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Posts posted by Para

  1. I find it sad that TV has chosen P1 as its partner.

    As already stated here and on other boards HM seems to flit around answering what he deems necessary while constantly ignoring repeat VALID questions posted by board members.

    I have enjoyed reading many of the forums that TV offers and have done so for many years but if forced to read thread after thread relating to the poor quality of P1's posts/news then I will soon become bored.

  2. She was in transit to MY but got busted in BKK? Lucky girl seeing as they normally track the mule to destination and see who collects.

    I feel for her and wonder what conditions/circumstances pushed her to do such a thing. The string her high lemmings will love trying to post whilst wringing their hands but are fortunate enough never to think such a dangerous option is the better choice in life.


  3. Police found that both Mr Nikolic and Mr Lazic had criminal records as they had broken into an ATM machine at a Kasikorn Bank in Chon Buri and made off with around Bt4 million (about $128,000). The duo were released from jail in March 2009 and deported.

    Yugoslavs arrested for 4 mn baht ATM robbery

    Cool thieves rip cash machine off bank wall

    Boonlua Chatree

    A gang of Yugoslavian criminals broke open the ATM of a bank in Chonburi and hauled away the safe containing 4.4 million baht in a rented pickup truck.

    Chonburi police received a report from Kasem Sornchai, the manager of Kasikornbank Oom Muang branch on September 23 saying that the 300-kilogram machine had been torn away from the wall of the bank.

    Pol Lt Gen Soros Iamsa-ad, commander of Region 2, and a team of officers inspected the scene where they found tire tracks and skid marks, and the remains of the ATM machine scattered about. The safe that held the money was missing. The thieves had used duct tape to cover the closed circuit video camera.

    Pol Lt Gen Soros ordered the Foreign Crime Investigation Bureau under the direction of Pol Lt Col Pirom Preeyakorn of Banglamung police to carry out a background check on foreign criminals. Investigations revealed that three foreign nationals had carried out the crime.

    At 5 p.m. on September 25, Pol Lt Col Pirom and Pol Lt Col Thaveesak Suothong arrested two suspects, identified as Milan Nikolic, 35, and Lazic Branislav, 46, both Yugoslavian nationals. The two were hiding out at BS Mansion in Nongprue. Police also confiscated a Toyota pickup with a Chonburi license plate, a number of tools including drills, knives, and telecommunications equipment, and 2.4 million baht in cash.

    Police said that the gang had hired the pickup from a car rental company on Pattaya Third Road on September 18. The owner of the company read that a gang had robbed an ATM machine and got away with 4.4 million and suspected the foreigners that had rented his pickup.

    After carrying out the robbery the gang opened the safe and emptied it of its contents before throwing the safe into Mabprachan Reservoir. They kept the money in their apartment. Only 2.4 million baht was recovered, the rest having already been spent.

    Pattaya Mail

    So arrested for a 4M crime in 2008, deported in 2009? Impossible unless they were sentenced to a 3 year cut to 1 under Treaty.

    It aint fitting to me......

  4. Can anyone actually explain what the problem is regarding the seizure of the equipment ?

    I fail to see the difference ethically or morally between the equipment seizure and phone tapping, old fashioned surveillance techniques, the interception of mail etc.

    Some (many?) of us will remember the inconvenience we suffered when the FBI seized the server for thai-language.com.

    With the latter three, the main loss is privacy, though mail interception does impose the problem of slower mail deliveries. If the equipment is seized, one loses the use of it and potentially the information stored in it.

    Also there is the fact that ALL data stored on the server is available to be checked and you can bet your bottom dollar it all will be scrutinized not just the person/chat room they are after.

    phone tapping, old fashioned surveillance techniques, the interception of mail

    All of the above target a single person but in this case by taking the server EVERY ONES info on that box is open to investigation. Its like saying we will phone tap the whole of Bangkok because K'Mafia lives in Bangkok.

    It the same as a law passed 4 or 5 years ago giving police the right to enter your house if they suspect there is pornography on your computer, LMFAO What is it a case of 'Right we think this one is selling drugs but cant get the necessary info for a judge to sign off a search warrant so lets try the 'Sir we've just looking for porn but whilst we are in your house........'

    Data Protection Act, not here.............

  5. ^ :)

    Now suddenly RFID is bad..?

    RFID is Bad? Thats is an understatement. your nice new passport has RFID so you can happily walk through the 'Express channel' laughing at all the fools queuing with their old style passports.

    You would never notice the man hanging around the exit of the "look at me breezing through Immigrations' with his pocket RFID reader collecting ALL the data required to clone your passport along with everyone else that's RFID's

    No George Orwell here my friend just basic easily available technology in the hands of the wrong people.

    I have not been home to England in over 7 years but I am a technologist by trade. Speeding tickets are automatically received, processed and ready for posting BEFORE you even get to work. Its been possible for satellites to read the headlines of a newspaper on earth for years now.

