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Posts posted by Phuketboy

  1. How are we to expect the Thai people to change their road habits when we have foreigners coming here and doing the same if not worse. Even though they have no road sense, a Thai person at least has generally been riding scooters since a young age. It's people like the OP that put not only their own life at risk but that that of everyone else on the road. What the hell are you thinking? This made you a cowboy? No, this makes you a di$%head. No licence or driving or riding experience, you would be a hazard in your own country let along Thailand where the road toll is so high. Go and get some lessons and some experience before hitting the roads.

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  2. What's the point of owning stuff if you can't or don't wear it? All those of you who bought things for your partner and keep them all locked up and hidden away, why on earth did you buy the stuff for her in the first place? i say good on her for wanting to wear it, that's why you buy jewellery right....to wear. In saying this Thai's like to wear their gold as it shows they have a kind of success and it's all about face. The more gold the better they look. My partner has some gold such as necklace, bracelet, earings etc and yes she does wear them all. But I certainly haven't gone overboard buying her whatever she wants and she certainly doesn't ask for anything either.

    WHY buy that stuff in the first place.??????????????????????

    Do you not understand that it reads to most...........Bar girl hooked a farang...................sad.png

    Do you see Thai rich folk wearing that stuff.....???????????? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.............coffee1.gif

    I personally don't like jewellery apart from a watch, but girls like the necklace and bracelet thing....

    So let me ask you this. What does it read we see people in our home countries wear all their jewellery? Does that make them whores as well???? What does it read when we see people in our homelands driving nice cars, buying nice big homes, boats and all the toys then ? Some people like jewellery other like other things. Actually I personally know a few (not many, but a few) wealthy people who live here, both Thai and Foreigners who like to wear jewellery. It certainly doesn't mean they are hooked by a faring, the girls I am talking about would make half the farang here look poor. Don't generalise or make yourself look like a <deleted>.

    • Like 1
  3. What's the point of owning jewellery if you can't or don't wear it? All those of you who bought things for your partner and keep them all locked up and hidden away, why on earth did you buy the stuff for her in the first place? I say good on her for wanting to wear it, that's why you buy jewellery right....to wear. In saying this Thai's like to wear their gold as it shows they have a kind of success and it's all about face. It's kind of pretentious but each to their own, I'm sure we have seen far more pretentious people back in our home countries.

  4. I am wanting to install a cctv system 4/5 cameras with dvr system. I want this connected so I can view online when away from the business. The actual setup isn't the issue, I need a reliable and stable internet connection. I have TOT at the moment in the home and while good when working, I need to reset this each and everyday, sometimes a couple of times. This is no good if I am away from the business and can't reset. Which internet service provider is the most stable and reliable for running a cctv setup?

  5. withdrew 300K from the ATM?? I am only allowed to withdrawl 20K per day.

    right, is that even possible? i guess its more quality thai journalism.

    No, I can withdraw more. You can organise a higher withdraw limit with the bank. However you may have to do multiple transactions

  6. And yet it's these same people who voted this government in in the first place. The higher powers(we all know who they are) should simply take back over the running of the country. In the west, if we want the government out, a political leader gone it's done so rather quickly. I think it took, less than a month to get rid of Rudd in Australia after it was decided he couldn't do his job properly. All these protests are getting Thailand nowhere except backwards. Businesses are suffering, therefore the people are suffering, tourists are on the decline and we only have to look at our monthly figures to see that. Large companies are pulling out of Thailand which will hurt the Thai economy as well. Will someone please grow some balls and do something about it ..... hint hint. I can't believe Malaysia is a 2 hr hop skip and a jump away and yet it is at least 30 years in front. It's clear that the current government don't give a shit about the country, because if they did, this would be all over now.

  7. Why would someone even ask this question? Of course the mother and children come as a package. If you date someone with kids then unless you are willing to take on a roll as a father or mother figure, then you shouldn't be in that relationship. The fact that she didn't tell him right at the start was wrong. Any parent should be proud of the fact they have kids, so should be upfront. She did however tell him before they met as they were only talking, therefore he made his decision to be with her, knowing this. I cannot have kids, however my partner has a 1 child aged 6 from a previous marriage to a Thai man who has never provided for the child or has anything to do with her. I knew about this child and although not mine, they come as a package deal. The family do not ask anything of me, however as a father figure to that child it is my responsibility to make sure she is cared for in terms of food, clothes, school and health. It is also a great feeling knowing that I am making that child's life a better one. This was my decision and to be honest it doesn't cost that much and it makes my relationship better with the entire family. This could be the reason they do not ask anything from me. If your friend doesn't want to accept the package then she should find someone who will. Sounds like your friend needs to wake up to himself.

  8. if u fly firefly the flight departs Penang at 2:10

    if u do the visa on ur own u pick up your pasport after 1,

    not enough time.

    Latest u need leave downtown Penang is 12:30

    Last time i flew down with gf to do her non b we stayed at the mindigood hotel an Arthur did the visa for us and got it back to us at noon so we could make the flght

    BUT who knows if they still do it that with new regulations.

    check before you fly. sales inquiry <[email protected]>

    rooms are 100 myr/night ., 2 blocks to Chula street.

    Or fly to KL, many flights available drop passport off between 9.30 and 11.00 pick up the next day between 2.00 and 4.00. As with any visa run, you need to check the holidays for both Thailand and which ever country you are going to. Singapore or Hong Kong also very good.

