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Posts posted by Maybole

  1. Since there was no chance of fire and the weather outside was heavy rain, the best place was inside the relatively intact aircraft. Also it would be difficult to get evacuating busses to the aircraft quickly on a dark  night  and muddy airfield.. Furthermore, having observed several evacuations on to airfields in the past, I can assure you that passengers tend to scatter and trying to find them all in the dark is difficult.

  2. About 3 weeks ago one of the semi feral cats which hang about our house gave birth to a litter.  This morning, Sister-in-law found 4 kittens under a discarded quilt. We put them in a box and moved them to a safer place. A few minutes later we saw the mother running away with one kitten in her mouth and by midday had taken another two. However, by evening the remaining kitten was still in the box and we believe his mother has abandoned him. We have been feeding him fortified goats milk which consumed happily.

    I am unhappy that this food may be inadequate. Has any member experience of feeding unweaned kittens, and can recommend a better  food? How often should he be fed?

    There no Vet nearby that I can consult.

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  3. 1 hour ago, 86Tiger said:

    Sounds like you have a very friendly, cooperative branch.  Why would you ever go back to the original?  What advantage or reason would you care what the "original" branch is?


    I opened a Kasikorn account in Patts in 2013.  I have never been to that branch after 2013.  Use phone app for everything and any branch I happen into if in person service needed {like change passport number} be it Patts, Bangkok or Udon take care of anything I need qwikly and very happily.

    I have a renewal of extension to do soon, I wil lwait till after that

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  4. When I retired to Thailand, we lived initially with our daughter and I opened an account with the nearest bank. The staff were very helpful but would not allow me an ATM card, -" Farang not allowed".

    Later, we moved to our own house and the nearest branch was in Hang Dong. Earlier this year I inquired at Hang Dong If I could open another account AND get an ATM card. "No need" A very peasant middle aged lady, who spoke good English, told me. I" I can do now". She needed my pink ID card and a photograph, which I had with me. Together we filled in a form and authorised payment of the issue and annual fees and she gave me a card on the spot. All done in 5 mins.

    On Monday I went to the original branch to ask them to update their records to show my new passport number. I was told I needed a letter from UK Embassy giving the bank permission to do so. My daughter, who was with me, remonstrated that this was unnecessary, but was abruptly rebuffed. My daughter threatened to close the account and go to another bank. She was told that this would result in my account being frozen. I should note that the branch manager was not in the bank at the time and none of the staff would speak English. We left.

    Yesterday, I was in Hang Dong and decided to try the bank branch there. The difference was unbelievable,. A very pleasant lady of about 30, who spoke good English guided me through 2 forms, photocopied both passports and my pink card and completed the change in less than 10 minutes. Thn she thanked me for taking the trouble keep them informed. I intend to change my account to Hang Dong branch.

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  5. Based on reports I had read about VFS Global, I decided on a DIY application. I sent my passport to brother in Glasgow and applied on line when brother sent it on to Bootle. Brother sent the 2 back 3 weeks later by registered Airmail. I got them within 5 weeks of the start. But, I did not get the letter from UK Embassy "authorising" Immigration to transfer stamps.

    I presume I was technically illegal between sending it off and receiving the new one.

    I have 3questions, How do I prise an "authorising" letter out of VFS. and how long do I have to get the stamps transferred?

    My extension does not expire until October, Is it deemed cancelled or expired due to being in a cancelled passport?



  6. I had something similar in Lidl in Wakefield some 6 years ago. I had calculated in my head that my bill would be approx £9,  but the till showed over £50. The till operator (a middled aged woman) would not budge on the grounds that "the computor does make mistakes". I asked for the manager and got store security instead, I persisted and another middle aged woman appeared, took one look at my bag and announced "something is wrong", took it to another till and rescanned. It turned up the correct price. I still do not know what the first operator did but her adamant attitude still annoys me.

  7. 4 hours ago, huangnon said:

    Yep, that happened a lot with my mountain bike and my son's BMX also. Have to make sure you inflate the inner right up to the manufacturer's recommendation, if any softer it will slide inside the tyre causing erosion and damage, especially near the valve.

    The valve is not tearing out. I am aware of the dangers of under inflation. I normally, inflate to 80 psi this being the lower limit of the recommended range. The max recommended is 100psi, I will try inflating to the max to see if it helps

  8. 11 minutes ago, 473geo said:

    Check a spoke is not flexing when you ride, that is check the tension of the spokes around the problem area 

    For a fix, cut a few inches of old inner tube, make a hole so the valve helps hold it in place and it covers the offending area on the rim, after a while or if the problem reoccurs, check for any sign of friction wear on the rim 'patch' you have fitted 

    That is a good idea thank you.

  9. To clarify, I have already examined the in situ rim tape for any penetration by spokes. The punctures are occurring on the inside of the tube away from the tyre ie. that part if the tube in contact with the rim trough.  I have also added another layer of tape to the rim The tubes are of the size recommended on the tyre and newly bought from the shop. Also the leaks are exactly on the seam as if the seam itself has parted., but because it has affected 3 tubes of different makes it cannot be a manufacturing fault in the tube.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    I would immediately be looking at a sharp/protruding spoke end since it's always the same place.


    Moving to the (well hidden) Cycling Forum ???? 



    I have already tried that and cannot find nor feel anything. By the way. where is the cycling forum?

  11. I cannot find a dedicated cycling forum, if there is one, mods please move to it.


    I am getting repeated slow leaks developing in the same place every approx 60 km. It is always along the seam which runs round the inside of the tube, ie, that part which is in line with the valve and in contact with the rim away from the tyre. Therefore, it cannot be a penetration from outside. It is always just a few cm. from the valve. If I repair it, the puncture recurs in a similar place about one cm. further along the seam. After 3 punctures I replace the tube and it happens again. I have replaced 2 tubes so far.

    I cannot find any flaw in the rim tape but I have reinforced it by wrapping plastic electrical tape round the rim on top of the rim tape. The tube still punctures.

    This is totally outside my experience, can any cycling fanatic suggest a cause and a cure. Additionally the tubes have all been from different manufacturers so it is unlikely to be a bad batch of tubes.




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