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Posts posted by Duvidl

  1. re

    So who is showing the Super Bowl this year?

    here ya go smile.png ..... and their irish stew is great !


    8:00 pm? Are you kidding? The game's over by then. Pass.

    The game is repeated on True Vision Channel 666 at 8:30pm. And you can watch this channel on your computer on ilikeHD.com for 50baht for a 5 hour package.

  2. I think it is clear that the Chiang Mai Immigration Office is over-taxed. People are not required to show-up in other Thailand offices at 5am to get their visas processed. And if people don't get their "whatever that day" - no, it is not their problem. It's the problem of an over-burdened immigration office. I really appreciate the efforts and politeness of the officials of the Chiang Mai office, but I'm sure if you asked any one of them if they needed more resources they would answer in the affirmative.

  3. Certificates of Residence should not be required for anyone who has a current 90-day report receipt in their passport. It's a waste of resources at immigration that could be devoted to more important functions like the processing of visas and extensions. The same applies to getting a driver's license. A utility bill or recent cable or internet bill should be sufficient to show where you live, just like in most countries.

  4. I saw a big one - must have been at least 8 lbs, at the Rimping in the JJ Market, today at around 3 pm. I was really surprised, as they didn't have anything I wanted. Not one loaf of bread! Can you imagine? This is a market that supposedly caters to farangs, but no bread, no rolls, very poorly stocked in the cold-cut dept. - bacon, etc. I usually shop at the Meechock Rimping but just dropped-in to this one on a whim. Last time I'll bother.

    But grab that Butterball, Gonzo!

  5. I have Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Pale Moon, Torch and Tor browsers all on my laptop(!) Have different add-ons on four and none on the other. That way I can choose a specific browser for whatever I want to do as I find that certain browsers work better on certain websites. And when one gives me trouble or runs slowly I just switch to another.

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    When i was a boy the teacher stopped the classes to listen to the Cubs win the Series.

    And i thought Willie Mays was the 'say hey kid'.

    Well, you are a real oldster, since the last time the Cubs won the Series was in 1908!

  7. MLB.TV is $9.99 for the remainder of the World Series. Or or you can buy a package (about 350 baht) on ILikeHD.com and watch it on your computer or phone. If you don't want to get up at 7am, there are replays on Fox and ESPN.UK later in the day, but they cut it down to 2 hours. Truevisions has it on Fox Sports 1 (Channel 680).

  8. In Nakon Si Thammerat I saw a family of Thais afraid to use the esculator.They were viewing it with great suspicion.

    I remember when KSK opened in Chiang Mai and the Thais were afraid to get on. They would stand at the end and suddenly leap on a stair and go up. It was really annoying to use them as sometimes you had to stand in line. That was 20 years ago though. I don't think many Thais are that backwards in 2014.

    I saw exactly the same thing happen a few weeks ago at the Maya Mall. Old Thai lady was afraid to get on the escalator despite the pleadings of two younger family members.

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