    Now factor in the new face recognition software that's based not on the face as we see it but on the co-ordinates of the bone structure that makes up your face, so glasses, beard, mustache that hide the appearance of your face can not alter the geometry of it.

    The cost of high speed super computers falling in line with the same as the average desktops computer put the 3 together and no you don't get paranoia you get a world of Big Brother ultimate dream.

    You have social sites that post your location if your phone supports GPS, great for friends BUT the flip side? There was a comment bbb.co.uk click regarding a website http://pleaserobme.com/ guiess what it does?

    Where does it all end?

    Form a queue for GPS chip implants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. It does seem like rather a longshot to pickup someone's own home IP address when I can take this little laptop in its bag on my shoulder and walk up to Tesco Lotus and sit there on their free wifi doing fairly much anything anonymously.

    If someone is foolish enough to start inciting a civil war from their home ADSL, it's probably in their best interests that they get arrested and thrown in jail where they won't have ADSL to harm themselves anymore.

    LOL! I totally agree with you on this! :) But they may find the MAC address of the computer involved...

    They may also find the thousands of laptops that have been stolen and are now being used for this very purpose. I hope you reported your laptop stolen to the police. Most laptops from overseas will inform them of who the original owner was, even if you use it at Tasco Lotus free wifi or you are stealing someones ADSL WIFI that they have not locked. My laptop picks up 5 different private addresses near home 3 are locked and 2 unlocked. I dont use them.

    I use an old Apple G-4, my ADSL WiFi is locked, I have never had a laptop stolen. CAT is my service provider... I was wondering why I had to re-boot my router yesterday a few times... Maybe because the police were removing servers. The MAC address of a computer is not changeable, it is the ID of the computer. Banks can see if you are the owner of the computer as well as the NSA, FBI, etc. I worked at the RSA convention for years. Met the director of the FBI and NSA. Internet security is a huge priority in the USA. China and others have been stealing technology from the USA for years, and now tried to attack Google. But tracing an IP address isn't going to do much as the IP address changes every time you connect to ADSL, unless you pay more for a fixed IP address... I can only say that's my understanding of the internet... I would like to know more!

    Oh yes it is there is plenty of Windows and Linux s/ware out there that will allow YOU to choose any MAC you want. Cloak and dagger.......

  7. It does seem like rather a longshot to pickup someone's own home IP address when I can take this little laptop in its bag on my shoulder and walk up to Tesco Lotus and sit there on their free wifi doing fairly much anything anonymously.

    If someone is foolish enough to start inciting a civil war from their home ADSL, it's probably in their best interests that they get arrested and thrown in jail where they won't have ADSL to harm themselves anymore.

    LOL! I totally agree with you on this! :) But they may find the MAC address of the computer involved...

    Ok so the get the NIC MAC address then what? Sniff EVERY data packet for the MAC so they can get another WiFi IP address which is just as meaningless as the original IP addy Get real!

    The bottom line is Thaksin and his crew are well funded and well supported and I'm not talking about the number pf red shirts i am talking about specialists. Thaksin is without doubt one exceptionally clever man who along with his inner circle have meticulously planned and executed the most amazing long term plan.

    The posting of the video, if such a post really exists would not of been made by a top ranking aid from his home pc without the use of proxy servers and MAC changers. These two technical aids will make it impossible to find. Why do you think the use of a proxy server is classed as illegal here in Thailand?

    Thats Big Brother dealt with now whats Big Father going to do?

    Big Father's favorite son has just brought him a nice present, the physical CAT server do you think for 1 second they will only be looking at posters/connections to that 1 specific chat room? Smell the coffee boys...........

    As a side comment you all realize that ALL text messages are kept on file for 5 years don't you?

    Been working in IT for 25 years now feel free to comment on the facts I have just posted.


  8. Went looking for the place 4 night ago and if it's not been sold then it has certainly changed tactics.

    No more fixed price all you can eat, the mainly Italian menu is still cheap and the quality good but the service is terrible, there were only 2 other tables filled when we walked in but it took at least 45 minutes for the food to come. Hate to think how long on a busy night.

  9. Both my wife and myself have used PIH recently

    IMO Service is ok-ish BUT the price has been outrageous.

    I was admitted with severe abdominal pain, took them 7 hours of tests to work out I had gall stone problems. I asked the doctor how long rough price for the treatment, he told me I needed to spend a week in hospital to get my fever down then have my GB removed and another week. I asked him about cost and was told the OP alone was going to be 100,000 baht and that's if there were no problems. I was in that wonderful world of morphine and really didn't get the numbers

    Then I heard the way the doctor was talking to my wife (both Thai). I asked her what was up she, knowing me, said Oh everything ok. Mouth said ok but her face was not happy. I understand body language exceptionally well and Thai enough to understood enough. I pulled the IV line out and told the doctor to make my bill up.

