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Everything posted by ozz1

  1. Speed kills especially when you're on a motorcycle and hit one of famous Thailand's big potholes rip
  2. It's about time that the police crack down hard on these illegal money lenders but it probably won't happen because they are a protected species
  3. Ring them at 5 in the morning Thai time and you will get through quickly they are actually very helpful
  4. Just watched a lawyer in Thailand on JC you tube and was very interesting cutting out all the misinformation about tax on pensions it seems like we all have nothing to worry about so hopefully you can all rest easy and get on with life
  5. Teflon takhsin strikes again no wonder people have no faith in the police and judicial process here
  6. 7 people in a pick up yet no one can see a problem with people riding in the back police should be held accountable but nothing will change
  7. Probably upset because he didn't get a cut
  8. Not where I live thais all are complaining about prices maybe it's a Thai thing but they are not happy
  9. Is he a prince I think he has my money lol
  10. How do they think that will boost tourism crazy
  11. He is so sick poor man I want what he's taking for a instant recovery if he thinks that people believe that well good luck
  12. More quality tourists just what they want
  13. Hopefully more to come these people are a scourge in Thailand praying on vulnerable people good work
  14. Everyone is doing so well what a load listen to the people and you will get a different story
  15. Dear pm just be carefull when you're in bed with the China he won't like that go on your independent way and don't listen to the elites you'll be fine
  16. Does that include the corrupt police officers I don't think so
  17. Unfortunately I know a lot of people who won't come here because of the mass tourism and the sticky baht but let's get anyone in it's all about money not the experience
  18. If anytime you drive in the country you will see plumes of smoke coming from farms not that hard for the authorities to see but let's talk about it and do nothing
  19. Another hub blowing in the wind
  20. Another crazy police officer just gives you great confidence in the RTP recruits
  21. Here we go again the crystal ball is out again but in the political climate at the moment they are dreaming and with the sticky baht we'll see
  22. Tct tat how many of these useless departments are there? just trying to boost the governments ego
  23. Quick high seasons coming we will miss out on money going to other countries bit late for that me thinks most people would have booked their holidays already
  24. Yes locked up for saying the wrong thing or posting it there is no democracy or human rights here yet the elites get away with anything its best just to keep your mouth shut or else unfortunately
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