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Posts posted by Benmart

  1. Only one way to be safe in Pattaya.

    protect oneself

    +1...Safety starts with yourself being careful and not doing what you would never do at home. Being from the USA, I feel Pattaya is much safer then most US cities. Also the types of crime seems to be much lower in deadly violence.
    I am also from the USA and live here. I am no longer concerned with USA safety as compared to safety here in Pattaya.

    If I ever return to the USA, I will again be concerned and will forgo comparing it to Pattaya.

  2. I often read on these TV forums that we should all stop worrying about things we can do nothing about. Certainly TAT discovering that bit of Thainess would do them some good.

    I read the rhetoric coming from TAT and certainly don't worry at all. The worry is in the lap of this dysfunctional Ministry that projects, foretells, wishes and spouts all sorts of data that means little to this reader.

    "Discover Thainess" can be interpreted in a number of ways. I would imagine that the traveler who experiences greed, dishonesty and corruption will be able to to define that term and most likely will share that back in their home country.

    • Like 1
  3. I am still very saddened when i hear one one of our race (human race) refer to another as a "Big Fat Ugly one". We are all somebody's child and probably very much loved by someone near and dear to us somewhere (if we are fortunate enough). Either way, we can all show each other a bit of love to try and help somebody have a nicer day. I call that a "spiritual" way of thinking ....nothing to do with a religion.

    For some, "spirit-ual" resides in a glass bottle or can. The altar is the bar and a higher power is defined as the "proof" of the beverage consumed.

    To each their own.

  4. Normally photos of the perpetrator are displayed for the world to see...

    I wonder why they haven't done so this time?

    Could it be more BS starting to creep out ???

    Are they diverting attention to the dangers that come from Tourists???

    And away from the reality that Thailand has another tourist death in Koh Tao?

    The police and volunteers are most helpful at Soi 9 police station. One can easily go down and verify the incident.
  5. Looks like America is an amasing please if you examine the text. For example it states:

    The 41-year-old was wanted by Colorado Court for allegedly stealing using credit card swipers without authorization

    One can only assume therefore if you receive authorization you can indeed steal credit card swipers ! now who gives that authorization ?

    This is not a misquote or grammatical error by the news writer, this is actually the description of the violation on the books.

    I am pleased to read these Americans have been captured and will now be sent home to answer for their alleged offenses.

    And making Thailand a better place in the process.

    Regardless of nationality, I am pleased when any criminal is arrested and deported. As an American, I am pleased, two-times over in this case.
    • Like 2
  6. This guy's been kicking around Pattaya for years, anyone know what he does for cash?

    Work permit? Real job? He seems to just go to the beach and walk around all day with no shirt on.

    Not my business how people earn their money, if they have a work permit, if they have a "real" job or what they wear.

    For accurate answers, perhaps asking him would be an option. He walks Beach Road frequently.

  7. There is a solution

    Ban all watercraft from beach areas therefore these dangerous killers will not be needed

    If people want a speedboat to Koh Larn then use the Bali Hi - there is no need to have them running a ferry service from the beaches - and as for jet skis well we all know what we would do with them

    Time for change - the local authorities have been unable to do anything more than talk about it - bring in people that actually do stuff and not just hold meetings

    Ban, ban, ban. Please go home or stop complaining. You can't protect stupid people from themselves.

    Not my place to tell anyone to go home. Not my place to determine who is stupid. Some do that quite well in writing.

  8. Not uncommon in Thailand some people to speak with their a$$e and not with their mouth.

    If this had happened in Europe, the guy would have been dismissed immediately.

    But this is Thailand...............

    If this was written by a male, he should be castrated, preferable with a rusty penknife and two bricks.

    And if a female she should be sterilised and have any kids she has taken of her.

    And the writer of such punishment seems to have been transported through time, from the Middle Ages.
  9. When the sun is out, some complain about the heat.

    When it's raining, some complain about the lack of sun.

    When an event is held, some criticize for various reasons.

    When there is a lack of activity, some criticize for a various reasons.

    I prefer to watch the world run it's path without my attempts to alter its course.

  10. Not too many countries give priority to pedestrians at zebra crossings

    Well, certainly not Asian countries, but definitely Europe and the UK, Australia, New Zealand.

    In Australia, zebra crossings have a large zig-zag strip painted on the road before each crossing, so drivers have some warning.

    US, Canada. Canada seriously so. I worked in Chicago and would take trips to Toronto often and amazed me how well obeyed they were at the crossings. If you just look like you are going to step onto the crossing the cars just stop.

    And that is the way it should be,in the UK we have it drilled into us at a young age: "Pedestrians have the right of way" I see nothing wrong in that! shouldn't we be thinking about the old, infirmed ,invalids,who are positively terrified of crossing the road! <deleted> can't we take a little bit of pride,by helping these people? or have we got too callous to care?

    What mean "we" Kimosabe?

    "We" don't run this country. The Thais do.

    I don't run this, or any other country. However, when I drive here, I yield to pedestrians when safe to do so. Sometimes the cars behind me go around and are a danger for those I have yielded to. I take that into consideration as best I (not we) can.

  11. Apart from that, the park is also teeming with wild creatures such as elephants, gaurs, red bulls, carabao daeng and tigers.

    TEEM :be full of or swarming with."every garden is teeming with wildlife"synonyms: be full of, be filled with, be alive with, be brimming with, abound in, be swarming with, be aswarm with;

    Perhaps a slight exaggeration.One might say the Serengeti is teeming with wildebeest and zebra at certain times of the year.

    The only things in Thailand that teem are the occasional rainstorm and Bangkok's notorious traffic.

    I fear much of the wildlife has been poached, stolen or is in deep hiding well away from humans.

    Go back and read post #9 that you made on this forum topic: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/753257-met-dept-forecasts-heavy-rains-in-thailands-north-and-isaan/

    Weren't you the one who told other members here to not find fault on news articles? Yet you're doing it yourself directly on this thread. You're such a hypocrite.

    The first sentence seems to have been sufficient enough.

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