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Posts posted by Para

  1. Look at all the self righteous folk giving the OP a serving.

    He did the crime and the time. You want him hung drawn and quartered too?

    I'd love to know how many of you have driven or ridden even partly intoxicated but didn't get pulled over by the police to be punished but still feel it's ok to pass judgement on others?

    And this is the exact reason I advised him to stay away from posting more! He is in touch with 3 BM's who certainly don't condone his actions but he knows he was wrong and is accepting whatever punishment is decided by the courts and are trying to help him understand whats going on.

    Far too many self righteous BM's here at times in blatent self denial. As you and others have said will the people who have NEVER 1 time driven whilst even slightly over the limit please stand up.

    • Like 1
  2. I have used a wrt54GL both with tomato and dd-wrt.

    Lots.of fun to play with, but not always easy.

    I needed a lot of googling to make it work as a repeater, and some things couldn't get to work at all, remember there were problems with wpa2.

    However there are lots of step by step tutorials out there.

    Using it as a client was not hard I remember.

    I actually started playing with those firmware's as one of my wrt's had its wan port blown out by a lightning strike..The lan ports were still ok. Made the router useless with stock firmware, but in dd-wrt you can assign any of the ports to be whatever you want it to be.

    So lan port 1 became WAN...

    Problem solved biggrin.png

    Cheer Monty

    Anything thats easy is boring and I certainly have plenty of time on my hands at the moment!

  3. Go ahead. DD-WRT is fun to play with and I think a very good example of how open source can sometimes be superior to a commercial product. The WRT-54 is getting a bit long in the tooth now but it is probably the most common DD-WRT flashed device out there so it is well supported with several firmware variants. Due to it's limited RAM & Flash memory though, it won't take the bigger builds with a better feature set.

    The DD-WRT forum contains a wealth of info so you can find help for almost any scenario.

    I have less experience with Tomato. I've tried it though and it seems fine but prefer DD-WRT because I think that the user base is larger so better supported.

    Ah the answer I have been waiting for!

    I have been on the forums and Tomato is certainly a lot less used. I know the router is old but so what its only a learning tool!

    Curious and this is the real reason I want to play. I occasionally play with WiFi pen testing I wonder how Linux presents the eth interface from the router to allow this?????


  4. If internet use is what's important to you, why would you care about the local WiFi speed? The internet link will always be the bottleneck.

    I have connectivity what I don't have is any working knowledge of DD-WRT or Tomato which seeems to becoming more and more popular just the way Linux is. I have over 25 years experiance of IT so I am interested in learning all things technical.

    I don't NEED a router reconfigured to client mode but I do WANT to know how to do it.

    Follow me?

    • Like 1
  5. Never happened...not at least the way the OP states.

    I do particularly enjoy the "connections" that couldn't get him off a DUI.

    When will people realize that "connections" in Thailand are worth nothing. They just add to the cost and help facilitate the scam.

    Numbnuts may be in a "special" prison indeed. He's clearly special.

    1. Absolutely correct BUT he posted what he thought had happened which he has since learned that what he was told isn't the way it was hence the massive holes in the story.

    2. Agreed!

    3. Sadly I dont think they ever will. Its easy to 'buy' a policeman's 'help' thats till you are in the crap and really need him. Where is he? At home with his phone off. We are and always will be a commodity to them.

    4. No comment!

  6. Could this be a troll?

    It could very well be. Lets leave it to Lemoncake to find out the truth and let everyone know hey?

    You seem to be taking this all very personally as if you were in fact the OP.

    What I am taking personally is being alluded to being a liar. The OP hasn't posted any replies so everything is simple speculation and assumption all I am trying to is give answers to questions. Evan in the PM's I have had with the OP the story has changed as he is learning and understanding more.

    I have already suggested Lemoncake PM him for confirmation but all he has done is post another lot of assumptions. I'm giving you a golden chance to prove Lemoncakes assumption I am full of c_ap and have no idea what I am talking about.

    I certainly don't have to post and this thread can carry on till a Mod gets bored and closes it and no one will be any the wiser. What I will do now is leave this thread alone till Lemoncake makes contact with the OP.

    As for me being the OP in disguise LMFAO why would I even think about that. That aside there is a Mod watching this thread who has also been involved in some of the PM's.

    Ignorance is bliss and the truth hurts.

