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Posts posted by Benmart

  1. I hope more action is done by the police to stop motorbikes doing stupid things like this... Ive nearly hit a few of those imbeciles.... I may get a bullbar put on the car so I dont have to consider swerving out of the way for them

    While a bullbar may be an poor option, I would recommend defensive driving as an alternative. A body coming through the windscreen may injure or kill you and/or your passengers.
  2. What's the big deal, ??? If she was happy to be dancing naked , that's fine...

    Thailand needs to move into the 21st Century , there views about nudity are a bit prehistoric....


    Attended by service members in uniform.

    Nudity, which is most probably prohibited by Thai,law

    Most probably violating military regulations as they pertain to discrediting the service

    The military, in many countries, often conducts itself in a manner which may seem alien to civilians who have never served.

    Conduct that is contrary to military regulations; brings discredit to the uniform or service; or is prejudicial to diacipline and good order is serious business to those responsible for the conduct of their subordinates.

    Nudity, and other behaviors, while considered 21st Century in some circles, are often prohibited by those entrusted with more than casual and non-uniformed lifestyles.

  3. they are called BULLETS

    Bullets to bring down a jet aircraft? How many? Where did they hit the plane? What caliber? From what type firearm? From the ground or from the air? Anti-aircraft shells? Kinetic energy projectiles? Fired from where? Chances of hitting a jet aircraft with a bullet? Bullets? Didn't read that anywhere.

    I don't know anymore than anyone else, unless of course, they have more information from some other source.

    If that is the case, please share it with this uninformed reader.

  4. And yet, they keep on building like there is no tomorrow and that the whole of Russia,

    China and other countries will be buying condos there, I foresee a super humongous

    slump in the very near future in Pattaya RE, the smallest problem/scare there will

    the RE market tumbling down like a bolder of a mountain...

    i foresee to see postings like yours for years to come as i saw them for the last eight years. not limited to Pattaya real estate but also the Thai economy as well as the Baht falling into an abyss "like a boulder off a mountain".

    keep up the good job amusing me wai2.gif

    Google, "Forbes Thai economy 1997".

    Granted the economic collapse was regional and not just Thailand, but some of the same indicators from 1997 are being replayed today.

    Those affected in 1997 were hardly amused.

  5. I thought F.A.S.T. was

    Find cash or credit card on patient, if

    Available continue treatment, if not



    perhaps that's why Bangkok Hospital didn't say.

    Some outside of the healthcare idustry seem to subscribe to a different F.A.S.T:

    F oolish

    A nticipation

    S tops

    T hinking

    Get insurance if at all possible. Per-register at a hospital of choice. Provide that information to trusted friends in the event of an emergency.

  6. How can the GBP crash? If all the Scottish Pounds were recalled and destroyed that would mean the GBP is more valuable.

    However the Scots want everything their way. They want to keep the Pound and their right of travel and work in Europe etc.

    The Scots are no different from most people I've met in my world travels, including myself. I want what I want, when I want and quickly. Lots of work changing my mindset.
    • Like 1
  7. 2 strokes in my family in a month. Dad and brother in law.. lucky they got to hospital quick and damage very minimal.

    Bangkok traffic scares me because this is going to reduce the time and chance for successful recovery. But good to know there is a team on hand.

    The heart attack when you get the bill will probably kill you though!
    One can always find a cloud, even on the sunniest of days.

    Most things come with a price, including insurance, if avilable. The other option is to exercise choice and do nothing. No one is forced to seek medical attention or receive a bill as mentioned.

  8. They don't mention viagra and relatively cheap pooosssy, but u don't expect Thai officialdom to be in touch with reality.

    In fact, pooossy must be a huge contributor to Thailand's economy.

    It has been said that if Thailand didn't have poooosssy it wouldn't have an international airport

    Thainess prevails

    Very difficult to gauge the validity of the post. Very simple to determine the mind set.

    Sobriety helps to prevent multiple key strokes.

  9. In defense of his dress, if the police bust into every condo occupied by a Farang, they would probably find a guy walking around in his boxers without a shirt, I know I do.

    But what idiot keeps weed in a safe? first place cops would look

    Weeeeeeeeell, I think anyone arrested in a non violent way would be allowed to dress.

    I wasn't there. Fast experience back home, when arresting someone, pants or shorts are enough clothing to wear on the way to jail. If the arrestee is booked, apparel is provided.

    Thailand may be different, but afterall, it's not a fashion show.

  10. using the "LURE" word is not a wise marketing ploy, might work on the population of Asia but farangs know very well what the word means. The word automatically sets off alarms and indicates it is a scam and a trap. Dump your marketing company because they are killing you.

    I agree. Every time I see that used in marketing, I think of a fishing lure and the tourist is the fish.

    Lure them in, gut them (get as much money as fast as possible), chop off the head (cheat and scam them) and chuck them back into water.

    • Like 2
  11. I learned from reading TV that there are some of the most vile, ill humored, dull, nasty minded, alcoholic, nay-saying Brits typing on the TV comments.

    I learned from reading the Yahoo News comments re Thailand that there are some of the most vile, ill humored, dull, nasty minded, alcoholic, nay-saying, ignorant Westerners and Brits typing on those comments, too.

    Thailand has taught me that there are real, genuine Buddhist people in the world and thank Buddha for them.wai.gif

    I've learned that my appreciation of people and the world, has gotten better in Thailand.

    Some of the appreciation is due to their distance from Thailand and me.

    Some of the appreciation is due to self-inventory and acceptance that they are who they are.

    Some of the appreciation is that I see the world through eyes much improved by the reduction of my hate and bigotry.

    I try not to be vile, ill humored, dull, nasty minded, alcoholic, nay-saying or ignorant. I try to tolerate those that are.

  12. I thought Thailand was a third-world country which had great potential to become something much better.

    My big surprise has been to learn it is going absolutely nowhere. Corruption and greed destroy anything good before it has chance to take root.

    It's this kind of over-generalisation that I find nonsensical. There is plenty of corruption and greed but not so much that it destroys anything good. Plenty good in Thailand. It just gets better and better each year.


    Sadly, the reality is that no place gets better and better each year.

    For some, it just gets more bitter and more bitter each year.

    When one lets go and try's not to control, life becomes enjoyable and less a game of struggle.

    • Like 1
  13. As one who lives in California, I am faced with this stupid law every time I goes to the store. I don't so much mind using paper instead of plastic but I do mind the state or local government mandating a 10 cent charge on each bag. When I was growing up the grocery story or drug store provided this as part of doing business. Today the do gooders think they have to make a point of everything. If you are going to outlaw the plastic, fine, but don't tell the stores and public how they must deal with the consequences. Just let the retail outlets build the cost of the paper bags into the cost of doing business like it used to be. Like everything else the politicians and do gooders get involved in, they seem to think they need to micromanage everything. Next they will figure out how to tax the paper bags in an attempt to cut down the use and save the trees.

    The damn government encourages population growth by the income tax structure and then is constantly passing laws and regulations to deal with the crap the people generate. Less people might just equal less pollution.

    I retired, left California and now live full-time in Thailand.

    I found that voting for limited options, complaining and wringing my hands was affecting my inner peace.

    Here in Thailand, I live and let live. I also take my own bags to the store and life goes on.

    Easy Does It.

  14. these people are so dumb ...even if 1 province is still under Marshall law ..travel Insurance company's view the whole Country as such

    still rocket science is not a thai speciality just like common sense

    Those that cast the wide net of bigoted generalizations, also seem a good fit into the common sense void.

    By the way, I believe it's martial law, as opposed to the law enforcement type Marshal(l).

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