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Posts posted by Phuketboy

  1. Sounds like you are seriously being taken for a ride. I am sitting here with my Thai fiance responding to this as I feel this is a very important issue as so many farang think they have to pay ridiculous amounts. Sinsod is actually a Chinese tradition not a Thai one, although the Thai's have adopted this tradition. A sinsod is normally paid to a family for their virgin daughter, not to enrich the brides parents, but in order to show that the groom is financial stable. Occationally, this is given back to the couple after the wedding to begin their life, set up home, build house etc (such is our case). The price of the sinsod depends on many factors such as social status, level of education as well as what she can bring into the marriage. If your future wife has been married before and a sinsod is asked, it should be much lower than what would be asked if she had never been married. You should make your own judgement on what you think should be paid. Basically, the sinsod for a middle class university graduate who has never been married and has no kids would average between 100,000 - 300,000.

    As for you paying US $1500 per month to her family, this is way too much as most people in this forum would probably agree. My Thai fiance sitting next to me asked if you are supporting your girlfriends entire family (parents, kids, uncles, aunties, cousins etc)? She says, like myself and others would say, this girl sounds like she just loves your money. I suspect that anyone paying this money is either a fool or has so much money that they just don't care to think about it. My personal advise would be run for the hills, but each to their own. I give 10,000 baht per month to my fiance's mother as she helps to look after our daughter (here with us) and take care of her sick father who is back on the farm. Basically, if I was to hire a nanny I would be paying the same, therefore I'm really not paying them for doing nothing. Her family are very grateful for this and never ask for anything else. Do some investigating on your partners past, find out if she has a husband or thai partner around the corner (there are many PI's that can do this in Thailand) cause this family clearly want to take you for all your worth.

    Hold on, you live with the mother! Buddy don't listen to him! Just keep running!

    No, the mother is staying with us at the present time due to me setting up a new business. Therefore, I asked her to come and help look after our daughter while this is happening. She is heading home to Isaan on the 10th January as things are nearing completion and she will no longer be required.

  2. It's all good, believe it or not immigration and lawyer called me back. Can arrive on tourist visa and then go and set everything up at lawyers office and sign contracts etc no problem at all. Obviously once, everything is in place I then have to leave Thailand and submit all documents, non B application and work permit application to Thai Embassy in KL for example. Pick up and return to Thailand next day.

    I would have deleted my post but can't find where to do this.

  3. Hi, I have been living between Thailand and Australia for the past 2 years (on tourist visas) with my Thai partner and child who always travel with me. I have a company in Australia and wanting to start a different, new company in Thailand. I am aware that I will need a non B visa and work permit to conduct business in Thailand once established. I was going to organise all this at the same time the company is established.

    Issues: Can't get non B/work permit without letter from company/business in Thailand. Can't legally do any business in Thailand without these (isn't going to set up a company/business/sign contracts etc considered work?)

    Can I arrive in Thailand on a tourist visa, then go to Lawyers office to set up company and apply for everything including nonB/work permit and sign contract for business premises etc?

  4. This sends a message to all political opponants.

    "US stands ready to support her government's implementation of democratic means to resolution of the political conflict"

    The US is firmly behind the Yingluk government, the ONLY democratically elected party in the past 12 years.

    Who cares? US would do nothing even this government were ousted again by the army, just like before. Thank god we don't have enough oil. coffee1.gif

    If we had enough oil, they would do anything to get to it or get into Thailand to take control over it, even if it meant blowing their own citizens up or destroying a few buildings.

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  5. Once again the US sticking their unwanted noses in other people's business. This time offering support of a corrupt Government, the only democratically elected party in the past 12 years. Maybe they should talk to the people of Thailand before making quick judgement and offers of support. If they want to help, then help throw the Government out and help stop corruption. However, that would be too hard though as it would ruin the friendship between the two countries or should I say the two Governments. Even better US, stay on your own soil and stay the %&ck out of every other countries matters, more than half the conflict in the World has been brought on by you.

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  6. I don't think 100k-120k per mth is extreme. Those who state they are living in Phuket on 30k per mth are full of it and need to stop the BS. I live in Phuket with my Thai partner, we live a good life. No car to run just a scooter which costs 800 bt per mth, rent of an average but nice 2 bed apartment 25,000 bt per mth (free Wifi), electricity 2500 bt per mth, food, clothing, sport and general entertainment such as movies once a week 50,000 bt per mth, 10,000 per mth for 1 child's education, food, clothing, transport and family support to partners parents as they are very old and can't work. Total expenses = 88,300bt per mth. If we go out to bars etc which is very rare as we don't really drink you can add another 10000 bt. If we have commitments overseas or trips to Isaan to see family then this obviously blows out, but what I have provided is an honest general breakdown of our Thailand expenses.

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  7. People have to realise that this is the way Thai's have been dealing with issues like this for years. Their country, their rules and they have their way of dealing with things. It might not seem right to us as things are dealt with differently in each country. Yes, in the UK, Australia or America, he would already be in jail. However this is Thailand, and they will deal with it their way ...... people are always whinging and complaining about Thailand and the way they do things etc on here. The truth is, if your home country was better why are you here? Simple solution, you can always go home.

