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Posts posted by hobz

  1. 9 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

    Laws, and the Society that makes those Laws, are responsible for the enforcement of those Laws.


    This is a statement  which basically shows a society completely out of control. 

    yes. i drove around 700km in trang and hat yai between december 28 and jan 2. 

    only got stopped in one checkpoint to show my license.

    i must have driven through more than 20 checkpoints where the cops were SITTING beside the checkpoint and not stopping/checking anyone.

    busy playing with their phones.

  2. driving on highway between hat yai and trang yesterday.

    roads almost empty.

    roads wet.

    many pickups driving over 150km/h and with zero patience for anyone (me) in their way. immediately pushing closely, flashing the headlights, trying (successfully) to push you into the slow lane.

    im no fast lane hogger and i of course let them pass. but i saw a few incidents where someone doing 110 or so would not let these 150 guys pass and they just kept running closer and closer and agressively swerving in and out of the lane to get passed. 

    must have seen at least 20 vehicles like this on the 2 hour ride. one thing goes wrong and their dead and probably taking people with them too.

    did not see any law enforcement on the roads. just a checkpoint on a slow road. 

    and in trang another checkpoint where the cops are sitting and watching traffic but not stopping anyone both day and night haha.


    there wont be any change until they start patrolling enforcing the law or let civilians get a commission for reporting video evidence of violations. the latter would also create some job opportunities.

  3. 3 hours ago, SheungWan said:

    No. She is saying that you can't have an Asian girlfriend who everybody she knows will think that the GF is a hooker and her father a sex tourist. In short she is ashamed of her father. Her problem and nothing he can do about it except be patient and hope she eventually relents.

    ah, it's pretty sad that people judge so much. and even more, that people care about how others might judge them or someone else.

    let them all go to hell. the judgers. judge not , you shall be judged first. true on many levels (not god stuff)

  4. 3 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:


    Which means that darkness and slippery conditions are not to blame.  It means that there is a history that this is a dangerous road condition, heavy traffic at times, and drivers who are inattentive, drunk and driving with excessive speed for the highway conditions.  Years ago, traffic engineers should have been tasked with analyzing the past traffic accident history and coming up with solutions to reduce accidents and fatalities.  This is exactly why Thailand has the world's highest fatality rate on its roadways.

    its the history of all thai roads. 

  5. Joking aside, This guy may seem stupid making such an obvious prediction. But what he is doing is actually really smart. 

    Just like nigerian prince scammers still use the "i'm a nigerian prince" despite most people knowing it's a scam. It's to weed out any intelligent people / people that recognize the scam. The only people dumb enough to contact this guy now will be good source of income for this guy as they will probably be dumb enough to believe anything.

  6. 4 hours ago, quadperfect said:

    So much back peddling .

    Kind of the police to back up and let a few hundred more people die this new years. Thats nice of them.

    I say let it go .its the thai peoples choice. They dont seem to mind. 

    So why should anyone care.

    People in the back of a pick up or not wearing a helmet has no effect on my personal sefety.

    Let them do there thing.


    its messed up for sure. i think let people do what they want as long as they dont hurt others.

    somchai sitting in the back of a pickup does not hurt me.

    somchai not wearing a helmet does not hurt me.

    somchai driving recklessly could hurt me.

    somchai driving drunk could hurt me.

    somchai speeding could hurt me.


    focus on reckless driving, drunk driving and speeding please. 


  7. It's the law of the jungle on thai roads. If you don't push your way in, nobody will ever let you in... They were never thought about the "zipper method" (loosely translated from the swedish term blixtlåsmetoden) where basically if two roads merge or if you need to change lane during a jam, one goes, one lets in, 50/50. Works really well in Sweden. But Swedish people are obsessed with queuing and stuff like that for some reason lol :)

  8. 7 hours ago, Ron19 said:

    The only way I can see that any progress can be made is to concentrate on the producers and dealers.
    Current users is another story.

    Sent from my iris 755 using Tapatalk

    the war on drugs has been about going after the producers and dealers. but it doesn't work. its too difficult and expensive and u catch one cartel and it results in nothing but more misery as the body count and blood bath that ensues in the power vacuum and finally one or two new cartels replace the previous one.

    sad but true.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Ron19 said:

    Yes and no, and still going through it although started long after the so called war on drugs you talk about.

