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Posts posted by Grusa

  1. 5 hours ago, Ketyo said:

    From my understanding its the Christians and Muslims that want to ban the sex industry. And the reason for that is because they want people to spend more time praying under their control. Everybody else thinks that sex is a good thing.

    To be honest, I always thought that both groups, to neither of whose beliefs I subscribe, were the majority market for the oldest profession, worldwide. 


    Don't do as I do, do as I tell you.

  2. Search for "Tiny House" on Netflix. There are many fantastic ideas in there, not necessarily for tiny houses, you can adapt them.

    Ikea do bunk beds and fold away beds.

    Thai workers can make anything.......if you design it, guide them and supervise. Oh, and remember to pay them...!

    • Like 2
  3. 9 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    Maybe not the reference you are seeking but on remote camp sites back in the less environmentally aware days, spraying diesel on the surfaces of open, grey water cisterns and ponds was a daily procedure as the thin meniscus of oil on the surface of standing water suffocates the mossie larva that use a siphon to breathe at the surface.





    Thank you for that link, I have not seen it before. Very interesting.


    Given the prevalence of diesel fumes in LOS, one would think there should be no mosquitoes. 


    edit: especially near Sukhumvit.

  4. 1 hour ago, thedemon said:


    An insecticide like Permethrin can be added to the fogging mixture but the main effectiveness against mosquitoes comes from the diesel fumes which form a film around water droplets where their eggs have been laid causing them to die before they are able to hatch breaking their breeding cycle.


    Permethrin probably increases the effectiveness but in my opinion it isn't worth the trade off of increased toxicity to humans and animals. 

    May I have a reference to your source for this info?

  5. 1 hour ago, digger70 said:

    Mosquito fogger. 

     I don't know about them foggers. The Village Exterminator comes around with one of them big Noisy canons and fogs up the village and around most homes a few times a year. 

    The mozzies Love it it's like Steroids to them They go Wild and attack anything in their Millions. work? Nahd735d69a829eaa2b5158459e6e53ceaa.thumb.jpg.a6e6014ebe25731aaa7d28f85358843a.jpg

    We have the same. It would help if they put some insecticide in it....but that costs money, eats the profits, and takes effort.

    Same with the useless sprays that destroy chipboard furniture, not insects.

    DIY wins every time.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, essox essox said:

    I went on the 6th June and PAID NOTHING......it is FREE ENTRY until THE end of JUNE......IF ONE HAS A CHONBURI ADDRESS (which I have)........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So how did you achieve it? Is it a Chonburi city address, or a Chonburi Province address? It seems strange no-one else has posted a success story.

  7. Mrs. G saw the op, and thought "Oh good, I'll go with our Russian neighbour and her daughter (10), the kid needs a treat!" 

    We love less than 5km from NN.

    They were set tp go yesterday, but it rained all day. They went into town instead.

    This morning, off they went. Mrs G just phoned me to say they would not give free admission. She was armed with pink card, licences, you name it. So, 350 baht per adult, and 175 for the kid. 

    Naturally they could not just turn away, because of the kid, poor soul had been up all night with excitement!

    Only now have I turned back to the OP and subsequent comments.


    Someones' head should roll, and a public retraction and apology be published. How many have been suckered into visiting this tourist trap. (I have been many times over the years - so many that if I have overseas visitors, I take them and dump them at the gate! Nice as it may be, there is only so much Thai culture one can take.

  8. 1 hour ago, tomazbodner said:

    Bikes should be laid on the road, and have a steamroller drive over them in full view of the racers after penalising them for violation of laws.

    Bikes and their riders should be laid on the road, and have a steamroller drive over them in full view of the racers their parents after penalising castrating them for permitting such antisocial behaviour.

  9. 2 hours ago, Surasak said:

    Its not just the footpath, I find I have to have eyes everywhere where the foot path is like a mountain range. Then you have all kinds of things hanging from wires, or blinds with metal poles sticking out to take your eye out if you are not careful. Trucks parked across the footpath but not being loaded or unloaded. The lady selling live fish, crabs, frogs and whatever, from bowels placed in the way of what would otherwise be a straight line to walk. Not too bad if you walk that route often, but in a strange place you put your life in their hands. It aint dangerous, its completely ludicrous.   

    "The lady selling live fish, crabs, frogs and whatever, from bowels placed in the way of what would otherwise be a straight line to walk."


