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  1. Meanwhile Korat has a perfectly serviceable and adequate public airport. Does it really two?
  2. If he was stupid enough to get caught, he was too stupid for the job. Next candidate, please.
  3. Have you thought about the effect of 80kg of unrestrained dog food on the front seat occupant in the event of a crash? Possibly rather worse than a human baby accelerated into YOUR neck!
  4. I had the same once. It worked perfectly, until I moved! The only way to cancel it was to close the bank account! I was paying the new owners' bill for months, PEA refused to refund, or cancel the direct debit authority, and so did the bank. Now, I scan the bill with my SCB app. It can also be paid directly with the "Pay Bills" feature, entering the references manually.
  5. There will be colonies of humans on the moon and Mars before there are 250 kph trains here. And I will probably not be alive to see either.
  6. What is so offensive about xTdSx that it is censored? Surely it's not the reversed version!
  7. I have had a <removed> meter for years, from Lazada. Our water is from a communal borehole, supposedly filtered before distribution, and reads 240+ out of the tap, and stings like hell if you get it in a cut! The same water after passing through our reverse osmosis system reads between 4 and 16, depending on time since filter replacement, normally six months or so for carbon and particulate, and salt for the resin. The r-o filter lasts two years. The <removed> is highest immediately after filter change and reduces over time, then creeps up when changes are due. There is no residual taste to the water. Bottled water bought outside generally reads 38 or more. The chart on the stick says anything under 150 is safe to drink!
  8. Factor in, the 800k may not be reduced to less than 400k during the 4th to 10th months....or thereby.
  9. Not true. My farang wife is retirement lead, and I follow. The 800k is all in her bank account, I need show nothing. The status is not equal. Her extension stamp shows (in Thai) "retirement", mine shows the same but annotated by hand "follower". Originally we were both on retirement, when we changed immigration inadvertently marked them incorrectly, which caused problems at the next renewal. They retrospectively issued new extensions, at no charge, before processing the new extensions. I imagine that in order to change over as you describe, you would need to shuffle your monies around to meet seasoning requirements for the leader. There are none for the follower.
  10. I have in the past tried to buy Tonic at that time. "Sorry, cannot, no alcohol sales allowed, khrap."
  11. Pardon my ignorance, and Googles', what's an Amart?
  12. "A sentiment shared on Facebook by the Office of the Administrative Court underlined a broader criticism, stating, "Thai education is overly focused on uniforms rather than on giving students skills for use in the future and preparing them for the demands of the global economy."" Sorry folks, that is exactly what the powers-that-be do not want to give or prepare.
  13. Yes, you are right, it did.But why should I have to?
  14. It would have been nice to tell us what the acronym stands for. I still haven't worked it out, and I can't be bothered to Google it!
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