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Posts posted by hobz

  1. 8 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    No, because I think the law should be equally applied to all irrespective of wealth, status, faith , ethnicity and gender [and any other section/sub set of society you wish to include.]

    fines work as deterrents. Economic disincentives if you will. 

    Different people require different amounts to work as a deterrent.


    I see your point of view too. Unfair. Same with tax brackets etc.

  2. 3 hours ago, giddyup said:

    Both times I had a notice left by the postman that it was to be collected from the post office and duty would need to be paid. Admittedly the duty wasn't that high, around 500 baht on a watch that cost $150, plus about $40 for the shipping. I have a feeling that I may have paid the duty up front when I bought another watch on Ebay, it was actually added to the purchase price, even though it was a secondhand watch. This happened about 5 years ago, so my memory is a bit hazy. What has been cleaned up?

    They say that its cleaned up now in the sense that there's no more double dipping on duty.


    So you pay only what you see when you check out. And nothing more.


    Some people argue that its better to not pay duty/customs/taxes upfront and use regular post (avoid couriers) and hope there's no duty/tax/customs at all.


    But i also heard that sometimes they will hold your package hostage and charge more than the entire package for vat/duty whatever..that they make up numbers and fees seemingly out of thin air... Thats why i think this global thing paying upfront knowing what i will pay sounds attractive..

     But if they add fees on top then its bad.... 


    I think i will take my chances with ebay global.. Will report back here...

  3. On 11/14/2017 at 8:36 PM, Bluespunk said:

    I think you may be missing the point on what the rule of law means.


    You can't have one law for the poor who can't pay and another for the rich who can.


    Well, you can but where it does happen it would be incorrect to say there is rule of law...

    What about Finland where traffic fines are based on your income?

  4. On 11/15/2017 at 12:59 AM, rudi49jr said:

    The Myanmar military have a long and extremely violent history of trying to oppress and ‘pacify’ minorities like the Karen, Shan, Wa and Kachin. They have bombed and burned down many villages, have used thousands of slaves to haul their gear through the jungle, they have raped, pillaged, tortured and murdered on a scale you would not believe.  

    So excuse me for being a little skeptical when the Myanmar military deny having anything to do with the atrocities committed against the Rohingya, because there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary. 

    Why are they actually doing it? Just for fun? Doesn't going around killing have a cost? People in power are greedy? Why would they spend money on killing people for no reason? What is the reason?

  5. 1 minute ago, atyclb said:

    police are complicit as they are in the negotiating chain and make good money from cases like these.

    Exactly, it has nothing to do with balls. It's all about the money! 

    And honestly, If i was the victim of something like this,, I might also rather get tons of extra money than to see the offender go to jail... depends on what happened.... but rather take the money in most situations I think.... What do I benefit from having the offender go to jail? Some sort of satisfaction? sure,, but money can bring tons of satisfaction too....

  6. On 6/27/2014 at 9:20 AM, meatboy said:

    we had a Maxwell wireless home security system fitted through out the house,every room covered,down stairs doors,bedrooms,kitchen roof[that's where they like to enter].ours is a large house of 295sq.mts.and its all covered.

    the system we had is the ROKONET WISDOM.total cost 42,000bht.

    why would you want security camera's as most if not all burgulars wear a balaclava,so you would have to be sat infront of the monitor 24/7

    Just the presence of security cameras visible from the outside will make them take another house that has no such things? Unless you are targeted for other reasons please DO correct me if im wrong.

  7. This is news? Its so obvious. I thought everybody knew this.


    Everybody, the bullies and the ones being bullied should learn martial arts (brazilian jui jitsu for example, nothing that gives head trauma plz). It will set the egos of the bullies straight and give them actual self esteem, not the fake stuff that makes u bully others.

    It will also give the kids being bullied confidence and self-esteem.

  8. 1 minute ago, Mansinthe said:


    Its a german company and not a asian one or American.


    30 years old. So dont think i will drop dead from a heartattack caused by to much viagra as well.




    Hahah, I love it,, american and asian companies are 100% greedy scammers.


