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Posts posted by hobz

  1. 1 hour ago, bsdthai said:

    Enviromentalists? Where are they? Get them to all the rural towns bordering forest and public land. Every stinking thai is allowed legally/illegally to take as many dam trees as they want, officials selling off dirt and alike whilst locals burn tons and tons of rubbish daily. Blame thais first! Didnt i just read about more hospital  rubbish in pattaya? Thais need to get things more oganized in a cleaner way for the tourists. Travel to many places in the woold and there is rules, fence lines, cleaner transport and such. Thais have to organize things better and stop blaming tourists. More xenaphobia and lack of responsability.

    thailand has plenty of good laws but zero law enforcement. thai police are useless and there is no fixing that in the foreseeable future. sorry.

  2. 3 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    I tend to agree with the post above, but I would add a point or two...


    In addition to the crime and safety aspect, there simply comes a time where saturation is achieved. I truly love some of the temples in Thailand, but I will not visit them if there are too many people or if I have to wait too long. Further, If I fly into Thailand and end up waiting for several hours to get through immigration, then I am not going to do it anymore. If I go to a popular beach and I need to really search for a good spot because there are too many people, I'll either go to another beach or give it a miss. Etc. Etc. Etc.


    My point is that, to me at least, there is a time where things are "full" and Thailand is approaching that point. And, once you reach that point, things then begin to go downhill rapidly; I hope Thailand has the wisdom to not let it get that far.


    you are not chinese. Chinese people have no souls. (joke from South park).

    seriously I don't think Chinese people are bothered by overcrowding.

  3. 1 minute ago, Justfine said:

    My best day was 13km. Next week aiming for 15kms. The longer walks give the system a kick along. In a few weeks I will aim for 20kms in two 10 kms sections different locations.

    I'm 35 years old, and I walked up Doi Suthep with my 72 year old friend once. He had to wait for many times because I was so exhausted. 

    I was sore for a week after! :D Worse than my first jui jitsu class. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Justfine said:

    If you get bored walking the same route ride the bike for 10  or 15 mins somewhere else and walk around. Variety is important otherwise it gets boring quick.


    I've done 49km in 9 days. 3 different locations.

    Yeah good idea, I have some beautiful places not far from my house that i've been planning to walk for months.. will do!


    Good job on the 49km in 9 days!

  5. I have lost 6kg now on Keto diet since Jan 7! 


    The first kilos are supposed to be easy I guess.. from 139kg to 133kg ... I'm 189cm tall, so my BMI is still Obese... I hope it keeps working and I hope to be able to report that I'm under 100kg before year 2018.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Justfine said:

    Drink whisky. No carbs. 4 bottles of single malt a year costs less than 1 box of beer every month.


    And eat salami omelettes with prawns instead of pizza.


    Just a matter of choices.

    San miguel light supposedly has very few carbs as well. Put some lime in there and it's almost good for your health :D

  7. 25 minutes ago, alien365 said:

    I go to Chiang Mai every year and this time I found the traffic simply ridiculous. It took me forever to get anywhere due to constant traffic lights and traffic jams. I felt like I was back in Bangkok. One thing that did impress me though was how many on bikes wore helmets. I'd never noticed in previous years but this time there must have been about 90% wearing  them.

    many police checkpoints around town :)

  8. 1 hour ago, wayned said:

    I thought that the Thai government had revoked all of her passports.  How did she get a visa without a valid passport?

    i bet they didn't revoke them. for the same reason why there will be no extradition request.

    having her arrive somewhere without a valid passport would put the incident in the world spotlight and the thai junta would be under scrutiny from world press. 

    there's no win for the junta, either she would be let in without valid passport and junta would lose face. or she would be sent back to thailand where pictures of her going to jail could spark a revolution.


    an extradition request will not be made for the same/similar reason. it would invite a uk court to publicly judge the junta to determine if she has been treated justly. again there is no win for the junta here.

  9. On 9/15/2017 at 5:18 PM, JHolmesJr said:

    whats interesting about keto is that you don't feel hungry all the time….I can barely eat more than a meal a day….fat is more satiating than carbs for sure.

    Yes! It's incredible! I would order 2 or 3 plates for lunch, breakfast and dinner... the usual thai food,, fried vegetables with rice, noodles, etc etc + fried egg on top. That's 6 to 9 dishes per day! (ok, that's thai size portions, but still!) And then I would snack in between! Never satisfied! Like a true drug addict, but for food! 


    Now on keto I eat like 2-3 meals per day, and it's only 1 plate for each meal.... and I feel full all the time! Sometimes If I crave something I have a sip of coconut oil or heavy cream :D

  10. On 12/14/2017 at 2:47 PM, questionsreplies said:

    Hello, keto diet seems the best choice for someone who cannot limit his carbs intake. How long have you done it ? Any tips to help beginners ? Thanks.

