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Posts posted by Phuketboy

  1. A little rant today, but need to get this off the chest. Throughout the forums we constantly hear stories of Thai's ripping people off and that the Russians are moving in and taking over, but in Patong it is something a little different. During the last couple of months it has been brought up many times in meetings and conversations that it is not the Russians, but the French that seem to be taking over. It is being said in these same meetings and conversations with both Thai and other expat business owners, that they are getting tired of French acting like they own the place, ripping people off and have no respect for anyone but their own little French groups.

    I noticed this when dealing with them, and a friend witnessed this first hand when he pulled out of one business purchase to buy another that the French wanted and therefore, was followed home and threatened by a group of three. He couldn't understand what they were saying, because whatever they said to him was in French not English and they were angry at the time. About 2 months ago, they tried to rip me off with the sale of a business, however I was told before hand that 500,000 goes directly in their pockets, so I instantly dropped my offer by 700,000. They also tried to rip a Thai friend off on a business deal telling him a price that was nearly 3,000,000 above the actual price. I was also told from a French friend (yes there are a few good ones), that they are now trying to get commission from a business deal I did, which I am going to deal with today, and make sure this doesn't happen.

    Anyone who knows Patong, would surely be able to see this. For those who haven't noticed, have a look who owns majority of bars at the front along Bangla, the boutique hotels around Patong Beach, the night clubs, restaurants etc etc. These French all hang out in there little groups partnering up with each other like their own little mafia. These guys are bottom feeders at best, absolute scum.

    If anyone else has come across this please share. Don't get ripped off by the French, don't deal with them. If purchasing a business or doing any business in Patong deal directly with somebody else or walk away.

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  2. As the owner of a large construction company overseas and 20 years as a qualified builder an land developer, if the access is on the original plan then there is nothing to negotiate. Either allow access or simply make access. There is nothing they can legally do to stop this if the access was suppose to be there in the first place. Stop wasting time, get the machines in and start development. Then let the owners of Crest try and take the developer to court, which they will loose especially if they have blocked access which they weren't suppose to.

    C'mon Son! you comparing your large construction company overseas with this incident? doesn't sound like you been living in thailand very long..money talks here..

    Have been living here quite some time, I definitely know money talks in the land of smiles, however it would seem as the Crest resort has been sitting there empty and uncompleted for quite some time, I would only imagine they either don't have the funds to complete or have gone bust.

  3. As the owner of a large construction company overseas and 20 years as a qualified builder an land developer, if the access is on the original plan then there is nothing to negotiate. Either allow access or simply make access. There is nothing they can legally do to stop this if the access was suppose to be there in the first place. Stop wasting time, get the machines in and start development. Then let the owners of Crest try and take the developer to court, which they will loose especially if they have blocked access which they weren't suppose to.

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  4. Has anyone on TV wondered what will happen if Suthep gets in? From my understanding, he hates Farang and doesn't want us here, therefore will make it as difficult as he can for us to stay, with the hope we all leave. I don't follow politics in any country as they are all the same, full of shit, tell the people what they want to hear and only think about their own pockets. They need a total new government agreed, but they certainly don't need this <deleted> in. What do you think it will mean for all of us living here?

  5. Since you are working online (obviously from home/where you will be staying), nobody would ever know unless you told them. Many people run overseas businesses from here online, via emails and cloud based software. The money spent here is from overseas accounts accessed via ATM machines, you could even set up a bank account here and transfer money, no problem at all. Unless you go around telling people what you do, you don't have anything to worry about. I'm sure people here on holidays still run their business while they are enjoying the land of smiles, making and receiving business phone calls and emails (therefore working in Thailand). If anyone asks what you do, simply tell them you have a company or business overseas and that you have managers running it for you.

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  6. Thank you Mario2008 for the info. I just received this from the embassy in Singapore as well. It seems as though even though they claim to do multi entry non B, this is not the case either. Spoke with my lawyer and apparently they can do something up when it comes time for the extension so that it is granted without the need of tax docs (being a new company etc).

