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Posts posted by Para

  1. Further to this I don't know many cases of a pack beating up a pensioner and thai visa arm chair cowards with thousands of posts condemning the bloke without a shred of proof and also quite happy to openly post 'that he got what he deserved'...Outrageous.

    In cases where tossers want to openly berate with no facts or evidence - those parties should have to post their name, address, and phone number. Thai Visa can't allow that I am sure but all the same. Would cut down troll posts.

    Too many threads disintegrate into Google experts and keyboard mafia posted by egotists that through assumption know everything here si to know when only 1 side of the story is often reported.

    Leave the trolls alone their arrogance makes them easy pickings......

  2. A .

    But please....lets stop all this Thai coward, soi dogs etc talk.

    If they pack hunt then they are cowards PERIOD.

    It was and still is in common practice in the UK (and many other countries). Cast your memory back to the glorious skinhead days of the 1960's and the world famous British football hooligan where the Doc Martens were put to great use. .. perhaps this behaviour has been imported over the years.

    I grew up in London when the skinheads were about and will say the same about them they were pack hunting cowards. Now its the roaming hooded 'Yoof' all tooled up stabbing people again pack hunting cowards.

  3. Stu save it mate the majority of BM's just want someone to attack so trying to reason with logic is wasted on them. That is of course until it happens to them and they come crying saying how bad they were treated.

    Regardless of how drunk or in the wrong you were the fact is it should of been handled very differently but any chance these cowards have to pack hunt they will take it.

    Hope you heal quickly.


    • Like 1
  4. It does happen and it doesnt take too much to provoke a certain ilk of Thai.

    This video should be compulsory viewing for every <deleted> visiting Thailand who wants to behave like a moron.

    Never happened to me or any of my friends....or indeed anyone I know....cos we don't behave in an offensive manner then back it up with aggression.

    For an 'older' BM who has lived a normal life in the UK then came here and went straight to Issan or someother backwater you will get ignorant comments like that.

    In the real world it happens and it happens a lot and those of us living in it already know what coward pack hunters *certain* Thai men can be. I have lost count the number of times a (probably) drunk foreigner has said or done the wrong thing and before you know it they are coming out the woodwork like cockroaches to give him a kicking when he is on the floor.

    I wont for a second say there are some that deserve it BUT for the most part its a bit of excitement for them.

    The Thai use a very successful fighting method, out number, take the legs, the biggest guy in the world on the floor is not much of a threat.....There is a vid on Utube showing Thai women taking down a farang guy just this way. One on One, why? Understandably the small Thai fight to win with minimum injury to themselves. If a person is not aware of this when being confrontational in a bar there is always the possibilty they will learn the hard way.

    I got into a fight with a Thai once over loss of face on his part. He did the normal run around to get as many Thai's as possible to come and back him up but the motorbike drivers there all knew me and weren't interested. In some ways I was lucky but then again I am not 60 and I still train.

    Cowards plain and simple.

  5. Choice of cable is actually the easy part trying to plan what will effectively be a mini network will take experience. It's not just ensuring what you need today is provided but also what you don't know you will need tomorrow with the new technology thats constantly flowing out to us.

    I would strongly suggest trying to find a company to do a site survey after all you wont be running/terminating the cables yourself (will you?) When they make their recommendation let us know and I am sure one of us will make sure you are not getting (too) ripped off and have some scalability.

    Have fun!

  6. Could it be related to this????

    Global internet slows after 'biggest attack in history'

    27 March 2013 Last updated at 13:03 GMT

    The internet around the world has been slowed down in what security experts are describing as the biggest cyber-attack of its kind in history.

    A row between a spam-fighting group and hosting firm has sparked retaliation attacks affecting the wider internet.

    It is having an impact on popular services like Netflix - and experts worry it could escalate to affect banking and email systems.

    Five national cyber-police-forces are investigating the attacks.

    Spamhaus, a group based in both London and Geneva, is a non-profit organisation that aims to help email providers filter out spam and other unwanted content.

    To do this, the group maintains a number of blocklists - a database of servers known to be being used for malicious purposes. Recently, Spamhaus blocked servers maintained by Cyberbunker, a Dutch web host that states it will host anything with the exception
    of child pornography or terrorism-related material.

    Sven Olaf Kamphuis, who claims to be a spokesman for Cyberbunker, said, in a message, that Spamhaus was abusing its position,
    and should not be allowed to decide "what goes and does not go on the internet".

    Spamhaus has alleged that Cyberbunker, in cooperation with "criminal gangs" from Eastern Europe and Russia, is behind the attack.

    Cyberbunker has not responded to the BBC's request for comment.

    'Immense job'

    Steve Linford, chief executive for Spamhaus, told the BBC the scale of the attack was unprecedented.

    "We've been under this cyber-attack for well over a week.

    Writing exactly one year ago for the BBC, Prof Alan Woodward predicted the inherent weaknesses in the web's domain name system.

    He wrote: "It is essentially the phone book for the internet. If you could prevent access to the phone book then you would effectively render the web useless."

