on Thai Visa

    What is quality? Data and research please.
  3. inactive post would be my bet w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

    Inactive posts, to my understanding, are intended as a method to remove the suspect from any position of authority and to closely monitor his whereabouts and activity. This gives supervisors, and others, ample time, to collect information and evidence for presentation to the prosecutor.

    If anyone has additonal information about this mechanism, other than speculation, please share it.

  4. They need to read the book "Who Moved my Cheese". Time to find another career and stop complaining. They ran an illegal business for 22 years.

    They provided a much needed service for years. They are not criminals just because they did not come from the wealthy elite who stitched this country up. They are the Thai people who have a right to make a living.

    "Much needed" or perhaps convenient? I don't know if anyone would or has starved without these businesses. I'm not an expert.

    If a crime is commited, then the person doing so is usually regarded as a criminal. I don't know if a crime was commited since I'm not an expert of this issue.

    Having the right to make a living seems reasonable enough. Doing it within the law is generally the path most people take. I don't know if that is the case here since I don't know details and am not an expert on such matters.

    Seems that I don't know a lot about this. I rely on those with first hand experience, expertise and Thai legal credentials to enlighten me.

    • Like 1
  5. The malls in Thailand and UAE caters better to them ...there is not much in a shopping mall in USA unless you want the lower end brands or generic brands

    For the higher end brands the Arabs know the best service to go along with that price tags are the boutiques in Asia where the personalized service is matched by the price tags of those items

    You may have missed the upscale mall in Hillsdale (outside of San Francisco) and the other upscale malls in Seattle, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, New York, Florida and elsewheres. Many have valet parking, limousine sevice, concierge service, premier lounges, refined dining, etc.

    I've not visted every mall in evey country, and therefore, cannot speak with authority in the same generalized manner.

    Happy Shopping.

  6. How would Thai police have handled such an eventuality in a public park?

    From personal experience in 2013, after numerous calls made by me, reporting gunfire and a fight outside a bar adjacent to my condo, two BIB arrived after everyone had run away.

    No report was taken, no evidence (shell casings in street and blood on sidewalk from a knife that was also used), no ranking officers responded, and I was never contacted, even though I provided my name and where I could be found.

    Eventually, the bar was closed only to be resurrected as another noisesome venue. I moved to Pratumnak (Pattaya neighborhood)..

    I can only guess that a report to the RTP, similar to the Cleveland incident, would have been handled in "typical" fashion, whatever that is.

    • Like 1
  7. So why does the news give this such hype when they are clearly playing on foolish superstition and peopled hopes and fears simply to make an increased profit?

    I guesd you will not be lucky or find fortune if your phone number doesnt match with Thailands set guide on lucky numbers.

    What gets me is that the Thais actually believe in this so much that they will spend a fortune to get it.

    You make this a Thai thing. Hell, I can guarantee you this would be huge in the U.S. Just look at how many people in the world buy Lottery tickets, based on their "lucky numbers". This has nothing to do with being Thai, and everything to do with being human. Oh, and irrational.
    The subject is about Thailand and Thai phone numbers, so in the case of this discussion, it appears to be "a Thai thing".
  8. The Coup leaders had plenty of time to analyze the risks management for the outcomes of a Coup, as they denied for weeks any intention of any military action and then pulled one starting at 4am, to think that anyone from a democracy would be interested in anything but elected representation from Thailand is to be in denial , the point being made is that Thai military had to stop the canker rot , however this will always fall on deaf ears with Democratic governments, they always hope that elections solve everything, this is no so in an country that the constitution had been mongeralised by former Governments, General Prayuth made the call, now Thailand has to live with it, only history will tell if this was rightcoffee1.gif .

    The coup happened in the middle of the afternoon, not 4am.

    I'm not the official time keeper of life.
  9. Get him busted, arrested and deported.

    It will keep all the sanctimonious creeps on here happy and screw up some bodies life, which is what they want.

    You will have the satisfaction that keeps you warm at night. and you will feel much better, knowing that he is in a cell somewhere.

    Alternatively, take his wife's ID for booking purposes or his driving licence.

    We are all guests here.................

    "It will keep all the sanctimonious creeps on here happy ..."

    He said sanctimoniously.

    Why not give your own opinion/advice regarding the question asked without speaking on behalf of other posters who appear to exist only in your imagination?

    The O/P had a legitimate question about what his responsibility was under the law. He is expected to record and report some information about guests to immigrations and was just trying to save himself from unnecessary grief with immigrations regulations that he did not fully understand.

    Yes, I agree. There seems to be an ample supply of self-appointed spokesmen.
  10. I'm thinking there must be more to this story... but not holding my breath for it to make any sense.

    There is often more to the story that is factual and not revealed in a short news article. If not, why a need for a judicial system?

    The experts on TV that have inside information, pass judgement, comment on appearance, nationality, and intelligence levels, must be perfect and gifted beings.

    • Like 1
  11. A dirty cop goes room temperature. I will lose much sleep over this, and will not do a little dance also.

    A man has died. No humour there. I'm not the judge, jury and executioner and don't know about the guilt of any person.

    We all will make that final journey, and some will go with the knowledge that compassion for other humans was a constant companion.

    Others may likely take their last accusing breath in solitary surroundings.

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