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Posts posted by Para

  1. No film, no matter its content, should be banned. No censorship is endorsed legally and the 'censorship' has not been passed into law unless this has happened underground some time in the past few years. I would love someone to post me the article in law and the act it falls under and when it was passed with the wording.

    Thailand uses bullying to manifest its rules even when not endorsed by actual law. Filmmakers have a right to express themselves and that is what 'the arts' is all about. Gay, straight, heterosexual, drama, twisted, ghosts, extreme violence et al, you out a rating in and let the public decide if they wish to see the content. It is not up to some out of work prudish school teachers. mad.gif

    I totally agree.

    Nothing angers me more then the 'do gooders' who watch a TV program/movie just so they can complain at the content after. I personally draw the line at inciting terrorism but other than that let the people decide what they want to see.

    Would I go and watch this movie, no its certainly not MY style but I wont complain at the content. If you dont like it turn it over.

    I have a very deep love of Thai people but am constantly saddened by Thailand.


  2. What is a boiler room?

    In business, the term boiler room refers to a busy center of activity, often selling questionable goods by telephone. It typically refers to a room where salesmen work using unfair, dishonest sales tactics, sometimes selling penny stock or committing outright stock fraud. The term carries a negative connotation, and is often used to imply high-pressure sales tactics and, sometimes, poor working conditions.

    Business structure

    A boiler room usually has an undisclosed relationship with the company being promoted or undisclosed profit from the sale of the house stock they are promoting. When a small company is looking for financing, it looks to an investment bank to raise capital.

    The managers of the boiler room usually have close ties to the same owners of the company whose stock is being promoted. After the salesforce of the boiler room sells their clients on the idea of the IPO, they are not allowed to sell the shares that the customer invested. This is because there is no real "market" for the shares, so any shares sold before buyers are attracted would create a large loss in the price of the stock, due to it being thinly traded with no public support. Once the insider investors are in place, a boiler room promotes (via telephone calls to brokerage clients or spam email) these thinly traded stocks where there is no actual market. The brokers of the boiler room actually "create" a market by attracting buyers, whose demand for the stock drives up the price; This gives the owners of the company enough volume to sell their shares at a profit, a form of pump and dump operation where the original investors profit at the expense of the investors taken in by the boiler room operation.

    The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission paints the following picture:

    The brokers sat "cheek by jowl" in a room the size of a basketball court. All of their desks were lined up side by side in rows. The firm held mandatory sales meetings every morning at 8:30 a.m. at which time sales techniques were demonstrated and scripts for the firm's "house stock" . . . were distributed. Brokers were expected to follow the scripts and only give customers the information they contained.

    Some traits of a boiler room include presenting only good news about the stock to be sold, and discouraging outside research by customers or brokers working there.

    The term is likely to have originated from the cheap, hastily arranged office space used by such firms, often just a few desks in the basement or utility room of an existing office building.

    A fictional "boiler room" brokerage firm was dramatized in the 2000 film Boiler Room, and the play and film Glengarry Glen Ross show a similar boiler room operation selling real estate.

    Many consider boiler rooms a fictional relic of a bygone era. Although many disappeared in the 90's following the burst of the .com bubble, many boiler rooms still operate across the world. Advances in telecommunication technology mean that a company can viably operate in one country while calling prospective investors in another. The advantage of such an operation is that a company can operate without fear of prosecution from the investor's native legal system. For example, many boiler rooms contacting prospective investors in the UK will operate from Spanish cities such as Barcelona and Valencia.

    Source: Wikipedia

  3. I see the number is now 1300+ this is unreal.

    If these fetuses were destined to be cremated in accordance to Thai Buddhist tradition why have so many been found? How many months have these 'lost souls' been stored at the Wat and more importantly why for so long.

    Even the occult side of them being used in the creation of Amulets this number is beyond belief. I am unaware of ANY living Thai Monk who would have both the power and the desirability for the transformation of such a HUGE number. I am off to spend time with my Ajahn to see what he thinks.

    I am deeply saddened at the number of fetuses found.


  4. Better than him dying by driving head on into a Hilux grille with a costumer on the back while he's off his head on prit-stick.

    Aint that the truth. Imagine the consequences of him crashing wasted on Evostick with a tourist on the back. Problem is would it of ever came to light if it had of happened.

    Either way R.I.P.

  5. I believe this story will cascade and amplify through (even normal, but especially superstitious) Thai society, like an out-of-control wave, generating widespread panic, and massive mass-hysteria,

    I suspect this is going to get a LOT worse, before it gets better.

    Why would it this has been going on for over 600 years since Khun Paen was around. The thing is now its in the 'Farrang' press so a hel_l of a lot harder to keep under covers.

