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Everything posted by Puwa

  1. Maybe he has a death wish.
  2. I love the UK, but you guys have to abandon all this Lord-Lady foolishness. Would you like to borrow some Kardashians instead?
  3. No but I had one bizarre experience back in about 2005. On a road trip with my family, just starting out from Chiang Mai, we stopped for fuel on the superhighway heading out of town. I went to relieve myself at the urinal around back, as one does, and there were a couple of guys doing the same. While we were there, another Thai guy came in, saw me there, and started talking sh*t out loud, to the effect of, "Look at this white guy in here, I guess he's not afraid of getting his a$s kicked. We could take him down." (in thai it was something like, oho, mee kon kaow duay, mun my gluwa don dtet rue? ow mai la?") I took a quick read of the other guys, who seemed uninterested, so I zipped up, turned around, and gave my best expressionless, cold-eyed stare at the talker to let him know I understood what he said. He shuffled off. If those guys had been game, I would have been totally f*cked. Again, it was one event in like 30 years, but still a reminder that there are some psychos out there looking for trouble.
  4. Welcome back Bruce! I can't answer your questions with particular recommendations, but I can suggest a strategy: use your daylife to make your nightlife. When you go out for meals, massages, or when you chat with the staff of your hotel or condo or whatever, make a point of being especially friendly and outgoing. Tell them a bit about your past life here, and about your life back home today with your family. Mention that the city has changed and that your old friends have moved away. If you strike up a good conversation, ask for advice. And if you like them, invite them to grab a friend or two and come along. There's a good chance you'll find a night out with some new friends. Not necessarily a pickup or hookup, but a way to enjoy the city with some locals without pounding the pavement all alone. Sure you may have to compromise on your wishlist, but the actual experience will surpass the imagined and unfulfilled one. Having written all that, I see that the original post is a few weeks old already. Hope this helps. Enjoy!
  5. If you read the link posted above you will learn much more about what happened, with footnotes and citations.
  6. http://www.humanrights.asia/resources/journals-magazines/article2/special-report-extrajudicial-killings-of-alleged-drug-dealers-in-thailand/a-chronology-of-thailands-war-on-drugs/
  7. Chiang Mai Vision Center (Soon Sai Da) 18/2 Ratvithi Rd,
  8. The reason is a covid outbreak among consular staff
  9. 53, first came at 24. With breaks here and there, it's been 21 years residing in thailand, stretched out over 29 years.
  10. It's a cargo shorts rebellion!
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