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Posts posted by Benmart

  1. very easy solution,put the a/c on..(if u have one)

    Is that a yes or a no?

    I agreed with the OP. It is a warmer September than usual.

    Just checked 30 and not even noon yet.

    I love the "Is that a yes or a no?". Very nice. :)

    "The very esy solution...." is an example of someone that lacks meaningful input and substitutues a boring bon mot in it's place.

  2. One can always count on the always lurking ThaiVisa Vulture Squad not to miss an opportunity such as this to put forth their snide and malicious postulations like sniggering adolescents. What sad cases you must be to take such obvious pleasure from anothers misfortune.

    A tragedy for the victim and those who cared for him and certainly a story, the whole truth of which will probably never be known.

    I agree dddave.

    Fortunately, the TVVS squad is in the minority. They are the most bothersome of creatures, fueled by sadness, hate and resentments which they are happy to share annonymously. They seem to lack compassion for the injured, dead and other unfortunates that are posted on the TVF.

    As in all things, the cycle of life has a method for claiming these pathetic souls. Their end will most likely be a blank epitaph in the memories of those that they have hurt and offended.

    "Live and Let Live"

  3. I know I don't want to be hanged, so I don't traffic drugs into Singapore. I don't want to be marched out into a field and shot, so I don't traffic drugs into china. How about we don't take drugs into countries that have death penalty for doing so.... how about we just don't traffic drugs.

    I take it you are talking about drugs of addiction. Like alcohol and tobacco.

    Most likely "illegal drugs" by statute of the concerned country.

    Alcohol and tobacco are controlled and legal in China. Each country has its own laws and I'm not in a position to criticize them.

    There are countries where alcohol is banned. It's up to them.

    Obeyance of any law is voluntary. The penalty for violating them is a personal responsibility.

  4. I did not know Russia was part of Europe. I thought it was part of Asia...................hmmmm and they hold the lions share of visitors. Either I am wrong or the writer of this post needs to go back to school and learn Geography.

    It is a very large country and seems to straddle both, geographically and otherwise.

    A cosmopolitan resident of St. Petersburg would possibly disagree that they are "Asian". A citizen living south of Irkutsk, near Mongolia, might not consider themselves "European".

    I suppose it could be a discussion for the academics and perhaps there is no right or wrong in either position.

  5. I don't understand what people have against Russians as I always found them the nicest, and some of the most cultured people around.


    While Russians are usually good-hearted and loyal, and some of them can be cultured and polite (when educated), many of them remain very rough at the edges, confrontative and noisy, especially their lo-so.

    From my world-wide travels, every country has the good, the bad and the ugly. Fortunately, the good seems to outnumber the others. The bad and ugly are just more noticeable.
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  6. They should extend that to ANY Government Official, especially Police/Military and stop moving them to "inactive posts" . . . just sack them if they can't do their jobs or are corrupt.

    "Inactive posts" are a method to remove, segregate and monitor subjects while an investigation takes place to ferret out and punish wrongdoers. One doesn't leave them at their old job while disciplinary or criminal action is being taken.

    Sacking is fine. Getting to the root cause and uncovering their colleagues/conspirators is desirable as well.

  7. Nothing wrong with clear, concise messages. I hope the other fella had a similar experience. When the Police gain some respect then Thailand will be a better place. Locals, Foreigners who live here and visitors who come here should respect a " code of conduct " of some sort. I don't think it's very clear to many- but there is always hope !

    A few more " wannabe tough guys " given a good kicking by the Police is a good starting point. Apply it everywhere where lawlessness seems to prevail !

    The police, in most countries, use a minimum of physical force to:

    Affect the arrest

    Protect themselves and others from injury

    And to stop the threat

    Whatever constitutes a "good kicking..." would be extremely difficult to articulate in a court room as a defense matter.

    I've never seen the definition of "wannabe tough guys" in any statue, ordinance or codified law. I've also never seen or used it in any crime report.

