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Everything posted by ozz1

  1. Yes he's got a gig in the new starwars movie
  2. Just watched ahsoka star wars not bad if you like sci fi
  3. It's going to be interesting on how they are going to get on together as they were enemies a few days ago money money money money and with taksin in the mix it's going to be a rocky ride
  4. Interesting times ahead let's see how this turns out when the dust has settled can't see him spending much time I jail there might be some red shirt riots I hope not
  5. I did it a different way stayed in a hotel near bus station for a night and they let me keep my car there undercover while I was in Laos and got the bus from there all for the price of one nights stay
  6. Typical Thai democracy we will do anything for the money who cares what the majority of the people think
  7. What a mess this country is going backwards thanks to the elites army and senators people's votes mean nothing
  8. Hopefully the voters will remember their backstabbing in the next election when there is one meanwhile they should protest and not give up
  9. They should have kept quiet on reforms until they got in that is what most governments do they were too honest about their policies it's too late now unfortunately and the dinosaurs don't like change I know the people voted for that but they and their elites are too powerful it doesn't matter what people voted for this just proves it
  10. Another expert there is plenty of them in Thailand
  11. Nothing surprises me about the Thai police they really need to be looked at properly but again nothing will happen you only hear about a small percentage of really goes on because no one wants to speak up
  12. How about cutting out a lot of government workers that would be a good start but that will never happen too many people in the trough
  13. But they have a new big TV new phone and new car they don't really plan for the future as long as they look like they have money it's a shame really
  14. The senators don't care what business people think they get paid every week hopefully they will take notice but I doubt it
  15. Just another bent copper no surprises there it goes from the top down
  16. Unfortunately its a thai thing look I have big money new car new phone but it all has to be paid back and they don't seem to budget themselves or care as long as I look good it's a shame really because they are great people but naive
  17. It shows that the dinosaurs don't care what the majority think
  18. They didn't get their envelope this week
  19. Brought to you by the real estate agents of Thailand trying to boost sales
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