  7. Lemoncake here's a suggestion just so you can post to the board I am full of crap.

    Send him a PM saying some guy going by the name of Para is posting stuff like he knows what he is talking about regarding your case whats the deal?

    Then based on your assumption he will say he has never heard of me I am full of rubbish and you can post the PM reply from him on this thread showing the whole world what a mug I am.......

    Posting of PM's on the forum is in violation of forum rule:

    20) Not to post personal messages from other members, whether in full or in part.

    Be advised not to do that.

    Wasn't aware I apologize.

    How about posting the gist of the reply?

  8. Breathalyzers measure alcohol in the blood, not in your mouth.

    The guy was smashed, no way around it.


    SOURCE -

    Alcohol intoxication is legally defined by the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level. However, taking a blood sample in the field for later analysis in the laboratory is not practical or efficient for detaining drivers suspected of driving while impaired (DWI) or driving under the influence (DUI).

    Urine tests for alcohol proved to be just as impractical in the field as blood sampling. What was needed was a way to measure something related to BAC without invading a suspect's body.

    Principle of Testing

    ­Alcohol that a person drinks shows up in the breath because it gets absorbed from the mouth, throat, stomach and intestines into the bloodstream. Alcohol­ is not digested upon absorption, nor chemically changed in the bloodstream. As the blood goes through the lungs, some of the alcohol moves across the membranes of the lung's air sacs (alveoli) into the air, because alcohol will evaporate from a solution -- that is, it is volatile. The concentration of the alcohol in the alveolar air is related to the concentration of the alcohol in the blood. As the alcohol in the alveolar air is exhaled, it can be detected by the breath alcohol testing device. Instead of having to draw a driver's blood to test his alcohol level, an officer can test the driver's breath on the spot and instantly know if there is a reason to arrest the driver. Because the alcohol concentration in the breath is related to that in the blood, you can figure the BAC by measuring alcohol on the breath. The ratio of breath alcohol to blood alcohol is 2,100:1. This means that 2,100 milliliters (ml) of alveolar air will contain the same amount of alcohol as 1 ml of blood.

  9. Lemoncake here's a suggestion just so you can post to the board I am full of crap.

    Send him a PM saying some guy going by the name of Para is posting stuff like he knows what he is talking about regarding your case whats the deal?

    Then based on your assumption he will say he has never heard of me I am full of rubbish and you can post the PM reply from him on this thread showing the whole world what a mug I am.......

  10. Ohhh and here we gorolleyes.gif

    Quotes from OP

    "once it was my turn to be sentenced the judge layed down my punishment in Thai and I could see in the police mans face it was no good, 32 days in pattaya special prison"

    There goes your "factual" theory of your points 1, 2 and 3

    "after the prison sentence we went to the provincial court with the police man and he talked to clerks and the judge said no you can't go home for maybe 6 or so months,"

    And there goes the rest of your theory's

    Good idea to read first before postingthumbsup.gif , especially if you do not want to be making blind assumptions making one look stupid(as you so eloquently put it)

    Yep mate you could very well be correct I could be some kind of 2 bob mug making blind guesses to look important or maybe I have been talking to him constantly on PM all day yesterday and today and the reason for the holes in his first post was because he had left it up to a thai contact to deal with who never explained anything rather than use a lawyer in the first place. Who knows.........

  11. it sure is not in the OP

    You are basing this assumption on what?

    Always better to confirm a question before posting a statement that is nothing but a wild guess because when the truth comes out the person making blind assumptions is left looking stupid mate.....

    Have you not even considered why I chose your post to reply to?

  12. I do not understand a few things

    1. Why OP was not allowed to go home after the sentence? This makes no sense at all

    2. Why was OP sentence to 30 or so days?, when everyone else( i know of 3 people personally and a number of posts here and other forums) pay 2000 baht fine and are free to go

    3. Why OP supposedly used a policeman instead of a lawyer?

    4. Why would a high ranked cop bail OP out,? when high ranked cops simply pull favors and OP would not even need to go to court

    5. Why would a judge not "help" highly well connected people?

    Me thinks OP either not telling the full story(perhaps caught a few times) and/or is imagining 'well connected friends"

    1. Because he has not been sentenced yet he is still waiting for his case to come up.

    2. He wasn't sentenced to 30 days he was REMAND.

    3. Local problem with a connection why pay a lawyer?

    4. Friend of the family or just looking for a drink?

    5. They do and they did he has twice been granted permission to leave before the the court has given judgement.

  13. Looks like I'm going to have to stand in front of a mirror and throw food at myself as we appear to have an absentee.