    You sure about the viagra thou?? :)

  9. 3 minutes ago, hgma said:

    There are 'star' lawyers on the net tv, who have a reputation to get to the bottom of things,One is recognized by the mount of rings he wear around every finger, the other could be walked out of a soap opera where he performed to be a doctor and thus wearing a white jacket.

    The Hotel must pay, how, its their problem, i think publicity would first trigger a vicious amount of venom to the victim and when the star guy's proof otherwise they settle asap or need to close.

    probably operate with ANY documentation or permit

    Yeah,, a good lawyer would be nice.... 

  10. 30 minutes ago, Mansinthe said:



    <deleted>.. sick yeah. 

    Just look at statistics of how many go to prison for some time. Return and do the same. 


    But thats not only a problem in the west or asia . Sick sick world.


    Yep, one would hope that they turned themselves in.. I mean.. At least my sexuality works in a way that i might be irrational and stupid when im horny,, but after release i am rational... So i would turn myself in i think if i was in that situation..... But who knows... They must be sick more than just having their sexual wires messed up.. Because who can hurt kids if they are not sick??

  11. 1 minute ago, Thai Ron said:

    Of course that's a concern but what are you suggesting?

    That farang noncing scum be left to get on with their activities while more attention is focused on determining whether or not what you've "heard" is true?

    How do you know there aren't multiple surveillance operations going on right now into the parts of the local sex industry that use trafficked children?


    That's right ....you don't.

    This is about farang nonces; not Thai nonces.

    Because it's probably a much much much bigger problem. And my guess is nothing is done about it because its thailand and they prefer having stuff kept under the rug.

    But yes, it is a separate issue. And yes. Both issues should be dealt with.


  12. 1 hour ago, Thai Ron said:


    Unfortunately for your simplistic, back-of-a-fag-packet arithmetic, Chonburi, Chinag Mai and Bangkok don't represent all of Thailand.

    Furthermore, it only deals with those who've actually been caught.

    Furthermore, farang nonces in Thailand appear to make a beeline for remote villages where they can procure victims easily, cheaply and with much reduced risk of being disturbed by law enforcement.


    The stats TNN supplied represent those who take the risk of engaging in their disgusting activities in or around major conurbations.

    I call it significant because these beasts are being discovered at an alarming rate.

    Two Germans a couple of weeks ago, an American child rapist the month before and now this Dutch filth.

    There is need for decisive action - screen all white males against kiddie fiddler registers upon entry to the kingdom.

    Racial profiling works


    I agree that screening people against registers is a good idea. It could even partly be automated from passenger lists at airports etc.

    If not it would create too long queues....


    On another note, I've heard that there's brothels with trafficked underage child sex slaves all over thailand, and they cater mainly to thai men. If that's true, isn't that a much bigger concern? Or are those trafficked kids worth less than thai kids?

  13. 12 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    He backed down otherwise he would have sorted you out then and there.


    He cannot do anything about making you move so encourage your rowdy-assed kids to be especially rowdy when they see him. Get a Thai nickname for the guy and encourage the kids to use it loudly when they see him. Use it yourself whenever he's in earshot. Get on his goat before he gets on yours. Take the 'fight' to him.

    Basically this.. Just be as annoying as possible and prepare to film the oncoming assault and report to police when he assaults you.

  14. On 10/31/2017 at 8:48 AM, Hayduke said:

    These are not ‘helpful citizen’ tips. These are people being paid to point fingers. There's a difference. Why stop at sidewalk violations?  Why not offer cash for any reported violation? Why not pay police by how many arrests they make? This is not a positive direction.

    I stand corrected. Yes, the money involved makes it pretty bad.

  15. On 10/31/2017 at 9:23 AM, chinostar said:

    Upward? What civilized society is doing is helping the law enforcement without rewards.

    Rewarding citizen's arrests with money is actually illegal, because you'll be sort of an extension of the police without any authorization. Reporting a crime is different, but has to be carried out with integrity and carefully. The #metoo is a perfect example of how men can be accused of sexual abuse without any evidence. Let it be clear that I do not condone any (sexual) abuse, but being accused without legal evidence is the same as a witch hunt.


    You have some good points. It's clearly not easy. And there will always be downsides. And yes, having a monetary incentive for people to report each other is vastly different from civilized countries where civilians report without monetary incentive... I stand corrected!

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