    I was in there for 23 hours total cost 37,000 Baht........

    Last week I had to go back to get a copy of the receipt and was told it would cost me 100 baht for a copy, <deleted>? I smiled and asked for the manager. Luckily an English doctor comes over I asked him why after paying (being ripped off) for 37k should I have to pay 100 baht for a copy receipt. I asked him just call my name up on your system and print off a copy please.

    Then I got the explanation which had me both laughing so much I just paid the 100B.

    Apparently The hospital is scared of 'losing' patients details so whilst patient information is kept on computer the cashier's records are not. That they would have to send someone to the records warehouse, PHYSICALLY find my original receipt, photocopy it and give me the copy. He then asked when would I like the copy, I said now is good I have to get back to Bangkok today which was met with an 'Ah they normally want 7 days to get the copy' He told the reception girl it had to be done today and she was not happy.

    It was only the doctors humor and out joint agreement with Thai logic that I paid. Still had to wait 3 hours for the copy.

    I will NEVER use them again Bangkok Pattaya Hospital for me.

  10. Oh .. that's because various police officers are negotiating various prices for re-sale of those drugs ;-)

    What the police don't disclose all the drugs they seize and then resell them?

    Where does the money go, to a charity?

    Why dont the people that get caught and charged with 5000 yabba not tell the court that they had 10,000 yabba and ask where the other 5000 go? :)

    Before I get flamed the sarcasm is dripping all over my keyboard........

  11. " 1.6 million ya ba tablets and 2 kilograms of "ice" together worth about Bt30 million from a townhouse in Samut Prakan's Muang district... The raid led to the arrest on Friday of a man identified as Nanthaphong Rattanakornkaeojinda, 30, after police found more than 1 million ya ba tablets worth Bt200 million in his rented home in Samut Prakan's Bang Phli district."

    one estimation is ten times off the mark.

    which one is correct?

    I would say neither of the numbers are correct......

    1kg ICE is anything from 1.2M to 800k so that makes 2.4 to 1.6M Baht total

    Yabba bought outside Thailand on that volume would be around 30 Baht a go so 2.6M tablets is 78,000,000 Baht

    Street price in Thailand for the Yabba is 200/250 Baht which takes the normally (more dramatic) value to 520,000,000 Baht

    I don't understand why there is no consistency in the publishing of the 'value' of a seize. Different articals from the same newspaper will have widly differing numbers, is this to play down the ones that they know will be paying themselves off the charge I wonder?????

  12. New body scanner tested at airport

    I found this story odd I don't understand why the scanners are focusing on departures not arrivals?

    So this guy swallowed 1kg of smack, firstly that's a LOT to swallow and there is no way he would be able to do that much without practice so he is to a degree experienced at what he is doing.

    Ahmad Shabbir was arrested during immigration procedures when customs officers believed him to be acting suspiciously

    Sorry don't fit again the amount and the fact he was working export he would know how to play the game regarding police/customs remember someone has invested a lot of money in him doing the job, his "Boss" would not of given a job of that size to a first timer.

    The detainee was ordered to a toilet to defecate and officials found 90 packages of heroin, weighing nearly one kilogramme.

    Rubbish as already stated it takes AT LEAST 24 hours to pass but can be anything up to 4 days, you think they would let him sit in a toilet cubicle and wait? He would be taken to a nice special place pretty much Hanibal Lecter style glass secure room and held there everything he needed to use the toilet it comes straight out and some fool SOB has to go through it. Either that or he would be taken to hospital and opened up. As he was export I would go with the hospital thing because it was smack if a bag breaks he is dead before he knows whats hit him, more work for Thai officials, if he was import they would not care and hold him till nature takes its course.

    Of course this is purely IMO.

  13. To All you ArmChair Experts

    From what i heard he was a major loyalist drug dealer back in belfast and had too leave ….

    Word in Pattaya is he also had a lot of guns when the local cops busted him ….

    I know him and have no time for him but yes he was a player in Belfast, the only gun he had was a S&W .38 thats in a safe box still.

    He was nicked a long while before it was released and he tried hard to set people up to reduce his sentence (Fact happy to prove off line) He was a player in Samaui and had been hot for a long while in Pattaya but I will agree with Spotlight comment that he never had a pot to piss in there is no way he would have 100g ice in his car.

    His sentence will be 25-life but will be commuted after serving 4 years in Thailand.

    I hope he gets Bombat as a nick its worse than Bang Kwan, but I have a feeling this Irish Man if not already will very soon be home.......

  14. I bought a 5800 3 days ago for my g/f and have to admit its quite a package even more so considering I gave 11,900Baht for it. The GUI takes some getting used to but the combination of input methods is great. I had a play with an E75 which looks better in real life and has a solid feel to it. But the 320x240 screen coupled with a non fat fingered friendly qwerty put me off quite quickly.

