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Posts posted by Para

  1. You didn't address this issue:Without your passport you simply would't be able to enter another country apart from maybe your home country. No airline would board you without having passport in.hand.Easy on the attitude mate....... You don't need a PP to return to your home country which is the only place you will be allowed to go on a PTT.-Didn't mean any attitude, genuinely curious.Hope I never need to worry about this specific situation. . .

    maybe the op works in thailand.

    you do usually need a PP to return to your home country esp if it is not direct because most airlinesbwont let you travel with no proof of citizenship or relevant visa.

    He is defiantly out of Thailand.

    Maybe I had it wrong when I said the court kept the PP and issued a PTT in lieu. As Monty said you get both back which kinda makes sense with the PTT having to be shown to Immigrations when you leave as your will be on the black list.

  2. Interesting. My N8 locks within 30 seconds with data I gave up on hers after 30 minutes with data. Others are also having GPS problems so I am not alone. I never knew that about the compass not needing GPS my N8 needs a lock.

    The bubble level is 100% dependent on the accelerometer right?

    So I guess the next test is if you get a GPS lock then try the compass eliminating as we go?

    I'm not sure whether the bubble level is dependent on the accelerometer or a gyroscopic sensor.

    Compass apps on my IQ6A do not work even with a GPS lock.

    Wanna buy a Nokia N8? thumbsup.gif

  3. 1. I think the "friend" made it worse landing him jail sentence

    2. The 20K to get out of jail was illegal, he should have waited the 32 days and returned to collect his passport.

    I think judge was/is aware of the illegality and now making him pay for it, again i say the "friend" made it worse.

    As i said, if the friend was as "high" as OP claims, he would not even end up in court, but everything would have been cleared on the spot.

    Bring a lawyer from Bangkok, preferably a bigger firm to find out what exactly the "friend" has done and where its going, because its simply a mess which from experience does not go down this way and surely cost much less to what OP has already paid.

    1. I agree from lawyers I have spoken to as well as BM's that have seen this situation first hand he should of had a fine up to 10K.

    2. The first 20k was to get him out of staying in the police cell which was returned. The next 30k was a court imposed bail he also had to stump up more bond for the PTT.

    Everything else I agree and he is finally realizing it as well.

  4. Now you'll get the "who on earth would carry THAT amount of money (5000/10000/20000) on you, looking for trouble". Same as the dicks on here, never had a beer and driven in my life crew. The guy said he'd just had a beer, he knows he was over the limit, he got caught. Done. Nobody got hurt. Nobody was injured so why not save all the pent up bile and aggression which seems to be plentiful for the <deleted> who can't drive when sober, for the hit and runners, for the <deleted> crusing around without a helmet on. If I want to live like a strict god fearing muslim, I'll go live in SAUDI!. Nuff said and leave the guy alone Jeez!


    All the never broken a law lot feel free to flame my a$$ at this bit of advice but it may well save someone one day.

    If anyone is ever nicked for ANY crime the sooner you start talking about paying the police off the better. If you can do it with only the ones that arrested you it will cost you a LOT less than if you wait till you get to the police station as more mouths to feed. If you leave it till you have your first show at court than thats it game over for a quick way out.

    Most likely the BiB's wont ask directly for money as you could be recording them so they may well talk around 'different solutions' being vague if they don't talk English simply and directly ask them "how much' in Thai.

    Flame away TV Saints......

  5. Actually had a friend who received a ptt while on bail, and he got his passport as well no questions asked.

    Basically the pp holds no value as most embassies will simply issue a replacement, and while holding a ptt you do not even need immigration stamps in the new passport as you leave on the ptt.

    But in Thailand, you have the law, and then you have the officer(s) implementing the law, and those two can differ a bit.

    So what works one day in one province can be totally different the next dayvin another...

    I know my lawyer told me there is a lot of difference between local courts and Bangkok courts as you say if lucky and not Bangkok it seems a LOT more options are available.

    The UK Embassy will not issue you with a replacement passport BUT they will certainly issue an ETD (emergency travel document) to get you back home with up to 5 stops. Problem is when arrested immigrations are always notified and you are on the no fly list.

    The courts can also refuse a PTT to someone found not guilty at the criminal court but who have had judgement appealed by the public prosecutor. So proved innocent once and still cant leave the country or work!

  6. You didn't address this issue:

    Without your passport you simply would't be able to enter another country apart from maybe your home country. No airline would board you without having passport in.hand.

    Easy on the attitude mate.......

    You don't need a PP to return to your home country which is the only place you will be allowed to go on a PTT.


    Didn't mean any attitude, genuinely curious.

    Hope I never need to worry about this specific situation. . .

    NP all cool.

    Trust me you don't want to be in the situation of needing a PTT then having the court refuse the application.......

  7. -

    You didn't address this issue:

    Without your passport you simply would't be able to enter another country apart from maybe your home country. No airline would board you without having passport in.hand.