    Start with cutting out refined sugars first. No more sweet drinks! No more coke, no more lipton ice tea. no more... u know what i mean... God I miss those.... switch your beer to San miguel light (add lime inside :))

    Then cut out noodles and rice.. Just order whatever dish you usually eat minus the rice or the noodles... so noodle soup without the noodles.. fried vegetables without the rice.. etc...  and ofcourse say "no sugar" .. not that they listen half the time :D


    Some people say you should try to eat extremely strict in terms of carbs in the beginning so that you will burn your glucose stores quickly as not to prolong the sometimes painful (headaches etc) transition between burning glucose and burning ketones.

  11. On 7/29/2017 at 12:03 PM, Thai Ron said:

    Ketogenic diets will give you fast results in terms of weight loss but it will mostly be water weight.

    As soon as you eat carbs again, the glycogen in your cells will store 4 X their own weight in water.

    This is why some dieters are so disheartened when they check the scales after a pizza the night before only to discover they feel bloated and have put on 2 or 3kg overnight (which is exactly what they've done).


    I went through the highs and lows of elation and frustration trying to shed fat this way and eventually  gave up.

    Started relying on cardio/resistance training and the cold hard math of caloric deficits and just consuming less than I expended.

    Takes longer but the fat loss is consistent.


    I find the cold hard math of caloric deficits is much easier on keto diet. Because when I eat keto I feel full all the time and I feel full after eating only a little bit. But hey, we are all different. And ofcourse, I can imagine if you constantly relapse (go out of ketosis) the setbacks will be disheartening. But so will stopping going to the gym etc.

  12. On 4/28/2016 at 4:58 PM, borborygmus said:

    Anyone know where to get ketostix in Thailand?

    You can order from lazada: https://www.lazada.co.th/fitter-ketone-test-ketogenic-hcg-burning-ketosis-15-125-65554694.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.1.bed9972a6QSyn


    It's a bit expensive, 1006THB for 125 sticks. And it's a different brand. But it has good reviews on amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Just-Fitter-Fabulous-Ketogenic-Accurately/dp/B01J9LOP4M/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1515251657&sr=8-1&keywords=fitter+ketone


    The good thing about lazada is that you don't have to worry about hidden costs and shipping fees and duty and vat. Plus you pay when they deliver to your door. 

    If you live in Chiang mai we could split a pack? 500THB each?


  13. On 4/28/2016 at 5:44 PM, cumgranosalum said:

    Basically anyone who thinks adding "miracle foods" to their diet or changing to some lopsided no fat, no protein no sugar no veg no meat no chewing gum no roughage diet, is kidding themselves - if they have eaten a bd diet for most of their lives they will have done the damage - all you can do now is eat PROPERLY - a balanced diet - and hope that your body forgives you.....if you smoke and drink then "som nam naa" as they say.

    I'm obese! I keep trying to control my eating, to only relapse again and again like a drug addict. So I'm not a normal healthy person. I know that. But I want to lose weight. I want to become a healthy person. Is it that I lack discipline? Sure. Is it genetic? Who knows? Do I have a weak will? Probably? Or is it the cravings for eating too much are too strong? Who knows? Either way, If I don't try something new I'm doomed! Definition of insanity: try the same thing over and over again and expect a different result.

    I'm trying a keto diet now. Basically it's very low in sugar. 

    I'm only in day 4 now, but so far I can tell you I'm not eating nearly as much as I ate before. Yet I feel full all the time. 

    It could ofcourse be placebo, I know how strong the placebo effect is, and everyone that praises Keto is telling me "you will feel full all the time" so it only makes sense that I would be tricking myself.

    When I tried to eat balanced diet and control my intake, meaning, count calories and stuff. I would feel hungry all the time. Constantly craving food. At most it took a few weeks until I would relapse. Am I weak for not being able to fight off cravings for weeks? Maybe. Maybe not. God knows.


    Why does Keto work? Don't know. Maybe it has to do with the fact that refined sugar is getting cut out almost completely if you do a low carb / keto diet. And there's many many studies about how refined sugar is really bad for many people.


    As for damage already been done, yes, sure. One study said that people that eat tons of refined sugar had biomarkers that indicate aging that showed them to be "10 years older" than the normal subjects. But, one can't change the past. One can only look forward. 
    As for balanced diet, yes, I'm sure this will work. But it requires a level of discipline that I (and many others) struggles with. This keto diet seems much easier. It's almost like cheating. I can eat how much I want, as long as there's no carbs and there's high fat (easy!). Ofcourse, If I eat too much, I will still gain weight.

    But, when I eat keto, I'm full quickly! I'm full before I have eaten too much! And I'm full for a long time... Placebo or not. Works for me :D


    If you are a healthy person eating a healthy balanced diet. Please continue doing so! But you might want to try to cut out refined sugars specifically at least for a period of time and see how you feel. Maybe you can feel even better!


    Ofcourse on a real low carb / keto diet not only refined sugars are cut, but most of all sugars.

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