    Another thing, I don't understand why they call it a standing count when the bloke is normally flat on his back at the time stumbling to his feet!!

    I think has popped down LK Metro for a celebratory ST I hope he doesn't waste too much energy little does he know the battle is far from over....

    Looks like I'm going to have to stand in front of a mirror and throw food at myself as we appear to have an absentee.

    Another thing, I don't understand why they call it a standing count when the bloke is normally flat on his back at the time stumbling to his feet!!

    LOL post a picture will you?

    A standing eight count, also known as a protection count, is a boxing judgment call made by a referee during a bout. When invoked, the referee stops the action and counts to eight. Typically, a boxer can take 3 standing eight counts in a round. During that time the referee will determine if the boxer can continue.

    It was designed to protect boxers by allowing the referee to step in and give an overwhelmed fighter an eight-second respite. Standing eight counts by the referee are scored the same as a knockdown, whether the boxer was knocked down or not. The United States Association of Boxing Commissions eliminated the standing eight count in 1998.

  14. DUI on a push bike? You trying to kill me here!

    So what got you nicked being gullible, naive, un-connected, or un-educated. Or did you forget your reflective bib and to engage dynamo for correct lighting to ensure safe riding!

    I am truly crying with laughter here than you so much Neeranam

    Accepted it all depends on how poor, gullible and uneducated you are, right?

    Nope. Not in my experience.

    It wasn't Thailand I was arrested for being drunk in charge of a bicycle. Why so funny? It was a pink girls bike(my little sisters) which maybe got the police's attention. They did warn me saying leave the bike at the side of the road and they wouldn't arrest me. I didn't have a padlock so said 'throw the bracelets on'.

    You are killing me here stop it!

    DUI on your little sisters pink bike yep I reckon that could of caught there attention!!!!!!!!!

    What something like this???


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  15. Slightly off topic maybe but which is worse - drinking and driving or taking heroin?

    It amazes me that so many people think for some reason taking heroin is a worse crime.

    Would love to watch a fiend try coordinate and get into a car let alone put the keys in the ignition!

    I dont know who Lindsay Lohan is but am too scared to say.....

    Then why say it??

    To give someone like you the chance to reply with what you did. Guess dry British humor is wasted on you?

  16. He now seems to be in a rather strange situation, waiting for another court appearance. He's apparently worried about what might happen and asked advice.

    That's exactly the way I read it. He got nicked and made bail. Managed to get a permission to travel based on him returning on the 15th March which he has done and has now been given another extension with a return date. He doesn't seem to be running or denying just looking for answers which IMO his lawyer should be giving not us.

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  17. Why i He_l do you want to come back, i wonder. If this had happen to me, i would have been gone forever! blink.png

    They had his passport which I know is easily replaced but then he is leaving himself open to an Interpol mug shot as well as never being allowed to come to Thailand.

    Given its such a small problem I think he is right coming back and accepting the courts decision.

    • Like 1
  18. A new contender for most idiotic post of the day.
    Oh Bravo! I am slain by your wit sir!

    Crawl back under your bridge until you actually have your own reasoned opinion instead of rubbish.

    Don't worry he has already given the award to me so wait your turn till next week...... ;-)

    The guy I get my bikes from advised me to not drink and drive/ride in Pattaya as they are banging people up for 3 nights down Soi 9 then hitting them with a 90k backhander.......

    And that's the most convincing reason you have for not drinking and driving? Wow...you just get scarier and scarier.

    Actually the most convincing reason I have for not drinking and driving is that I don't drink!

    So what am I now scary or an idiot or maybe a scary idiot? Make your mind up otherwise you will be adding confused to the ever growing list of compliments!

    Wow so much affection I am almost underwhelmed by your attention.

  19. Considering all the bashing so far - I feel contrary right now so I'll make an unpopular viewpoint.The whole purpose of the law is to punish people who harm others, right?Looked at in this light, isn't the whole DUI bit based on a bit of pre-crime?ie. You *might* hurt someone, therefore you are guilty and must be punished.Did he injure anyone?

    A new contender for most idiotic post of the day.

    What you some kind of Indian giver? You have only just given me the honor now you are thinking of taking it away from me? Let me have it for a couple of days at least.....


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