    Dear Sir,

    To apply for visa to work in Thailand, the Embassy can issue only a single entry visa. After applying for the visa you have to contact the Immigration Dept to request for extension of stay and request for multiple re-entry permit in Thailand.
    To apply you have to fill in 1 form, 1 photo, letter from the company to request for your visa, copies of company registration documents, if your company is new and cannot provide the tax documents please write a letter to explain, copy of air ticket to travel in to Thailand, fee of S$100, if you submit on Monday, 24 Feb in the morning from 9.15 to 11.30 am, you will receive your visa on Tuesday in the afternoon from 2 to 3 pm. Please visit our website at www.thaiembassy.sg for visa regulations.
    Ms Tang
  7. Hi, At the end of this month I have to apply for a non B visa, this time under a new company umbrella, is this going to be a problem? I still have the same business, but it's now under a new company/name change 3 weeks ago (waiting for paperwork and new lease contract). Therefore, I can't show tax documents as the new company has taken over and tax hasn't been done yet. Therefore, I need to travel somewhere and apply for a new non B visa at the end of the month.

    According the Embassy website in Singapore they still offer multiple entry B visas. Is this the case, does anyone else head here? As mentioned I normally go to KL, but this time it may be different as I was told that KL don't do this anymore. Can I still get a multiple entry non B anywhere or does it now have to be the single entry and then apply for extension in 3 mths? I may not be able to get an extension due to not being able to show tax/audit docs for a new company by this time. Therefore, the multiple entry is my best chance. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

  8. Is this for a tourist visa or for a business visa? I use KL all the time as I have friends there and it gives me the chance to catch up with them as well. I have never been asked for this information and have never had a problem. Tourist visa previously - drop passport, 2 photos and 1 page form to them in the morning, pick it up the next day. Business visa - same as above plus copy of company details etc. The only thing I can think of is they require more from you due to the country you come from. There is a list on the wall of those countries that require more documents. I have seen this happen to a few people from the middle eastern countries when I was in there last. But those from Australia, America, Britain, France etc that I saw had no problems at all.

    It's for a tourist visa. It appears nationality does not matter.

    If you have been getting multiple entry B visa there you will not get one in KL anymore. They stopped doing them almost a year ago.

    At the end of this month I have to apply for a non B visa, this time under a new company umbrella, is this going to be a problem? I still have the same businesses, but it's now under a new company/name change. Therefore, I can't show tax documents as the new company has taken over and Tax hasn't been done yet. According the Embassy website in Singapore they still offer multiple entry b visas. Is this the case? As mentioned I normally go to KL but this time it may be different. Can I still get a multiple entry non B anywhere or does it now have to be the single entry and then apply for extension in 3 mths? Any help please.

  9. I don't regard Chinese food to be great in other countries as you suggest. I guess it depends where you live that reflects the style and taste, the ingredients used etc. It's the same as why doesn't Thai food taste as good in other countries as it does in Thailand? With regard to your Chinese food, in Thailand you will get the Thai version, just like in America or other western countries you get the Western version. If you want the real food you either have to go to the country of origin or ensure that the ingredients used are the original ingredients from that country.

    That's wrong. Real Chinese food is available in some major U.S. cities if that's what you're looking for. There are even huge Asian markets filled with authentic ingredients where you can cook your own. SO MUCH better than Thailand, it isn't even funny.

    Did you read my post correctly? I said if you want real food you either need to go to that country OR ensure that the ingredients used are the original ingredients from that country. The authentic ingredients you talk of in the Asian markets would have been imported from China/HongKong therefore they are the original ingredients from that country like I mentioned. Secondly, I never said chinese food was better in Thailand (please read again). The truth is that the Chinese you have probably eaten in the west is in fact Cantonese as this is what is normally served. If you have ever been to China and eaten real Chinese, it is totally different from that of western countries and doesn't even reflect what we believe to be. Snake, turtle, duck, walking through the kitchens and choosing the animal of choice etc. I know you can get real Chinese foods in other countries like in the china towns of some countries and major cities, so agree with you as long as they are using the original (authentic) ingredients.

  10. And on the 23rd what makes them think that they will be able to vote then? Different date = more blockades, more obstruction, more violence etc etc. What on earth do they think will be different? Just count the votes and be done with it.

    Do you ever think when you post.

    89% ok.. So next time all the resouces will be poured into the few areas where voting did not take place.

    Yingluk is in power do obstruting it does not get them out, nor does a coup nor Junta.

    EC are in charge and it up to them to organise it so they'll have to seek solutions!!! NOT the Governement job to do this and not their problem. If they have 6 months to decide if Yingluks ballot paper is in the wrong box (EC staff told her quite clearly which on so EC at fault here) Let Thailand spend more millions of tax payers money trying to get the Government out.

