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Everything posted by merck

  1. Globalism is just rebranded communism, communism 2.0 but in a new guise and with a different name, due to the negative connotations and history associated with the previous name, details of which are easily available to anyone via a quick internet search. The idea of rejecting any form of patriotism or nationalism, so we are all one world, is an ideal to which communists aspired. From the words of the Internationale, the hymn to internationalism, and its chorus: Arise ye workers from your slumbers... So comrades, come rally And the last fight let us face The Internationale unites the human race... When you look at Yuri Bezmenov's videos from the 1980s, you see how far along the process has come.
  2. The globalists are are using open borders and mass immigration to break up the nation states in their quest for this one-world government eutopia they believe in.
  3. Coal heater (BBQ bricks) produce toxic levels of carbon monoxide too under incomplete combustion and poorly ventilated spaces.
  4. Not a good example to choose. They're called 'sao praphet sawng' in Thai - literally 'women of the second kind/category/type'. So even Thais draw a distinction between real women and ladyboys.
  5. In all the hundreds of thousands of years humans have existed there was never any confusion over male and female identity. Until the last few years that is, when it all changed and for reasons that were never explained to us, all previous thinking was incorrect and you could suddenly self-identify as anything you wanted along with an additional 72 genders.
  6. That's a shame. And he speaks so well of you.
  7. Typical of lefties. In public, they're always virtue signalling their goodness and how woke, caring and anti-racist they are etc. But in private, their true nature is revealed.
  8. Unfortunately, he's controlled opposition. Even if he attempted anything like Trump's doing in the States, it wouldn't be allowed.
  9. Sorry, was that the ...from the river to the sea... chant you were referring to?
  10. So, you support the right of UA to defend its borders but are against Trump stopping the invasion in the south from Mexico?
  11. Well, her aposematic choice of hair colour, like in nature a red frog advertising its poisonous nature, didn't help.
  12. He's dismantling a communist takeover of the States.
  13. Thai press are reporting he's Saudi Arabian.
  14. ...he has never exposed Muslim crime in the UK, he has only camped on and put at risk ongoing prosecutions... You've obviously never watched his 'Rape of Britain' documentaries, where he does just that.
  15. Noteable by its complete absence in KS's 15 min speech above on the attack was that the I word (Islam) wasn't mentioned once!
  16. That's what happens with open borders and mass migration. Instead of having walls and barriers around your country, you have to have them within your country around sensitive sites like Christmas markets etc aka Merkel Lego or bollards.
  17. Journalist Mayar Tousi's take on the attack - Claims he wasn't muslim were Taquia and MSM propaganda
  18. If advertising companies spend millions on getting people to watch adverts to influence them, why wouldn't playing a video game be able to do the same?
  19. Just goes to show, having letters behind your name doesn't make you clever. An intellectual will take a simple thing and make it sound complicated. The common man will take a complicated thing and make it sound simple.
  20. GammaGlobulin is an ai bot used to drum up traffic to the site and improve Google rankings, not a real person.
  21. That's the far left for you. Can't tolerate anyone with a different point of view.
  22. As this wasn't deleted by the mods, does this mean we're allowed to post Biden/Kamala memes and parodies too?
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