  8. I fly around quite a bit, at least 1 flight a fortnight. Due to my work I can't book long in advance, only a couple of days if not the day before. I never use travel agencies as they need to make commissions right? So book all my flights, hotels etc online. As long as the first stage of tickets are available I have found that it makes no difference at all booking in advance or booking a week or even a couple of days before travel, certainly with domestic flights. Try http://www.skyscanner.co.th

    Even with my international flights, I book them the week im leaving, doesn't make that much difference as long as seats available and on a couple of occasions I have got cheaper and been given a complementary upgrade to business class.

  9. In my three years working at the Australian embassy from 96-98 I visited Patong regularly to assist Australian warships visiting Ao Makham and anchoring off Patong. During that period I am ashamed to say I saw some of the worst behaviour I have ever seen from Australian servicemen! I visited Patong again as a civilian last year and I was absolutely disgusted at the appearance and behaviour of young Australian "Bogans" there for a week of alcohol abuse and depravity.

    It seems Australian tourists are quickly developing a reputation for being the most aggressive and rude nationality across the world. One of the reasons I chose to leave Australia and live in Thailand was the seemingly rampant disregard to the rule of law by the young people of Australia.

    Disgusting behaviour by two Australian men who clearly do not know when they have had enough to drink. They must have been truly wasted for the bouncers at Hollywood to refuse them entry judging by the state of some of the people I have seen admitted over the years!

    Makes one ashamed to be Australian!

    I agree 100%. Part of the reason I left Australia and moved to Thailand was because of wank_rs like this. Lets face it, we have all seen Aussie guys walking around like their the next UFC fighter or the best thing around. Looks like they may have finally been taught a lesson. Good to see they came to the land of smiles to learn about the people and the culture and to have respect in another country. These idiots can do themselves a favour and once out of Thai jail they should go back to Australia and never return. Even better, put a fence around Australia and don't let any more feral bogans out, it was a prison for convicts after all. I took my Thai partner back to Australia at Christmas time and she was absolutely disgusted by how rude and self absorbed people were. A lot different to those 'nice' Aussies she has come across. Wake up Australia the world actually do not like you. I am ashamed to be Australian and if I could get rid of the accent, it would put me one step further away from such a pathetic country.

    So to get away from drunken Australians you moved to a country which is one of the most popular spots for Australian tourists to go for partying? Doesn't make sense. Pakistan would have been a better choice.

    And I feel sorry that because 2 drunken idiots from somewhere caused a bar fight (like that never happens anywhere) and made you feel so bad about yourself, perhaps you've got a low self esteem problem. And if you don't like Australia why did you go back there to visit? Sounds like you just see the bad in everything. The country is probably better off without miserable people like you.

    Sounds like someone is hurt because a negative comment was made about Australia.. To reply to your misconceptions. No actually I moved to a country where the people have respect for each other people and because my partner of 2 years is Thai and wanted to be here. So it does make sense. No self esteem problem here and it's not because 2 drunk people got into a fight. Of course this happens everywhere, but it seems when it does happen here there is always some f*#kwit aussie involved. I don't see the bad in everything just in Australia because of the people. The only reason I went back there at Christmas was to sell my house and visit my sick mother, if it wasn't for that I would never go back. The country is miserable, I have travelled all over the world and people don't really like Aussies and the ones that have been to visit don't particularly want to go back, sorry that my comment hurt your feelings.

  10. In my three years working at the Australian embassy from 96-98 I visited Patong regularly to assist Australian warships visiting Ao Makham and anchoring off Patong. During that period I am ashamed to say I saw some of the worst behaviour I have ever seen from Australian servicemen! I visited Patong again as a civilian last year and I was absolutely disgusted at the appearance and behaviour of young Australian "Bogans" there for a week of alcohol abuse and depravity.

    It seems Australian tourists are quickly developing a reputation for being the most aggressive and rude nationality across the world. One of the reasons I chose to leave Australia and live in Thailand was the seemingly rampant disregard to the rule of law by the young people of Australia.

    Disgusting behaviour by two Australian men who clearly do not know when they have had enough to drink. They must have been truly wasted for the bouncers at Hollywood to refuse them entry judging by the state of some of the people I have seen admitted over the years!

    Makes one ashamed to be Australian!

    I agree 100%. Part of the reason I left Australia and moved to Thailand was because of wank_rs like this. Lets face it, we have all seen Aussie guys walking around like their the next UFC fighter or the best thing around. Looks like they may have finally been taught a lesson. Good to see they came to the land of smiles to learn about the people and the culture and to have respect in another country. These idiots can do themselves a favour and once out of Thai jail they should go back to Australia and never return. Even better, put a fence around Australia and don't let any more feral bogans out, it was a prison for convicts after all. I took my Thai partner back to Australia at Christmas time and she was absolutely disgusted by how rude and self absorbed people were. A lot different to those 'nice' Aussies she has come across. Wake up Australia the world actually do not like you. I am ashamed to be Australian and if I could get rid of the accent, it would put me one step further away from such a pathetic country.

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