    "But we're up - they haven't been able to knock us down. Our engineers are doing an immense job in keeping it up - this sort of attack would take down pretty much anything else."

    Mr Linford told the BBC that the attack was being investigated by five different national cyber-police-forces around the world. He claimed he was unable to disclose more details because the forces were concerned that they too may suffer attacks on their own infrastructure.

    The attackers have used a tactic known as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), which floods the intended target with large amounts
    of traffic in an attempt to render it unreachable. In this case, Spamhaus's Domain Name System (DNS) servers were targeted - the infrastructure that joins domain names, such as bbc.co.uk, the website's numerical internet protocol address.

    Mr Linford said the attack's power would be strong enough to take down government internet infrastructure.

    "If you aimed this at Downing Street they would be down instantly," he said. "They would be completely off the internet."

    He added: "These attacks are peaking at 300 Gbps (gigabits per second).

    "Normally when there are attacks against major banks, we're talking about 50 Gbps"

    Clogged-up motorway

    The knock-on effect is hurting internet services globally, said Prof Alan Woodward, a cybersecurity expert at the University of Surrey.

    "If you imagine it as a motorway, attacks try and put enough traffic on there to clog up the on and off ramps," he told the BBC. "With this attack, there's so much traffic it's clogging up the motorway itself." Arbor Networks, a firm which specialises in protecting
    against DDoS attacks, also said it was the biggest such attack they had seen.

    "The largest DDoS attack that we have witnessed prior to this was in 2010, which was 100 Gbps. Obviously the jump from 100 to 300 is
    pretty massive," said Dan Holden, the company's director of security research. "There's certainly possibility for some collateral damage to other services along the way, depending on what that infrastructure looks like."

    Spamhaus said it was able to cope as it has highly distributed infrastructure in a number of countries.The group is supported by many of the world's largest internet companies who rely on it to filter unwanted material. Mr Linford told the BBC that several companies, such as Google, had made their resources available to help "absorb all of this traffic".

    The attacks typically happened in intermittent bursts of high activity.

    "They are targeting every part of the internet infrastructure that they feel can be brought down," Mr Linford said.

    "Spamhaus has more than 80 servers around the world. We've built the biggest DNS server around

  7. UPDATE:

    I bought the Q1 this morning.

    6190 Baht, including bumper case, screen protection and a 8 GB SD-card.

    VERY nice device for the money. Not laggy, compared to my older Android's with "Single-Core CPU"

    The rooting was a little bit tricky, but it's done.

    Thanks for all suggestions thumbsup.gif

    Is that the one that has all of Thailands 3G frequencies on and also a TV function? I'm not interested in the TV bit at all but to avoid that it looks like I have to go for the IQ2 and theres two versions with different 3G frequencies - which do I buy to use in Thailand and poss the UK? Help!

    Go for the IQ2A (ais) It has the 900 mhz band for 3g which is compatible with the Uk and Europe and Oz. The IQ6 (Dtac, Cat,True) has the 850 mhz band better suited to the America's

    They quickly brought out the IQ6A for AIS 3G support....

  8. From my experience, you're dead right that the early stage of construction is the time to think about LAN cabling. I built my house a few years ago and thinking the same way as you put LAN cables from the services room to about a dozen points around the house but I made some mistakes. In case you're interested, if I were to do it again, this is what I would do differently.

    1 - As Para suggested, use CAT6 cable. It's news to me that CAT6 is easier to terminate but anyway the cost of the cable itself is minimal compared to the possible future hassle of having to upgrade and CAT6 is the latest technology. I didn't specify the cable and was lucky that the contractor at least used CAT5E which supports Gigabit. Old CAT5 cable is still around and is the cheapest so it's possible that if you don't specify, the contractor could use that.

    2 - Think carefully about the position of the LAN outlets in each room. Some rooms should have 2. One where a TV/media player may go and one where another device like WiFi AP would go. Even if you're not using a networked media system now it's likely that you will in the future.

    3 - Think about where CCTV cameras might be placed even if you don't plan to install them now. The technology is becoming so prevalent that sooner or later everyone will have it. If you have LAN cable to those points you can buy cameras that are powered by POE which is much neater than an AC outlet which you need for WiFi cameras. Also that has the advantage that the cameras can be powered from a single UPS so both protected from electrical damage and can stay running if the mains electricity is cut.

    You will often hear that LAN cable is no longer necessary because wireless is the future. I don't believe that. WiFi has one big advantage over LAN in that you can move around without being tethered to a cable. But that is the only advantage. In every other way (performance, cost, reliability, durability) LAN has the advantage over WiFi.

    As for terminating the cables, that's easy and can be done anytime in the future. But dragging new cables later can be a major undertaking.

    Solid advice from Dorm.

    Even though Cat5e does support gigabit don't bother go straight to CAT6 there will be negligible difference but make sure the contractor runs CAT6 and not the cheaper and inferior CAT5x .

    As for the CAT6 connectors once crimped they are a standard RJ45 it the small plastic insert they now use to ensure the pairs are in the right order before trying to push them into the connector. Minor change but massive difference when you are terminating the cables yourself.