    When I wore the uniform, I'd be hard pressed to explain in court why I had given a "wannabe" a "hard kicking". I would have been reflecting on my past actions during my stay at the Cross-Bar Hotel had my use of force been judged unlawful.

    "Those that advocate gratuitous violence are in the same company as those that commit it".


    • Like 1
  8. Mistreatment? If the Pattaya Police had beaten the crap out of him while he was in custody...then we may have some cause for alarm...

    When the police take someone into custody, they are responsible for the safety, health and welfare of the person arrested. This includes prompt medical treatment, regardless if the injury occurred before or after the arrest.

    Visit Soi 9 Police Station to confirm this. They are open 24/7.

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  9. Google simply cannot be trusted, everything you do on google is monitored.

    My bank account is monitored. My credit card is monitored. My travel is monitored. My passport is monitored. My spending habits are monitored. My phone is monitored.

    My Web surfing is monitored. My driving is monitored. Life and death is monitored. Social media is monitored. This forum in monitored.

    Google is the least of my concern.

    Trust, caution and paranoia are often close neighbors. Sometimes they don't speak to one another, but remain in their own yards behind locked gates.

  10. 7 people about to be served. They will be tipped off ahead of time and the bidding will begin and come Monday, not a single one of them will be in a jail cell. Any bets?

    "The Freedom Beach case has been under investigation for years and in 2012 the CSU reported its suspicions to the Land Department in a bid to stop the land title upgrade to Chanote on the grounds that the land was part of national forest in the Nakkerd Hills."

    I don't think any of these people are being tipped off. I just hope they are wondering how they can wriggle out of this, other than running away. My hope is that all these sort of corrupt practices will be stopped. Yes, I do dream on ...

    Agree. No dream, Sir.

    There is a new Sheriff in town.

  11. This is a very encouraging start into government official's corrupt and illegal money making deals.

    I agree, unless they are treated like the RTP and are just moved to an inactive post..

    When high ranking RTP are administratively moved to an inactive post in Bangkok, it may be to remove them from "power" so they cannot continue past behaviors; prevent them from influencing others by use of office; ensure their proximity for further proceedings; to provide time to complete investigations that lead to their removal; and to prepare judicial and non-judicial briefs.

    It may be an empty desk, with few resources and a convenient place to park them until the hammer falls.

  12. This cannot possibly be correct as the Laotians are inferior to Thais and here in Isan most definitely looked down on.

    Just the stupid attitude which means the problem will never be cured...

    Ego is the biggest problem the world over...

    Famine, disease and war causes more deaths than ego, in my estimation.

    While ego may be a contributory factor, in some instances, it would seem simplistic to attribute it as the main or "biggest" problem world over.

  13. How about teaching Thais how to manage money?

    Probably better to start with Americans, as they are the world's biggest borrowers.
    Ireland, I believe, has the highest household debt of any country, followed by the UK.

    Google the subject and decide for yourself which data to believe.

    "Assumptions are often fueled by a lack of curiosity to research".

    - Me

  14. ...what is ' a standard sentence' for 'armed robbery' in the rest of the world......

    ...if it is a few hundred baht or a few days here.....is it hard to understand why crime is rising.....

    ...especially also being lenient if they 'confess...and explain how they needed the money'.....

    ...it seems that that's how it works with children....tell them to say 'Sorry, I won't do it again.....'......and that ends that......???

    Seems like Thailand has severe punishments for armed robbery.


    As Amended by the Criminal Code (No. 17), B.E. 2547 (2003)



    "Section 340 Whoever with three persons upwards participate in committing robbery, such persons are said to commit gang-robbery, and shall be punished with imprisonment of ten to fifteen years and fined of twenty thousand to thirty thousand Baht.

    If in the commission of the gang-robbery, even one of the offenders carries arms, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment of twelve to twenty years and fined of twenty-four thousand to forty thousand Baht.If the gang-robbery causes grievous bodily harm to the other person, the offender shall be punished with imprisonment for life or imprisonment of fifteen to twenty years.".

    Let justice take its course.

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