    Really? How disgusting. Even the French kill them first.


  10. I have spent a large part of today wrestling with an online application form, for verification of my UK issued pilots licence.

    Place of Birth? No Problemo.

    Nationality? No problemo.

    Country of Birth?

    Type in the first few letters, "please choose from list":-

    (The correct answer is Scotland)

    It will not accept any of:-



    United Kingdom

    Great Britain

    British {anything}



    Northern Ireland

    Kingdom of {anything}


    {Anywhere in United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland}

    (I didn't try Wales, but it's not on the list)


    It WILL accept most from Antigua to Zimbabwe.


    It will not allow one to proceed to the next page without an acceptable answer, and the penalties for lying are expensive if not draconian, and will invalidate the whole process.


    This from the UK Civil Aviation Authority, one of the more sane aviation authorities in the world. 


    Back to the paper/pdf version!


  11. 3 hours ago, dodgybros said:

    100% disagree, Australian Defence Forces do not use 0000h, reason being it is the same time as 2400h. Time goes from 2359h to 0001h as previously mentioned

    So if I want to invade Oz, I need to it at midnight, 'cos nobody will notice! 00:00 was yesterday, 2400 is tomorrow, I have a whole day to destroy the defence forces!



  12. 7 hours ago, somtamgaiyang said:

    Surely with the statues a well placed plaque could be affixed to explain the racism, slavery etc, and give an honest history of the person concerned. The plaque could be in a prominent place and easily seen.

    There is no such thing as an "honest history", history is written by the winners. 


    Will your plaque be written in 255 languages, including the local patois?, or will it be in one or some of the "winning" countries' languages?


    Why not accept that Fred Bloggs, a pressed man from a poor village in Chipping Bloodberry, sagger makers' bottom knocker to trade, sha**ed a local chiefs' daughter and founded a colonial dynasty? Get over it, his statue isn't doing anyone any harm, and celebrate his good luck in not ending up in a missionary pot!


    • Thanks 1
  13. It seems we have a Pandemic on our hands.


    A Pandemic of "isms"!


    Racism, Nationalism, Sectarianism, Socialism, Communism, Commercialism, Feminism, Fatism, Elitism, Fascism......the list is endless. Add in the phobias, homophobia, xenophobia, etc.


    Be honest, each and every one of us has some of these. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the World has too many people.

    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, natway09 said:

    Look out pedestrians !!!!! Dangerous enough when you could hear them

    Agreed. How can these possibly be safe:- no noise, no fumes, no smoke. It has to be compulsory to add 2kw sound system, to be used at full volume at all times in traffic, with a disco strobe on top.

    Unless you want to be flattened by a cement truck.

  15. 2 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    That is correct.

    So I don't need to report 90 days until the end of July. 


    But as a paranoid schizo, May I do so now, as normal, so that 

    1. They will not shaft me for 500 baht a day overstay, or anything,

    2. I don't have to queue with 20,000 other expats to do it on 1st August,


    BTW, I have successfully downloaded and registered on the online app. I tried it out, and it correctly would not allow me to notify, as I had an exit/entry via Mae Sai since the previous notification. Now it is legitimately due apart from wuflu concessions, it won't even let me log in!


  16. On 5/18/2020 at 2:34 PM, beau thai said:

    are the xiaomi type pen quality monitors (190bht) any good for at least checking ppm for drinking water??

    Absolutely, yes.


    Our mu baan water supply is from a borehole, supposedly filtered, stored in one of those steel mushroom towers, and distributed through 30year old pipework. It arrives at our house full of rust and sediment, and is as hard as nails. 

    The monitor pen tests our incoming water at 600+ppm.

    Water from Makro, 6litres various brands, measures anything from 30-60ppm out of the bottle.

    Drinking Water from our RO filter is consistently 10ppm or less. The previous one, which went faulty and had to be replaced, used to give 12-13ppm.

    Water from roadside coin-op RO dispensers, very variable, mostly you don't want to know and the green slime is a bit off-putting.

    Our communal swimming pool runs at about 200ppm, but it's not a well kept system and frequently turns green. Our management is incapable of understanding basic pool chemistry!


    The ppm monitor also measures water temperature, in this hot weather the incoming runs at 28C. One day it hit 32! That's hotter than the cool wash program in our washing machine!

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