    Didn't even think about CCTV great point. PoE makes use of a 'power injector' that sends the power the camera needs to work up the LAN cable so all you need on the outside of the house is a LAN cable that plugs straight into the camera no need for outside power. Well done for pointing that one out.

    Out of choice I will always go for a LAN connection for my computer but everything is moving away from LAN to WiFi because of its flexibility and the huge take up on mobile devices. I personally recommend if you are running or thinking of running any kind of media center stick a LAN to it as the Gigabit switch (router) you will have will be able to better cope with streaming media especially if in more than 1 room than a poor single N class WiFi router!

    With the right planning you should end up with a balance of both options.

  9. After reading the thread and what was meant to have happened i was about to say some people do deserve a slap when stepping out of line.

    But he was on the floor being dealt with and then more and more join in just for sport, Thai culture don't you just love it.

    TiT mate. Never seen a one on one with a Thai simply because they know they have no chance. They seem to hover waiting for any excuse to all jump in and deal out their own brand of justice. Hopefully the cowards they caught will be dealt with by the law. Actually just read that back and realized what a stupid comment I made....

    • Like 1
  10. For anyone else wondering you can just install open source virtual router that will use the lan connection to make a wifi hotspot from your pc


    That will only offer isolated virtual connections it wont increase coverage.

    Great idea if you need say your 'clean' pc to stay isolated but for an average home config IMO not worth the pain in configuring.

    Not sure what you mean there, just answering the OP's question

    I figure I'd like to try and use the Tablet with my DeskTop setup - if that's at all

    possible. I have to keep the normal ethernet cable connection to my DeskTop.

    Your idea is a great one as it offers isolation between the different virtual WiFi spots set up. Problem is coverage from a single WiFi router.

    Many ways to skin the cat!

  11. Thanks for the reply.

    I am sure I read somewhere that CAT-6 are a b@##@# to fit the connectors.

    Yes it will be overkill, with wifi plus a copper LAN connectivity to all rooms - should the wifi play up.

    But as we are at the early building stage of the house we have this one opportunity to get all the cabling/sockets in place and hidden away.


    Please trust someone that has had to make many cables up!

    The old Cat-5 connectors required you to straighten the wires out, then line them up in the right order, then cut to length THEN you have to push all 4 pairs that are cut short into the connector and crimp hoping all wires are crimped correct. It may look easy but it was a real pain.


    The CAT6 connectors now have an extra bit of plastic with 8 holes in so you strip back the cable exposing the wires any length. Feed them through the guide and cut. Then the guide with already inserted cables are put into the connector. Its so much easier!


    Do a quick Youtube to see it being done for real......

    I can see your point about the WiFi crapping out and leaving the house without 'Net as I say if the costs are affordable to you then do it. Or as I suggested run 3 or 4 cables to the outer points of the house. Remember CAT-6 can easily be run to 100m officially 120m+ unofficially against say 50M for WiFi.

    Without seeing a building plan its kinda hard to recommend.

  12. Thanks, guys. Fixed the adaptor problem by expanding the 2 power pins outwards a bit (brute strength, doncha know) and also moved it to another socket. I don't like using insulating (or other) tape for that sort of thing - and anyway, the wife would complain! I may be the "electrical guy" in the house, but that doesn't mean the wife will put up with such nifty solutions, heh heh!

    Good luck with your project - sounds like a real big'un!


    As I say more than 1 way to skin a cat.

    Scooterboy regardless of our life experience, knowledge or social standing once we got home and that door closes we ALL know who the boss is!

  13. Glad you got it all sorted out scooterboy.

    Dont mean to hijack the thread but, I'm thinking of "future proofing" all rooms in our new house build.

    So does it make sense to put copper ethernet in all the rooms, and run them back to central point in one room/office.

    So say, approx 10 cat5 cables into a router setup, probably with ADSL connection (initially).

    Anybody recommend best setup and model of equipment to purchase in LOS which will do the job?

    It really depends what you are looking to do, the size of the house (coverage required) and the building materials used in the house construction.

    All the new Smart TV's run WiFi class N so have moved off copper. All laptops have class N built in only desktops are lagging behind.

    A few years ago I would of said if you could afford it then do it but now I really struggle to see the point. If you do run CAT-6 cable not CAT-5 its higher quality and certified for faster data transfer. Also the new CAT-6 connectors are a DREAM to put on the cables not like the pain the old CAT-5 connectors were.

    You are thinking 10 port router to ADSL? For home use IMO waste of money. What you could do is what the OP has and get a 4 port ADSL single box and use the additional 4 ETH ports to run cables to areas of the house that may have trouble receiving from the single router and put additional routers on the other end?

    In IT there are many ways to skin a cat I am sure others will offer different ways to achieve the same solution.

  14. There you go a nice 1 box solution that does exactly what you need. Perfect.

    I personally have a pet peeve with TP-Link equipment. Sure they are the cheapest but that comes at a price. I had to laugh when you said about the AC adapter had that tons of times normally end up wrapping insulating tape around it and the power strip. Not pretty but it works.

    Glad you are happy with the suggestions made.


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