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Posts posted by Benmart

  1. The government has been reformed. Now is a good time to reform and decentralize the Royal Thai Police.

    Provincial Governors and Mayors are powerless in any attempts to oversee the police as the police now answer to distant Bangkok. It appears there is little accountability to the local governments and the people they serve.

    Criminals, both domestic and trans-national, will continue to take advantage of this centralized police organization.

  2. Some years back, an English girl was raped and murdered on Lamai Beach on New Years Eve. It made for big news in the UK.

    2 days later, an english friend got a call from his mother - isn't that where you live, it looks absolutely beautiful. He said "yeah, if you don't mind being raped and murdered" to which his mother replied "I could be raped and murdered in my own home." (as related to me).

    Millions of people who had never heard of koh Tao will now know of it and its attractions. Once the crime is solved and the hullaballoo dies down, tourism will actually increase IMHO.

    'There's no such thing as bad publicity.' P T Barnum

    No such thing as bad publicity, unless you are the victim or the families and friends left behind.

  3. I refuse to believe my heroes in the very efficient and totally transparent TAT would ever report inaccurate or misleading data and they would never do it deliberately, would they ?

    After reading the article, it appears any doubt about the inaccuracy of data is a moot point. The horse is dead and time time to get off and move forward.
  4. Crimes of such magnitude should not qualify for discounts based on the age of the perpetrator or how much time has elapsed since the crime was commited.

    If so, what age or time elapsed is the cutoff for future crimes against humanity?

    It's easy to feel sorry for a sick and frail 93 year old. I feel much more compassion for those that were murdered and their descendants who live with the memories of the horrors commited.

    • Like 1
  5. I can assure you, as i was there too, after talking for one hour with the friendly officers at immigration, that this is NOT because 2 months absence from Thailand (and i speak thai fluently), this is because THEY DO NOT ACCEPT re-entry permit for thai student visa (Thai student visas are the next crack down, together with back to back TOURIST VISA as it is the 2 other solutions for people working illegally here, after the Exemped Visa run option which is dead).

    Now you believe me or not. I just want to advise people that would be in this situation that they should not take for grounded that, if they have a visa (touristic or education, the others are still OK), they will for sure be able to enter.

    With best regards.

    Thank you for your initial posting and explanation. It's good information for me to pass on to others. As in all cases, I recommend that people check with immigration directly before departing.

    That being said, things are changing and nothing is guaranteed when reentering the country.

    Good luck all.

    • Like 1
  6. "On September 19, the southwest monsoon is expected to begin winding down, allowing the majority of Thailand to enjoy drier conditions, with rain possible in 40-60 percent of the area."

    Typical ThaiMet expertise at work. They know exact date when season changes. Then drier but still 40-60% rainy. Might as well just say "we don't know... krap" ;-)

    A forecast is a prediction or estimate of a future event or trend and not what will definitely happen. I keep that in mind when reading the weather bulletins.
  7. I am pissed off and anyone who takes their own life in any manner. Weak weak characters one an all. The dam choice of the method took a plan to do it this way. Why? To chatter someone living. I hope she suffered terribly for her last breath on earth for her weak stupid act.

    Suicide can be considered a selfish act since it leaves numerous family members and others to suffer as well.

    I would recommend some research on the topic of suicide, which may expand an understanding as to why people take their own lives.

    Weakness of character and stupidity often resides in those who wish terrible suffering to any person, regards of the mechanism of death.

  8. I believe most people read this and feel compassion and sadness for the woman, who ended her life in such a gruesome manner. They are the silent majority.

    There are others, whose lives are so lacking in compassion, that they use incidents such as this as an opportunity to invent jokes or otherwise show their defective and adolescent wit. They, fortunately, are in the minority.

    A persons true worth is not measured by the material or by the quantity of intoxicants one can consume, but how one perceives and treats others, particularly when the others are in distress.

    • Like 2
  9. I believe one right we all have is to surrender our own lives if we choose to, and our reasons are our own. From the reports this is what she chose do to. The shoes is the odd part, but maybe that was just from habit.

    Yes, they're obsessed with taking their shoes off here.

    And some are obsessed with making fun out of the suffering of others.
    • Like 2
  10. One of Millers friends has been detained. Police believe it could possibly be a migrant worker. Why do Thais never want to admit responsibility. How could they possibly know that the cctv footage is a migrant worker?

    Lots of unknowns. I try to practice patience, as I'm not in charge.

    As for the "Why do Thais never want to admit responsibility". This seems similar to what is said back home, by bigots, about certain groups.

  11. The headline seems to imply that the injured workers collapsed inside the building. But newspaper editors aren't hired for their English skills, are they?

    I hope the workers recover quickly. This type of disaster occurs too often here. How can anyone trust the integrity of any structure in Thailand?

    The first paragraph could be directed to the news paper that printed the story.

    It may be a small contribution in helping to improve their English skills and would be more constructive than sharing it with TVF.

    • Like 1
  12. After falling 10 meters, there are lots of things you can die from besides lung injuries.

    Like poorly performed CPR which causes lung injuries.
    I wasn't there and didn't attend the poor man. Perhaps someone that was, or attended him, would know more.

    "Properly" executed CPR can fracture ribs, which in turn can lacerate various internal organs. Fractured ribs, can also do the same to the organs during the mechanism of injury.

    Landing on a coconut can fracture ribs, as can landing on a rock. Landing on ones inwardly-placed arm can fracture ribs. Landing on flat ground can fracture ribs.

    All is speculation since I wasn't there.

    • Like 1
  13. Good article.

    When the tourist is scammed or otherwise taken advantage of it is another nail in the coffin of Thai tourism.

    When the scammers are comprised of ill-educated, unregulated, unsupervised, dishonest and short-sighted thugs, then the cycle continues.

    I've discreetly warned several dozens of tourists to be wary of the vultures on Pattaya Beach. I will continue to do so very carefully, as I know the vultures have sharp beaks and talons.

  14. Almost as silly as believing in religion. In fact, I'm sure that many religious people would have a good giggle at this, then turn right around with a serious face and ask an imaginary, omnipresent, supernatural being for help and advice.

    Most people, I would imagine, believe in something. The more enlightened of them respect those that don't.
  15. Welcome to thailand. Farangs always get ripped! ;)

    Then again, it would be safer to replace all worn out parts.

    Farangs don't "always get ripped". I'm one. I live in Thailand and I haven't seen where I've been "ripped"(off).

    When under the influence of drink, drugs or altered thinking, then I suppose "always" could apply.

    As for the parts. When in doubt, change them out. It's a personal choice.

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