    Easy on the attitude mate.......

    You don't need a PP to return to your home country which is the only place you will be allowed to go on a PTT.

  8. The PTT is issued AND you get your passport as well.

    Without your passport you simply would't be able to enter another country apart from maybe your home country. No airline would board you without having passport in.hand.

    The security you pay to get your passport/ptt is returned when you come back and surrender your passport again.

    My guess, he is now on bail pending an appeal. Same way most hiso Thais avoid jail, you can stay out on bail pending all appeals which can drag on for years!

    My lawyer explained it slightly differently. You dont get your PP back the conditions of the PTT are quite strict as are the dates you have to be back. Holding your PP is leverage to get you to return. You do get the PTT bond back once you return back to the ountry as you say.

    There are 3 levels of courts here in Thailand 1st Criminal, 2nd Appeal, 3rd Supreme. You can (in theory) be bailed at any level but the higher up you go the more it costs. Being bailed at the 1st court does as Monty states allow you to stay out during all appeal. From arrest to the finish of passing up to Supreme can take up to 10 years.

  9. Maybe, bit confused, as I said just curious... are you saying when PTT is issued, his passport is returned to him and simultaneously the Court ordered Immigration stop order on his passport is lifted? If he fails to return to Thailand, bond is confiscated, arrest warrant issued & Immigration notified?

    No chance!

    The PTT is issued in place of your passport. There will (should) also be an immigration marker against his name.

    If he chooses to come back then yes bail, PTT bond, arrest warrant and immigration notification. also if the crime is serious enough possibly Interpol.

  10. They are good stuff.

    Still being sold by lots of shops, they might even still be in production.

    And not so cheap either, not much change from 2K Baht!.

    So if you can get one on the cheap, go for it, if you want to learn the in and outs of wireless networking, they are a good learning tool.


    Thanks for the link.

    I would be happy with the WRT54G doesn't have to be the GL but its finding the right version number as some of the newer ones dont have the RAM to accept flashing.

  11. Para: You say his passport is held by the Thai authorities, just curious how can he enter and exit another country without a passport?

    Understandable question.

    When arresting a foreighner the first thing they want is the PP. Firstly to checy you are here legally secondly to stop (read - make it hard) to leave the country.

    If someone after arrest is able to make bail they can with 'good reasons' apply to the court tor a 'permission to travel' document. Having no money is not accepted as being 'good reason' in Thailand.

    The PTT with stipulate leave and return date and is ((% of the time only issued when an additional bond is offered. Its normally the same amount as the bail amount.

    When leaving the country you show the PTT to immigration and you can pass. Because its court issued they don't question overstays or stuff like that.

    When you return to Thailand you return the PTT to the court and you PTT bond is returned. They still obviously keep you initial bail money till the case is resolved. If you wish to leave again the whole process has to be gone through again. Lawyer presents reason for needing a PTT, judge decides and stipulates the amount of bond and if you are lucky off you go.

    PTT's are a lot harder to get now especially from BKK courts because people were going home and not coming back. The fact this kid has been able to get 2 means he must have some connections but at what price I have no idea.

    With me?

    • Like 1
  12. I had to google "WiFi pen testing" to understand what that is. I guess you mean setting the WiFi as the WAN port so that you could, for example, nick your neighbour's WiFi and present it to your LAN as a gateway. Not that you would do that of course......

    If so, yes that's no problem with DD-WRT.

    Dork I was actually referring to 'penetration testing' but didn't want to openly advertise something that is often considered hacking.

    Pen Testing is simply hitting a lan/wan/wifi with various 'tools' to see what its vulnerabilities are. What you do with that information defines you as either a pen tester (ethical or white hat hacker) or a black hat hacker.


    Yes I know, I was only kidding.

    You're right about the those old Linksys WRT's being robust. Not the most powerful as a router but they have very solid radios so probably perfect for what you want to do. I've had a WRT300 kicking around for years which I flashed with DD-WRT. In client mode there is a function called Wiviz which gives a graphical view of all the networks in range even those not broadcasting their SSID. Some almost a kilometre away - and that's with the standard antennas.

    DOH! Sorry mate!

    eBay are selling high gain pairs for like 20USD BTW.....

  13. OP's case is rather very strange, though very possibly his "well connected" friends made it worse or milking him

    That mate is looking to be the case.

    Look I told him to stay off the thread because he would simply be attacked for stupidity something he knows and looking at the volume of threads would of been destroyed.

    He is FINALLY talking to a Thai/English lawyer and we are working out whats happened and whats going to happen.

    Small update which answers as many questions as it generates

    He was nicked and held in a police cell paid 20k to get out went to court the next day, received the 20k back and pleaded guilty to DUI.

