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Posts posted by TaaSaparot

  1. 20 hours ago, Leaver said:


    Soi LK Metro /  Soi Baukhao has overtaken Walking Street for "real" customers.  (pre covid)  They're the ones that actually buy a drink, not spectate.  


    This is nothing new though.


    There was plenty of Flag followers being guided through LK pre-covid days.


    Geezuz, I remember when there was Korean/Taiwanese/Chinese Tour Groups paraded through the Soi 2 beer bar complex, because it was one of the best areas of the time.

  2. 3 hours ago, thaiflyer1 said:

    Thanks for quick reply.............26th is a buddah day............no beer so was just thinking about escaping for the day


    So, it will be very busy being a long weekend.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    Pretty sure that what the UK government would consider their vaccine rollout to be completed when every adult in the UK has been offered a vaccine.


    According to the announcement that has just been made, this will be by July 31.


    All UK adults to be offered vaccine by July 31


    Good news.


    Looks a big ask though, if it remains two jabs three months apart.

    • Like 1
  4. 17 hours ago, Leaver said:

    If Thailand, and many other countries, insist on proof of vaccination, than the NHS, through government policy, will be obliged to provide such proof. 


    This will allow people to travel internationally to such countries that require the document.


    No, it will allow a certain group of people to travel.

  5. 9 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    There will possibly be some who did not take up the vaccination offered them, quite a few sectors of society are spreading rumours in the UK


    Yeah, according the Government & Media I suppose, who seem to be able to use "Social Media" to deflect any valid questions.


    Spoke to a Guy in the UK last week, who was pretty ill after getting his jab, so much  that he is refusing the second one, and says getting coronavirus can't be as bad as what he went through.


    Its a small minority that get affected like this, but that any discussion about it, soon gets shot down that you must be an Idiot and only believe what you read on "Social Media"


    • Haha 1
  6. 52 minutes ago, Leaver said:


    Fair question. 


    I would think because some countries would be slower than Thailand to vaccinate the majority of their population, so Thailand will insist on vaccination proof from tourists of those countries.


    This will also be the case for many western countries with their tourism industry.    


    Where I think it would be discriminatory for the UK to go down the Vaccine Passport, the UK Government say they do not want to go down that route because it would be seen as making Vaccines mandatory, which they don't want to do.

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    • Haha 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Leaver said:


    I see your point, but It would only be age discriminatory for the short term.


    It's a moot point though, because even an elderly Brit who has been vaccinated early in the program, due to their age, can still not travel here until a certain percentage of Thai's have been vaccinated, and by the time that happens, most of the UK will have been vaccinated anyway.  


    Which begs the question, why so many people are so concerned about Vaccine Passports?


  8. 1 hour ago, pomchop said:

    When will people ever learn that antibiotics do not work on any virus?  All you are doing by over using them is helping future bugs develop resistance to antibiotics so when you might actually have a bacterial infection they won't work.


    When I had the coronavirus, ibuprofen was a big help, and I am not talking about just for pain relief.


    No idea how that works but it did.


  9. 8 hours ago, newnative said:

    If you look at all the new development going on in Pattaya, and still going on with covid, most of it is far from the bar areas.   It's new golf courses, new water parks, new theaters, new attractions like Legend Siam, new shopping experiences like Terminal 21 and the upcoming Runway 88.  New, large, high rise hotels in north Pattaya and Wong Amat with extensive meeting and entertainment facilities.  It's all being driven primarily by the large and growing Asian market.  




    Your two examples have been open for quite some time now,  and Runway 88 is marketing itself to Expats.

  10. 9 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    It would be based on vaccination status, not age, and would be a global mix of people. For example, even now, Israel inoculates over 16s. Insurance requirements may also  produce age discrimination, blocking the elderly.


    Indonesia, Israel .... as I said, I can only discuss what the UK is doing.


    And so far, they have no plans to vaccinate anyone under 35.


    In fact, if booster jabs are required later on in the year as Boris suggested yesterday, then anyone under 50 getting a vaccination must be slim.


    Passports? ... LOL

  11. 4 hours ago, ChipButty said:

    Them food handouts have dried up around where I live one in particular I look from their FB page have not had any donations for a while, mostly farang funded 


    Photos of long lines for food handouts are a daily thing on FB.


    In fact, I would say they are increasing at the moment.

    • Like 1
  12. 11 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Are we discussing age discrimination here?


    I can only post from how the UK vaccination programme is being done.


    But if a vaccine passport was introduced today, to allow travel, to enjoy Cinemas, Pubs, etc. then I can not see how it would not be age discriminatory, unless suddenly private hospital were going to be allowed to start vaccinating people also.

    • Sad 1
  13. 9 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Where do you associate 'age' discrimination? Purely by the fact only older people are receiving the vaccinations? (Not true for everywhere, Indonesia plans to give it to the younger folks first.) I have heard no examples as you cite.... a vaccination certificate is open to those who have been vaccinated. 


    Are we discussing Indonesian Tourists here?

    • Sad 1
  14. 7 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    I see absolutely no need for international recreational travel.

    It's something we like to do, it's not necessary for anyone anywhere.

    In fact it's probably destructive to the people and the world.


    Yes, it looks like we will return to an era, where only the Rich can afford to travel.

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