  9. Good to see everything went smoothly for you. Need to renew mine but there is no way I will ever do via road again. Did the first one a few years ago and that was the last. I personally prefer to fly somewhere to do my visa runs. I think the car, not only takes so long, dangerous driving, etc etc. it is far safer and better experience to fly and have time to enjoy where you are going.

  10. The hijack theory is out as the plane would still show on radar. If the plane crashed over land or exploded in the air, this would show on radar and even if communication was lost the trace would have been picked up by military in the area. Cell phones were left on as family members have been able to call numbers, the phones ring but no answer. This rules out a crash in the ocean as water and cell phones don't really work well together and the phone would stop working. The emergency signals sent out from the black boxes (these are actually yellow) are not sending out signals, or at least this is what we are told. For both boxes to malfunctioning is very highly unlikely. Even if the plane had crashed or exploded mid flight, these boxes will still work as they are bomb and water proof. If the plane had crashed in the ocean debris would float, there are many parts of the plane that are designed to float such as the seat cushions. You can actually use these as a floatation device if needed. As no debris has been found and no explosion detected on any radar even that of the military, there is no proof that a crash took place. I hope they do find out what happened and the truth be told no some story to keep people happy. My heart goes out to the families and friends of the passengers.

  11. Hmmm. The only problem on the roads here in Phuket is there is no policing and thus quintessential anarchy.

    There are lots and lots of police here. You see them everywhere on the roads. But their is ZERO policing.

    Are you serious? There are many problems on the roads here in Phuket.

    1. Road conditions

    2. Underage drivers/riders of bikes

    3. No road rules

    4. Lack of ability

    5. Commonsense

    6. Policing

    7. Speed

    8. Training

    And the list goes on. These arn't just the problems here, but the problems throughout the entire country.

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  12. Are you doing research for something? The reason I ask is because you have 2 posts starting out with almost the same opening line and just looking for people to comment. That is this one and the other regarding Pattaya girls vs BKK girls vs everywhere else.

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  13. Doubt if you have ever met a Pattaya girl, they are very few and far between.

    Do you mean some upcountry type working in Pattaya?

    Most aint looking for love because they usually have a husband boyfriend back upcountry taking care of the kids.

    Dont know what you mean by a Bkk girl, please let me know where you are meeting them and where they work?

    Again I doubt very much if you have ever met a Bkk girl.

    Why would you suggest the OP has never met a Pat or BKK girl? I know quite a few girls who were born and raised in both Pattaya and Bangkok, a couple still live in those areas, a couple have moved due to work. In your opinion, would they count?

  14. Well the Col has no choice. He was given an order last year to clean up or be transferred. He has no room to negotiate with terrorists. I would keep a large tracked vehicle on standby at the police station to run over and "remove" all blocking traffic. It would shatter the high hopes of a strong mafia in one day or less.

    Already lurking in the background is the Mayors son...... just waiting for the adoration to come, after he fixed the problem

    The tuk tuks are run by the mayors son. It's an absolute joke. The police should fine them all and take their tuk tuks off them for a month for blocking the public roads, being a public nuisance, causing businesses to loose money that night. Actually all those businesses who lost money because of this should be compensated by the tuk tuks .

  15. Your heart and morals were in the right place, however, when it is a Thai/Thai confrontation, best to stay out of it. Like a lot of others have already stated, regardless of who is wrong, other Thai's will always defend the Thai. I had a situation a few months back, where I saw a Farang, punch a Thai girl, straight away I went to stop it and my girl tried to hold me back. Frankly, I told her that no guy hits a girl and proceeded to stop it. This Farang, basically told me to F%(k off, and took a swing which didn't go down well. It ended up with him getting his face smashed in. Don't hit females, regardless of what has happened. When other Thai's realised what had happened they got stuck into him as I walked off.

  16. There have been many movies based around this scenario. I remember two but can't remember the names, but were pretty much the same movie, death race is also similar. In these movies they are put into a cage and fight to the death. If you win you simply win your life, but remain in prison. The fights are set up by the guards and the warden who is an ex boxer. The fights are broadcast online so that people can bet etc... does anyone know these movies?

    Also check out this article with pictures of what they are actually talking about here in Thailand. These organised prison fights in Thailand date back to the 18th century. http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/inpictures/2013/12/pictures-thai-prison-fights-2013122511529276114.html

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  17. So in short, more rats have joined the sewer, no surprise there then.

    If you dont like rats, why choose to live or frequent a sewer.

    There are rats everywhere, no matter where you live. Just getting the word out about this scum, so others can avoid it :-)

    And the OP is just assuming they are French. Parts of Switzerland and Canada also speak French. Two sneaky nationalities if you ask me. Just look at their behavior on TV.

    Not assuming anything. I know these guys and yes they are from France with only one who is Swiss.

  18. French bashing now! And I was thinking that I hadn't seen it for a while here, so, I guess that some people can't help anymore posting their biased and mostly untrue generalisations once again...

    In my experience, most nationals from every country are decent people. It's not because a few individuals from a specific country do not behave appropriately (according to you) that you should feel entitled to imply that all or a majority of their fellow countrymen and women are better to be avoided as a whole.

    By the way, as already mentionned by another person, French is spoken not only by French nationals, but by many other people in the world: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_where_French_is_an_official_language

    I know these guys and yes they are from France with only one of them who is Swiss.

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