    Seems no end of money available for trumped up and rig court cases. Pity the Elites didn't throw some of this into project that move the country forward rather than regaining power. People might vote for them that way.

    In caretaker mode they only have the mob and the Judicial coup to fight. As they are restriced in what they can do, it makes their life easier.... They don't need all those agencies open and can set about moving office and bases further North if req.

    Today with over 89% voting with not problems, prove, Bangkok is NOT Thailand and the idiots on the picnic are welcome to live in the city that is closed down.

    I can see no pics of the 6 million picnicers by the way. Just another of Sutheps final days, final decisive battle and topped it with a picnic to block every single road in Bangkok. FAIL and in full public view

    If you don't understand what I am saying, then don't quote me. I clearly said, what do they think will be different on the 23rd? It will be the same events as last week and again today.

  11. Ah yes Thai democracy. All of issan will vote for PT and we will have another 3 years of inept Yingluck, corrupt PT policies, more rice scams, getting Taksin off the hook, and trillions of baht loans off the books that the tax payers will take 50 years to pay off. What a great day for democracy and a great future for Thailand!

    Instead of continuously complaining and moaning about Yingluck/Toxin mafia, why the so called "Democrats" or "peaceful" but armed and equally corrupted PDRC try to propose a REAL alternate. I mean candidates that also have a program for the farmers/Issan. The real problem is NOT Toxin and his family. The REAL problem is that the Thai Society is heavily divided, FEUDAL type. Why is Thaksin so popular with farmers? No only because of corrupted populist measures... Because he dared to listen to the farmers, he did a lot of things for them, develop infrastructures in rural areas. I am NOT a red or Thaksin supporters, but the root cause of the problem has still not been addressed. We also know that the anti-corruption campaign by Suthep is another scam. Suthep is as corrupted as Thaksin, Thai people have a very short memory. Democracy does not work in Thailand because politicians do not think for the people, they only think for a color; red or yellow.

    WHEN someone will have the "balls" to think, speak and act ORANGE?!?! This is the critical key to a proper Democracy.

    A Thai man being interviewed by an Australian reporter at yesterdays protests summed it up pretty well by saying THE SYSTEM IS EATING THE COUNTRY. wai.gif

    Australia should concentrate on their own issues. The Australian government has f%$ed Australia, selling off assets, too many rules and regulations, ridiculous over pricing and tax. Just as corrupt but not out in the open like Thailand. People however are beginning to see this as the country is almost being run like communist country. More people are moving overseas, the people who are moving to Australia arn't staying long before moving back home and travellers are not returning because its so expensive now. Maybe the Australian reporter should concentrate on reporting on Australian issues before the same thing happens there.

  12. Is this for a tourist visa or for a business visa? I use KL all the time as I have friends there and it gives me the chance to catch up with them as well. I have never been asked for this information and have never had a problem. Tourist visa previously - drop passport, 2 photos and 1 page form to them in the morning, pick it up the next day. Business visa - same as above plus copy of company details etc. The only thing I can think of is they require more from you due to the country you come from. There is a list on the wall of those countries that require more documents. I have seen this happen to a few people from the Middle Eastern and Eastern European countries when I was in there last. But those from Australia, America, Britain, France etc that I saw had no problems at all.

  13. I don't regard Chinese food to be great in other countries as you suggest. I guess it depends where you live that reflects the style and taste, the ingredients used etc. It's the same as why doesn't Thai food taste as good in other countries as it does in Thailand? With regard to your Chinese food, in Thailand you will get the Thai version, just like in America or other western countries you get the Western version. If you want the real food you either have to go to the country of origin or ensure that the ingredients used are the original ingredients from that country.

  14. what shameful behavior, these people are surely still primitive

    You nailed it. Primitive, uneducated animals. However, why arn't they educated properly (government's fault). Where were the police and the army to stop or prevent this from happening? Seems like everyone and anyone who can stop this bullshit are to busy with their head up their <deleted>. There are a number of options 1) Yinluck could walk away and let someone else take over and proceed with he election 2) Have a proper political system with multiple parties 3) The army could move in and take over 4) There is also a number of people who could stop everything at the drop of a hat. What I don't understand is why isn't anyone doing anything or why her party hasn't thrown her out themselves?