    He was sentenced to 32 day jail. By all accounts harsh but he is adamant it was a sentence not remand. Now 5 days into his 32 day sentence he gets offered 'bail' to come out. This totally loses me. He then applied to the court for his PP as he had to get back to work and the judge refused saying the PP would be held till the full 32 days are up and then he would have to wait for the clerks to find and return his PP. His 'friend' got involved again and managed to get the judge to issue a permission to travel with the condition he came back on the 15th March. He came back and went back to court (for what we have no idea yet) and was then granted another permission to travel for 6 months. He is now outside of Thailand with passport being held here.

    He has no idea if he is on bail, suspended sentence or what!

    He knows he was wrong and accepts as he put in his first port. He is accepting whatever decision is going to be given but we cant understand what on earth is going on. Hence his post.

  14. Seeing as my last question was so well answered here's another I am currently looking into.

    We all know as soon as you have to use the international gateways the bandwidth is throttled. many times I will pick a torrent and the download speed is crazy fast till i check the seeders and see its being provided by a Thai seed.

    I have looked at a couple fo file sharing apps RetroShare and DC++ but they dont offer the benefits of being able to be seeded.

    I know I need a tracker static IP, port forwarding and that was actually looking at the amazing Raspberry Pi as a tracker server (not bad 25gbp + case!) but need to know more about installing/configuring the tracker side. The Raspberry forum has a few posts on it but not a lot. Has anyone tried this?


  15. Running around 5 WRT54G(L) at work and another at home.

    They may be old but they are proven devices that really do work.

    N may have better range and throughput but I still love the WRT.

    Range can be achieved with the right antennas and 54Mbps is still more than any ISP can actually offer (internationally).

    If you do want local network transfer speeds for moving large files around your own machines then yes N is much superior.

    But for price and compatibility still hard to beat G.

    DD-WRT vs Tomato I have used both.

    DD-WRT is much more flexible, opens up a great access to the underlying linux settings, but with increased flexibility comes increased issues.

    For general use I prefer Tomato, it really is tried, tested and stable.

    Various versions around, RAF mod by victec is very good, currently using the VPN version to connect 2 offices.

    I have a buffalo which came preinstalled with DD-WRT.

    Super fast processor, loads of RAM, looked like a really promising router.

    But it keeps clearing the wifi settings and setting itself as an open access relay which is a big issue.

    Also caused serious issues with VOIP using SIP which were never resolved and ended up switching back to WRT54 on tomato.

    The WRT54(x) has to be the most known and loved router of all time. Sure its old but they don't break!

    The condo AP is less than 20m's from my computer its right outside my door. Obviously I am able to scan other AP's and thats with a crappy Belkin USB. Configuring a WTR54 with a pair of hi-gain antenna's I reckon I will be able to see AP's in Laos!

    I have set up systems for people in their houses/condos with smart tv's running N routers because they need the local bandwidth. For me I'm flying solo crippled by a 10Mbps internet connection!

    Excellent so you have played with both DD and tomato. All I want in the first instance is client connectivity then to learn the features so you are saying maybe try tomato first? Nothing to lose just need to get my mate to hand the router over!

    Of the 5 WRT's you have don't suppose you want to sell a low version one do you? I have looked in Tukom and they are all v6 and as I understand it the higher the v number the less ram?

  16. I had to google "WiFi pen testing" to understand what that is. I guess you mean setting the WiFi as the WAN port so that you could, for example, nick your neighbour's WiFi and present it to your LAN as a gateway. Not that you would do that of course......

    If so, yes that's no problem with DD-WRT.

    Dork I was actually referring to 'penetration testing' but didn't want to openly advertise something that is often considered hacking.

    Pen Testing is simply hitting a lan/wan/wifi with various 'tools' to see what its vulnerabilities are. What you do with that information defines you as either a pen tester (ethical or white hat hacker) or a black hat hacker.


  17. -

    No one's claiming that foreigners are the source of the problem, but if you're trying to claim that being a foreigner entitles you to leniency I doubt you'll get many to agree.

    Only a fool would try and leverage a nations driving accident statistic for more lenient sentencing of foreigners!

    The law of the law rules its as simple as that. We go and get drunk here and its cool. Go the the middle east and you are banged up.

    My post was simply to highlight the dangers of driving/riding on Thai roads........

  18. OK open question whats worse a drunk driver or a driver high on drugs?

    The reason I ask is the police are always setting up road blocks in Pattaya drug testing people. Recently in one Soi they caught 80 people with drugs in their system in 2 hours. Not good.

    Who has EVER seen a motorcycle taxi stopped and tested? I have never once heard of it yet we come out of the bars lagging drunk jump on the back of any bike weaving in and out of traffic no helmet basically with our lives in their hands. How many times without knowing are the bikes driven by a guy loaded on Yabba?

    Long distance truck drivers? Coach drivers? And the favorite one minivan drivers!

    I read today Thailand is the 6th worst country in the world for traffic accidents cant all be drunk tourists can it?

    Not trying to deflect the OP's DUI onto anyone else just getting a perspective of where the real dangers are on the roads.......

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