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Posts posted by Para

  1. I didn't get asked to agree to anything, apart from choosing how many days I wanted to work and the 6 one hour periods covered the 6 groups of form classes.

    Then just showed what qualification I had, filled out a form, stuck a picture on it and signed it, the second part had to be filled out by the school, signed the photocopies of passport, proof of address and qualifications.

    Visa is not a problem as I have 1 year marriage extensions.

    It is now I'm told, being sent off for approval, if approved, a work permit will be issued, and start date will be 14th May. smile.png

    Thanks Kwasaki

    I am still trying to find out the days/hours expected of me. You are being asked to cover 6 x 1hr lessons a week days/times to be agreed between you and the school?

  2. LOL!

    I was approached 2 days ago by the local school here with what sounds like the same paperwork the OP was given. I asked what hours I was expected to work and even after she made a phone call couldn’t tell me but did keep on about me getting 10k/month.

    The last thing I ever expected to be doing was teaching but seeing as the school is only a 5 minute walk from my temple I think I will give it a try. My only concern is they want me to agree to a 12 month contract but I am guessing that’s a *Thai* contract so if I needed to break it things would be OK.


  3. but i knew a lady who was giving money by a monk for sexual favors so how can he touch a lady and the rest of the monks cant that a load of codswobble

    With Thailand having over 250,000 Monks unfortunately some do fall to temptation. Please do not let isolated incidents cloud your opinion of all of us......


    • Like 1
  4. From the Buddhist teachings I have had attachment is not good as rockyysdt says. For me personally learning to drop all attachments and replace them with simple acceptance has rid me of so much emotional burden.

    I am happy to agree that we simply have a different opinion on the subjects.

    With metta


  5. The reason for the seperate area is to stop any chance of accidental contact from lay people and also a sign of respect for the Monk. If you had of chosen to sit I am sure any Monks there would of simply welcomed you and enjoyed chatting with you.

    Please dont confuse respect shown by lay people towards Monks as expectation by Monk's......

  6. My concern is for the extremely poor who offer large amounts (wad in envelope) generously despite their parlous state.

    I witnessed a very poor woman, living from day to day and relying on what is hunted or gathered from the fields, or grown in the rice paddies hand over a large sum to a head Monk.

    To treat this as personal income is to disrespect poor working people.

    rockyysdt I fully agree with you on this point as its a shift from feeling the want to make merit to the need to make merit.

    I am reading a VERY controversial book about Thailand and it quotes sadly how some Thai's look at the size of the offering reflecting in the amount of merit gained which is so obviously against everything taught buy Lord Buddha.

    As with most things I feel its the intention of both the layperson AND Monk tthat determines the correctness of the offering.

  7. It sounds like the ideal trade with minimal overheads for tools.

    Forget about what the Buddha was actually teaching.

    One can either pursue the path as a lay person, or embrace Monkhood.

    This is a very big step entailis much sacrifice and responsibility in many ways.

    I wouldn't like to milk my position.

    I think abusing ones position as a Monk can have profound impact on the paths of others and be far more serious than "taking that which does not belong to you".

    So if a layperson wishes to give something other than food for Alms its to be rejected? A Monk refusing Alms from someone stops them making merit when my baat is full I transfer some to a bag to allow others to make merit am I wrong?

  8. It doesn’t add up IMO.

    2.5M pills and 50kg's of ice is a LOT of weight. The wording for where they were arrested is vague "the departures floor' were they on the save lever but not departing? Also Thai's don’t carry gear out of the country when already stated their customers were Bangkok based.

    Either way it’s a fair amount of gear someone won’t be sleeping well tonight....

  9. This guy actually had some MDMA and ketamine in Thailand, that is a rare thing to come across that is for sure. From the details given in the report, it seems as if he was a user as 5.6Gs of MDMA is not exactly much at all, not even a quater of an ounce, seems personal use to me, that and the ketamine. If only I had made a trip to pattaya and back before this guy got thrown away! Anyway, this is one of the worse countries ot try and setup a controlled substance business, beyond stupidity. Why not do it back home lad, where you would get maybe 10 years and serve 5, and come to Thailand on your holidays wink.png

    5.6g's of MDMA will get him 8-12 years the ICE will be a life sentence.

    I have to laugh at people that have no idea what they are talking about. Any Britain sentenced in Thailand serves 1/3 or 4 years whatever is less of their sentence then they are sent back to the UK to serve out half the sentence less time served. Time served does not include remand time.

    Anyone getting life has to serve 8 years in Thailand then back to the UK for the remainder.

  10. It's working just fine with a VPN, a bit slower but that's normal, i can browse all pages and not just the first one, maybe the problem is in your machine, can you tell us a bit more about what are you using???

    Tried google chrome, mozilla and explorer. use true vision. also tried different proxies...........

    I can ping the host ( but cant connect (TOT) so a paid VPN might be your only option. A VPN will give you far better performance than a free proxy. IMO.

  11. If Thai mobile airtime providers wont allow blocking of stolen IMEI's do you really think the BiB's are interested in this? The technology it out there to deter theives shame most of them in Thailand wear brown......

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