    Sent from my iris 755 using Tapatalk

    My point is that war on drugs did not prevent this family from the horrors of dealing with addiction. If they took the money they spend on the war on drugs and spent it on helping families that deal with addiction that would benefit everyone more.

  10. On 12/10/2017 at 8:32 PM, faraday said:

    Oh what rubbish. I won't expand on it but take a little time to think about Pharmaceutical companies...or Alcohol companies...or prohibition.

    What is I think society needs, is to understand why people become addicted to a substance.


    Legalisation doesn't somehow magically cure this, does it.


    Have you considered what a 'Drug Of Choice' is...or what it actually means?







    Legalisation does not cure it, but neither does the war on drugs. 

    There is no perfect world, there is no perfect answer. But currently we are sticking with the WORST answer, the war on drugs. There is a better option, decriminalization or legalization. I think we should be adults and look at the evidence and history and pick the best (although not perfect) choice of legalization or decriminalization.


    And yes, to eliminate drug problems you need to go to the root and see why people are feeling bad,, make a google search for "rat park" 


  11. On 12/10/2017 at 4:43 AM, steven100 said:

    what a silly statement.  Drugs should never be legalised,  in fact if the authorities had of imposed harsher penalties for drug users, pushers, peddlers etc ...  then there would be alot less of the scum around today.

    I say build more jails to house offenders .... and death to more severe users.

    That might make them think twice about what way they choose to go in society.

    You have not studied history at all it seems, during the crack epedemic they made penalties for crack insanely high, and despite this crack flows freely in every poor neighborhood in the US. 
    I know tons of people ruin their lives because of drugs. But the war on drugs does not work. It just does not work. Get it? It does not work! We tried, it didn't work! Ok? Try something else now and also I have met hundreds of people who enjoy taking drugs occasionally, I dont see why they should not be allowed to get good quality drugs legally instead of having to deal with shady people and shady quality drugs. 


  12. On 12/10/2017 at 9:51 AM, lvr181 said:

    NO. Decriminalised yes but not legalised (always the easy way out)! In other words "help" the addicted to break the habit but draconian (perhaps death penalty) for the pushers! :coffee1:

    Wouldn't it make more sense if the state gave licenses to companies to sell drugs,, making sure the drugs are clean and have consistent quality,, this reduces deaths in overdoses,,, most overdoses happens because of the drug user not knowing how strong the drug is,,, one week they get some weak shit, next week they get pure shit and die. 

    Also this way the drugs could be taxed and the tax money could go towards treatment and drug education.

  13. On 12/9/2017 at 7:33 PM, Bundooman said:

    Another drip feed moronic drug peddler condoner. Please shut up. Your stupid and dangerous pro-drug views are irritating! I'm OK if you want to die from an overdose - don't peddle it to others!

    I'm not telling people what they should or should not do,, exactly the opposite actually. Please let me know when you have won your war on drugs. I'm still waiting. Maybe you need more money to fight the war on drugs? I can donate some, this way maybe you can leave some money to fight actual real crime.

  14. On 12/9/2017 at 7:44 PM, faraday said:

    You clearly have no idea of what you're talking about.


    "a few can't handle it" shows your childlike comprehension of the vast numbers of people with drug issues/problems & addiction.

    And please enlighten me how many of them was helped by the war on drugs?


    Also, please tell me the number of people that take drugs sometimes and does not end up with drug issues / problems & addiction? It's way waster then the people that do.

  15. 2 hours ago, irwinfc said:

    last i checked, attempting to kill someone on thailand was also illegal. but it almost always costs a mere 500 baht fine with a "no harm no foul" send off by the police. 10 years and 500k for e-cigs? if memory serves from the DLT seminar to renew a license,  the penalty for a drunk driver who kills someone on the road  is 10 years imprisonment and 200k. life can be really cheap sometimes.

    it seems almost as of current regime is only catering to the needs of their corporate elite puppet masters. aka the bangkok elite.

    threaten the tobacco industry you shall not.

  16. On 3/4/2017 at 4:01 PM, dunroaming said:

    Except most of the time it is not real Viagra.  It is a "generic" form of Viagra from India or China and it is dangerous.  It looks the same and has the same packaging much of the time and you buy it from legit pharmacies thinking it is the genuine Viagra.  Thai pharmacies are full of "generic" products being sold as the real thing.  Be very careful out there.

    yes, thai pharmacies are not very ethical. lots of generic products and a tendency to oversell antibiotics, literally contributing to the potential end of humanity.

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