    IMO it will push the already incredibly expensive price of original L.P. Tim Amulets through the roof as the new found Farrang interest, for what ever reason will add to the current Thai demand for them. I have a number of Khun Paen's from L.P. Tim's student L.P. Sarkon's maybe they should be locked away with my Somdej Toh ones.

    To try and help people here the chance of finding an origional L.P. Tim Khun Paen Amulet are close to zero. Anything found on the internet will 99% of the time be fake. Anyine wishing to PM me on this feel free to.

  6. Seems I have put the cat amongst the pidgins with my initial comment.

    We are all conditioned by our cultures, what is right and just for us is classed as barbaric for another, yes?

    The vast majority on the board will simply refuse to accept what AMY happen to these fetuses others will accept it as being the norm. Buddhism embraces reincarnation so if and I mean IF even a small fraction of the fetuses were to be used in a mythical way to give them a form of life how would you feel then? Something good coming from something bad?

    As with all news what is reported is the tip of the iceberg if 300+ have been found in this the first report I can ever remember seeing think how many are not?

    There is so much we simply don't know about this life or world who are any of us to judge or mock without supreme knowledge and ultimate understanding?


  7. If anyone is interested you might like to know whilst L.P.Tim died many years ago he did have a student, L.P. Sarkon, Wat Nong Krub, Rayong who is still alive (at the age of 71 I think). He was the ONLY student of L.P. Tim and still makes Khun Paen's in L.P. Tim's style NOT in his method.

    L.P. Sarkon's Amulets are at the moment VERY popular amongst Thai's and actually incredibly affordable they are certainly a good investment IMO because of their connection to L.P. Tim.....

  8. My first thoughts when I first read the article in an overseas paper were pretty unrepeatable.

    However, having been educated by some of the above posts - I can see how things that happen here in Thailand are not always as bad as first painted.

    Another way to look at it maybe is karmic re-cycling? Something bad happens - abortion (for whatever reason) and then someone tries to make something good out of it.

    That, I can live with.

    Thank you for the info people.

    Tropicalevo unfortunately the story behind Khun Paen and Gumantong is actually quite sad. Khun Paen wife Wanthong was killed while carrying Khun Paens baby. He removed the baby and performed a ritual (I know what was involved but I certainly wont put it here as it is too graphic) so his unborn son could to a degree be born. He comes to Khun Paen as a baby ghost and helps his dad as much as he can.

    If you were to get a truthful answer from a Thai girl they would probably all admit to having one of these 'baby ghosts' in the hope of him taking care of them.

    Whilst I have never seen the ghost myself my wife is able to BUT I have on many occasions felt him walking across our bed. It scared the life out of me the first time then I just accept he is there and everything is fine.

    There is so much to this whole subject that goes far beyond what conventional Western conditioned minds will allow......

  9. Para, I am not surprised at your quoted prices that you have seen.

    I did a bit of looking into the amulet scene here a few years back

    and was rather taken aback at the higher end items.

    I did get my sister a Jatukamen Ramahtep as a present

    when she came here for my wedding. More a souvenir,

    but she doesn't mind good luck too.

    Animatic when you consider a example of an Amulet made by L.P. Toh some 155 years at Wat Rakhang will EASILY rent for 10,000,000 Baht going to a maximum of 50,000,000 Baht its a lucrative market, especially for fakes.

    We all like a bit of good luck and giving her the Jatukamen is a nice Amulet to provide that for her.....

  10. lemme get this right - is it being suggested that these corpses were possibly going to be used in the manufacture of magic amulets?

    and further are you saying that the amulets of Laung Por Tim were the same kind and indeed contain remnants of a baby foetus, hence their percieved potency and high price?

    I am saying it is happens in Thailand BUT has not been proved in this case.

    L.P. Tim's Khun Paen are the most sort after there is and yes I am saying as a FACT some of his Amulets were made the original way. I have spoken to my Ajahn to confirm what I have written here.

  11. I've been tasked with installing a small office in Laem Chabang and am looking for solutions to backing up the data server. Its only a 20 position office and I intend to run a 4Tb server but know that is WELL over-spec for the actual amount of user data.

    I have an option of routing it to the UK data site over the VPN but and the very big BUT is the obvious lack of speed to international sites.

    Anyone use a Thai based SME solution?


  12. 'The TOT board will grant a permit to only one lowest bidder to operate the third-generation telecommunication service( 3G) for the whole country. The TOT said the system was very complicated and should, therefore, be operated by only one company, which will be required to use the same equipment throughout the nation.'

    Fantastic TOT are only allowing one 3G operator, nothing like a bit of healthy competition to keep the prices down and consumers happy. Would be great to be able to see the consumer pricing structures from all the bidders as opposed to simply finding out who won the contract.

    So AIS, sorry I mean the unknown lowest bidder will have a(nother) strangle hold over Thailand's communications infrastructure.

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