  15. If the OP had a Thai company and bought through that, would that protect him as the company would own the house land? I'm just digging as this is what I was thinking about the other day. I have a Thai company set up me having 49% the GF 49% and a friend 2%, preference shares to them (980 and 40 voting rights) and the normal shares to me (9800 voting rights). The lawyer set up this way to protect me and all businesses under that umbrella, so that even if they got together they can't vote me out and I still maintain full control of the company even though I have 49%. Also if the preference shares are sold, I have the right to them first and for most and I have to agree on where and who they are sold to.

    Given this, If I bought land and/or a house through the company now, wouldn't I be protected this way? I'm only asking as this has been on my mind and it could be an option for the OP as well.

    this is what we tried to do in the first place mate. we went to land office with lawyer, and was going to put the land under the existing company that we own our existing house. we had the company's capital increased, and thought this was enough. the land office then said they wanted to see both the shareholders' bank books with evidence of 1.5 m in my wifes, and 300,000B in the 2% shareholders. i put the money in and copied bank book showing the amount, and withdrew the cash. back at the land office they then wanted to see original bank books, plus all shareholders in attendance. the lawyer then said they were going to quiz my wife and the shareholder and ask where the money came from etc. everyone was saying "better put it in your fiance's name and write a contract saying she is just the "agent" to buy, and i am the "investor""

    in the end, i am afraid to say, i had had enough, and just said "ok"

    this was hua hin land office and apparently they dont look favourably on any companies that they feel may be nominee

    hence i find myself in this situation now

    thank god for thaivisa and all the invaluable advice that has been given by so many knowledgeable people wai.gif

    it goes without saying you are all invited to the house warming thumbsup.gif

    here is a pic of the land

    Was just wondering as I am wanted to buy property very soon also. The company is set up properly, pays tax and amounts paid to shareholders etc. Nice looking block of land you have buy the way. Where is this?

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  16. They can not blamed this on the caretaker Government, Yingluck, has offered to postpone the election if the protesters go home and promise not to attempt to interrup the new election and all parties agree to partiscipate in that election,

    A very reasonable compromise. all that needs to be done that Suthep and the Democrat Party to.agree to the terms!

    Whether a new date is set for the election, is up to the Demostrators/Democrats who must take the responsibility fot the lost Tourists!


    HER TERMS,--"go home and promise to do what I say? The 3 years of mismanagement has caused this, and mismanagement is an understatement.

    Her responsibility that no one pillages and plunders, can you comment on that ??

    Postponing the election will not solve anything. Nothing will change, the result will most likely be the same now or then whichever way it is going to swing. Why prolong things?

  17. If the OP had a Thai company and bought through that, would that protect him as the company would own the house land? I'm just digging as this is what I was thinking about the other day. I have a Thai company set up me having 49% the GF 49% and a friend 2%, preference shares to them (980 and 40 voting rights) and the normal shares to me (9800 voting rights). The lawyer set up this way to protect me and all businesses under that umbrella, so that even if they got together they can't vote me out and I still maintain full control of the company even though I have 49%. Also if the preference shares are sold, I have the right to them first and for most and I have to agree on where and who they are sold to.

    Given this, If I bought land and/or a house through the company now, wouldn't I be protected this way? I'm only asking as this has been on my mind and it could be an option for the OP as well.

  18. Where have these leaders gained their education? To think they are and will be running a country is beyond belief. What's harder to believe is that people actually listen and follow them. Wow, one would think intelligence would be a criteria for any leader, obviously not in the land of smiles. I haven't heard one person from either party say anything worth listening to during this entire ordeal.

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  19. Has to be a troll for sure. If not, I don't know what guidance or advice you are looking for that one would not automatically think of themselves. If your ex partner has been sleeping around with multiple men, then surely you would automatically ask for a DNA test to find out who the father is. If it is you, then congratulations on the birth of your child. If it's not yours, I am sorry, but my advice would be to have no further contact with her or the child as they are no longer your concern.

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  20. As already mentioned in this thread, this does happen often, however this is not a culture thing at all. I asked this question to many Thai friends as I wanted to know the correct answer myself. Every single one of them including my partner said no it's just rude and that although many Thai people are rude in doing this, it's not everyone and it has nothing to do with culture.

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