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Everything posted by Puwa

  1. Lately, the midriffs.
  2. JGMS '71-74 Legion of Mary '75 Reconstruction '79 JGB '80... If you know, you know
  3. I think consumers in Thailand will continue to enjoy surplus pricing because tourism creates huge demand volume. The margins are smaller but the market is immense. THC content matters but only up to a point. Enjoyment is subjective--different people like different things. Experienced smokers know that the difference between 30% and 38% is not worth a 4x premium.
  4. Sounds like your juristic person has been resurrected from ancient DNA. Roll a fatty, call Jeff Goldblum.
  5. A terrible tragedy, right before they arrived at their destination. Since the witness said that the SUV was struggling to climb the hill, it's possible that the engine stalled, the brakes and steering lost power, and the driver didn't engage the emergency brake in time. Just realizing that the brake pedal has gone stiff could cost a second or two of valuable time. I wonder what gear the transmission was found in. A flustered driver might shift a stalled car into neutral, and then without power brakes on the steep road, gravity takes over.
  6. This thread is hilarious. Did Edith Clampton retire up North?
  7. Hey there highly educated forum geniuses and global education experts, "Pladao" is Thai for Starfish. https://www.starfishedu.org/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starfish_Country_Home_School_Foundation
  8. I've learned a little bit about latest developments in high quality, affordable hifi from this YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@cheapaudioman?si=rLew1etf46absabA. The new generation of class d amps and tube amps/preamps, as well as streamers and dacs, is a revelation.
  9. Pedro, you did the right thing by connecting with other parents. School administrators generally know how to handle one case, one family, at a time, and are even willing to lose one here and there to "protect" the school. Once you have three families or more, watch the dynamics change. I'm sure you will be able to deal with the boys, and you can probably make the school commit to safety. Tell the school that you want a permanent safety committee made up of parents and students, who will invite participation from the faculty or administration. Find the most capable mother to reach out to others, the most capable father, the most trusted teacher, one outside expert, and girls from each mathayom grade. Start with girls because they have been the ones mistreated. Soon enough safety will encompass bullying, mistreatment by teachers etc. If one school gets it right, other international schools may follow, because it's a reputational thing for them.
  10. Wait there, are you saying he committed two offenses? You have a real knack for criminal investigation!
  11. You seem to have extensive knowledge of the public urinal scene, Sherlock.
  12. Casinos wont save the Thai economy. Better to break up monopolies, invest in the workforce, tackle corruption, preserve the environment.
  13. Suvannabhumi has been a mess since the day it opened, so any kind of pressure from above is a welcome change.
  14. Do you mean that it is actually impossible to enter or exit your driveway, or just that it requires an inconvenient maneuver on your part, and you resent the imposition? Have you tried to pull in and out, and what happened when you tried? Thai people are generally pretty reasonable (including off duty cops), and if the car is truly blocking, as opposed to just annoying you, they would understand the dilemma. But if it's just a bit too close for your comfort, but not literally blocking you, then just get over it. If, on the other hand, the neighbors truly dislike your household for some reason, then the unmoved car is a deliberate message that you are unwelcome and should go away.
  15. Try Fahrenheit?
  16. Love this Sativa!
  17. Thank god there was solace in the tumult.
  18. Don't throw stones?
  19. Do you carry extra coverage in case you fall off your high horse?
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