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Posts posted by Para

  1. It appeared Win8 is trying to take over the bios as it is very hard to get into the bios on startup now. Also with both OS there seems to be an eternal compulsory disk-cheking of all the four partitions on my rig on every startup. . Bottomline; Best install Win8 on a single OS on a computer.

    Never heard of an O/S 'taking over the bios' if you want to post a detailed explaination I am sure we can help you.

  2. Another tip is to wear knee pads or something wrapped around your knees. It is very painful when kneeling for approx 40min, especially on marble, or carpet on marble.

    LOL. I ended up with a nice blister on the top of my toe as the carpet was very rough!

    I ordained with a Thai from my temple and luckily for both of us we were prompted a lot. I wasnt till I was being dressed in my robes it hit me I was going to be a MOnk then I was abkle to relax and enjoy the ceremony.

    Its been 9 days now and is easily the most amazing thing I have ever done.......

  3. You might find this booklet helpful or easier to work with http://www.buddhanet.../ordination.pdf

    Thanks for the link I downloaded it but when I compared it ot the Pali I am expected to say its different. Apparently different regions use variations on chants????

    What was helpful was what to actually do as opposed to say so thank you.


  4. Thanks for the comments guys.

    Today I spent time with the #2 Monk at my temple and he told me not to worry and that I only needed to remember the first paragraph the rest I would be prompted/helped through.

    He was confused at the amount my Abbott expected me to remember but as Fabianfred said I guess if I was able to remember it all it would reflect well back on him. There are 2 of us ordaining, the other is a young Thai guy who has been studying the chants for over a month now and still struggles remembering most of it.

    After the frustration of yesterday I am now looking finally forward to Sunday!

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  5. I practiced and tried to commit it to memery as much as I could but as I recall during the ceremony the Ajahn was happy to prompt me when I got stuck as to what came next.

    Brucenkhamen thank you.

    I have 2 problems the first is that I am not being ordained by my Ajahn but by a very senior Abbot at a nearby temple. The second and biggest I was only told 2 days ago I am supposed to ordain in 5 days. To me its an impossible task to remember even th3e first page of the chants so I am just curious on the 'assistance' i can have/expect.

    With metta

  6. Acceptance and non-attachment form the basis of Buddhist teachings. Understanding acceptance is easy but it took me ages to get my head around 'non-attachment' I mean after all if you are happy you want to remain happy so attach to that feeling. If you are with someone you like you wish the relation to continue again you will attach to that.

    Problem is attachment leads to lust and greed which isn’t good. Also ultimately we will die so any attachment formed will be lost.

    Simple acceptance of every situation without attachment leads to freedom of the mind and is the path to Nirvana (Nibbana)

    Remember yesterday is past and cannot be changed while tomorrow has yet to arrive its only today, the present that’s real and where we should live our lives.

  7. I am due to ordain soon but am really struggling with the chants I have to learn.

    Yesterday I spent time with my Ajahn and after going through the process ended up with 8 A4 pages of Pali that needs to be remembered!

    I am curious to ask the Western Monks when they ordained did you commit the chants to memory or read them from a book/note?

    With Metta


  8. Easy take a private car from Pattaya to Kho Kong so as to arrive attthe crossing for about 7.30. Boat leaves the pier for Sihanoukville about 08:30 if I remmber correctly just giving you enough time to get over the bridge from the border. Lat time i was there a number of small casinoi's had sprung up (surprise) so spending a night at the border is a lot more fun than it used to be....

  9. Regardless of the fact Pattaya beach/water is about as inviting and a Brixton Ragga club its just basic long shore drift that's causing the problem.

    As said earlier run a series of Groynes in and not only does the sand drift stop it would if run far enough out actually stop a lot of boating/jet ski accidents.

    But then I didn't spend years thinking about it like these university researchers. :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:

  10. The foreign (and Thai?) prisoners get death penalty for 1000 pills. What can happen to someone with 166,000 pills?

    If they accept the charge they will get half sentence so 12-15 years if they fight and lose then you are correct they will get a minimum of life possibly death if charges with importation.

    This is why so many people when arrested plead their guilt it cuts their jail time in half which is good as there is no parole here.

  11. " Things we tried 1971 we don't do today since we have learnt what worked and did not work."

    So 40 years later, same stuff, another day.

    I would say the approach the U.S. is taking on the "war on drugs" is not working - for the same reason you can't make booze illegal. It just criminalizes what people do. All it does is raise the price, makes some crime syndicates very wealthy.

    Time to rethink the war on drugs - not the tactics.

    I agree trying to fight the problem is impossible but it take balls to implement legislation legally controlling it.

    Look at Amsterdam, grass is legal in controlled cafe's and areas and it works.

    Fact is drugs are here to stay regardless. So either take control of distribution/cost/quality/control or leave it to the mafia's. Problem is look at the crime directly related to drugs and the spin off connections e.g. proposition its all controlled by the same money.

    Until drugs are accepted as being here there will never be even a dent in the money the king pin's are making. Now take that away from them by decriminalizing it and controlling quality and distribution just think of the tax revenue that would generate.

    Sure I am going to get flames by naive old timers but your day has gone its time to understand and accept the dynamics of the drug culture is absolutely ingrained in society like it or not it is simple IMPOSSIBLE to eradicate.

  12. The survey was conducted among 12.25 million people aged between 12 and 24 from 17 provinces nationwide from August 15 to September 14.

    Sorry am I reading this right they surveyed 12.25M people all within a 12 year age span across 17 provinces in 1 day short of a month?

    Taken from Population Pyramid 2000

    Age Male Female Totals (M's)

    10-14: 1.4, 1.4, 2.8

    15-19: 2.9, 2.9, 5.8

    20-24: 3.5, 3.5, 7.0


    That works out to 78% of the total demography in 1 month. Impossible.

  13. Given the majority of Yaba comes from Burma and a huge amount of Ice is also being manufactured there its hardly surprising they are stepping up production.

    Any fool (well most) would see the chance of getting caught crossing the Burmese/Thai border with a car/boat full of drugs is a lot easier than flying it in via Swampy. It costs the same to make anywhere in the world but Burmese ICE doesn't carry the transportation costs and there is already well used routes to get the stuff here.

    You think catching the mules at the airport shows the level of drugs in LoS, sorry I mean MT! then you are sadly mistaken. If the government wants to really do something on the drug availability then sort out its own land borders first. Problem is the Thai army assists in getting it into MT then the local BiB's distribute.

  14. Thappaya does not meet Sukhumvit, do you mean Thepprasit?

    What shopping centre?

    My bad you are correct its Thepprasit. In fact there is no more Thappaya since the rename so that a double wrong for me!

    Its opposite the Outlet Mall/Tesco Lotus on the Rayong side of Suk. The shop is tiny and was when I arrived hidden behind some food stalls. Just look for the parked minivans and you will be close.



  15. from sukhumvit go up north pattaya road, pass the bus station about 50metres on the left side is a rank where vans leave for Rayong

    Thanks PoolHustler I ended taking the public bus there this morning as no one seemed to know even if there was a mini van runnubng there which I knew there had to be but as always finding help and directions here is never easy! The public bus was OK'ish but it was a serious slow but it did have A/C and was only 70BT.

    Went to get the same bus back from the station in Rayong this afternoon and was pointed towards a small booth just off to one side of the bus station. Turns out they do run the crazy mini vans for 120BT. I decided to stay on till the very end (well past where I live) but wanted to see where they end and you are correct.

    The office is on Suk just past Thappaya towards Rayong opposite the shopping center. Will take that in future as the travel time was almost half.

    Thanks for all your help guys


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