    I've currently got, and love my E66 easily the best Nokia and IMO better than the 5800 BUT after playing with the 5800 the N97 coupled with a qwerty keyboard has to be a massive winner. I'm curious on the release price seems the lack of tourists is making part-ex'ing your old phone almost not worth while. The shop where I paid 16k for my E66 3 months ago offered me 4k against a new phone, sorry would rather smash it up the wall than accept the 4k.

    Any news on the Thai release date/price for the N97????

  15. The numbers are so very strange....

    Looking at this recent posting Australian-Drug-Smuggler Arrested He had 3kg with a street value of 12M Baht.

    Working on the numbers quoted 40M Baht divided by the 118,000 ya bah comes in at 338 baht a go which I am informed is about the current street price.

    What happened to the 1.4 BILLION Baht from the smack (351kg @ 4M/kg ref: linked post)

    Another bust backed up by months of investigation and good old fashion detective work I suppose.........

  16. Firstly, The lady attached is not so bad hurt and the baby is fine.

    As for the Man from C&A he is currently on a 2.5M Baht bail for a drug smuggling charge, has an outstanding case for underage child abuse added and has now just given the Soi 9 BiB's what they have been waiting for.

    Byebye grass, byebye..... :D:o:D

  17. Steroids can kill you and can only be sold by an authorised dealer.what these guys have done is illegal and deserve to go to jail and have all their assets stripped.

    their only concern was to get rich and not think about the side effects of these horrible drugs.

    Sorry but your very misinformed. Steroids do not kill people when there is a death from a competing body builder its from the lack of carbs and duritcs (sp) that causes the death. Selling of steroids is NOT illegal go into any pharmacy and ask for Enanthate or Deca and they will sell to you. Shipping of 3 months supply of steroids to Europe is also legal (Dont ask how they can define how much 3 months worth is)

    The problem is steroids are a scheduled drug in America.

    As for 100 DEA coming over to get them what a crock od $hit.

  18. also,who did they try to hang the bogus underage charge on.....paul,martin or T?

    It wasn't a bogus charge Martin did it. Cost him 350,000 payment to the family to stop it going to court.

    I've known Martin for a very long while maybe he didn't deserve the 12 stretch for the ganga but maybe its justice for what he did to the girl.

    The new #1 for Chonburi si really making a name for himself quickly. Insomnia was closed at 2.30 they have a license till 6am. There are also 4 undercover drug teams here from Bangkok helping. It cant be easy work for anyone playing on the wrong side of the line!

  19. Shocker sorry for causing you to loose sleep drop by JP's next time and I'll buy you a drink!

    The underage sex charge was reported but not extensively I was told that there were 3 other pending cases against farrang with the same girl, seems like a standard set up trick the family work. Thats by no means any excuse for having any kind of sexual contact with a 12 year old. IMO nonce's are the lowest form of life there is.

    Found out it was a scheduled court appearance he was at that was supposed to be a formality he got a not guilty. The judge turned around and went see you in 12 years. It seems the thai trump card some of us need to keep in our back pocket hadn't been passing over the money he had been giving.

    Also heard tonight that because the old #2 policde man in Bangers is now the new #1 for Chonburi he is coming down hard and fast on everything. Insomnia was closed at 3am all the other bars in walking were about 2.20.

    There too much going on out there in the bad circles for me to get my head around right now I feel like Alice in Wonderland who decided to take both the pills not just one!!!!!

  20. He's in Nong Palai Prison, Chonburi. Personally I dont think he got the stretch for the drugs.........

    PARA,'tween us farang,a lot of baht changed hands to keep him out since arrest,money stops,freedom over.A lot going on behind the scenes here mate.

    Incidentaly,are you para as in 16AA (bunch of new boys) or 1,2 or 3 from batt days,if para in that sense?

    From what I understand There was about 1.5M put up for bail for him and the Thai boy, Paul was left in there for 18 months, (heard various stories non fit as to why he was not taken out at the same time)

    I dont knot how much had been paid recently but it was significant. The other Brit went guilty at pre-trial Ward went not guilty, Paul left the country so I suppose it looked like an open and shut case which really it should of been.

    It cost him almost 500,000 to keep the nonceing case from going to court so really he should still be out. I know someone close to the family but the info coming back aint sitting right for me........

    Shocker sorry i'm not an Army Para I'm another kind of Para!

  21. He got given 12 years for the weed deal on the 28th. He thought he had paid all the right people and with Paul pleading guilty and Ward not guilty he thought all the blame would be left with Paul. But this was months ago it was at court.

    Here comes the strange bit his wife (been out less than 1 year after getting 8 years for yabba) got pulled by the boys in brown 2 days before they took Ward away........

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