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Posts posted by hobz

  1. I have 3bb Fiber.


    Sorry if this have been said already but I just learned that changing the Wifi from B/G/N to just N or just G will make it much faster on some devices.


    I think there must be some bugs in how some devices that are capable of G or N will still use B on this shitty router. But setting the router to only use G or N will make all my devices faster!


    On my 3bb fiber router you need to login to the admin area and click Network -> Wlan settings -> Basic -> Network mode -> Change it from "802.11 b/g/n" to "802.11 g" or "802.11 n" 

    (N is faster, but maybe not supported by some older devices)


    Another great idea as already mentioned is to get a good triple band wifi router (expensive) and set it to access point mode. That can give you both 5ghz and 2.4ghz .. 5ghz is much less crowded (but can have issues penetrating walls).. You just plug that into the 3bb router and disable the wifi on the 3bb router...

    Before buying a really expensive wifi access point / router that supports AC make sure your devices also supports AC or realize you will not reach those speeds. 


    bye bye!


  2. 7 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Your last photo, there's no LCD display at all on the machine where it should show micrograms of PM2.5..


    Did your girlfriend's mom blow the machine off the scale??? :tongue:

    Yeah i swear it was showing 300 when I took the photo.

    There's like a millisecond every other second when it blinks and shows nothing.

    I think it doesn't go over 300 because it got stuck there and then climbed back down to good values later.


    I also think it's actually showing the AQI not the pm2.5. Because it considers 50 as good. 50 pm2.5 is not good. 50 AQI is good...

    But it clearly says pm2.5 ug/m3 next to the number..

    So I think the auto fan has a problem then.. because if the pm2.5 is at 50.. it's still running at low when it should run at medium.. because it thinks 50 is good....

    something is definitely wrong.

    Maybe I need to get a different pm2.5 detector and compare.

    Or ask the manufacturer.



  3. 44 minutes ago, edwardandtubs said:

    You guys are doing the DIY thing all wrong. You're looking at a weak fan and a crap HEPA filter. You need a strong fan and a decent HEPA filter. Ignore all the other gimmicks like activated charcoal. You need to be sure that you're getting a very high quality HEPA filter. The fan that I posted earlier works really well with the smart air filters.

    Can you elaborate on differences in HEPA filters? 

    The one I posted claims to filter out 99.97% of particles. it's "true HEPA" according to seller. 

  4. 1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    On the subject of making a do-it-yourself HEPA air purifier, I noticed lately that both HomePro and Foodland Markets in BKK at present are selling a 448b Hatari cyclone-type fan (8 in size I believe) that has an absolutely FLAT front surface and probably would work well for a do-it-yourself project.


    I bought one of them today at Foodland just to play around with, and if all else fails, just use as a regular fan in the house. HomePro stocks them on an ongoing basis, but I think their presence in Foodland is a temporary, promotional thing.


    Here's the page for the fan from HomePro's website:



    I went today in person and eyeballed this model, the Hatari HT-PS20M1, at first HomePro and later Foodland, and it looks to me like it would be suitable for a do-it-yourself purifier like the approach James linked to above at smartairfilters.com.


    For a do-it-yourself HEPA purifier, you need a couple of things:

    1. the fan, and this model might well do.

    2. the carbon prefilter material, which is pretty easy to get off Lazada or elsewhere.

    3. the tougher part, a suitable HEPA filter, which is kind of a hard thing to find here as a standalone purchase. Right now, I'm thinking to buy the Hatari HEPA filter for 888b, since everything else I've seen is more or ridiculously more expensive here.

    4. And then lastly, the straps and possibly duct tape necessary to secure the HEPA filter and carbon prefilter together, and then the straps to secure both to the front of the fan.


    I noticed the other day that Hatari also is selling a 100 baht spare prefilter for their purifier from their website, so I was thinking to kind of use that as a hard frame, attach the carbon prefilter to that, and then both of those to the Hatari HEPA filter, and then attach all to the front of the Hatari fan.




    5ab652736ab33_HatariPre-Filter.jpg.3a3d5ec4c092af207c7fa54ab1df7463.jpg     5ab652726fb60_HatariHEPAFilter.jpg.14975b7a3ee80907158cd2655247590a.jpg


    The smallest dimension on the Hatari HEPA filter is listed as being about 25.4 cm or 10 inches. So that should adequately cover the front face of the Hatari cyclone fan above. Indeed, I just measured the front surface of the fan, and it's 9 inches side to side, so the filter should cover it and fit fine.



    888 baht for the HEPA filter

    100 baht for the pre filter holder

    a bit extra for the carbon prefilter sheet (which I already have at home)

    448 baht for the Hatari cyclone fan

    a bit extra for the straps and/or duct tape, most of which I also already have at home,


    and the end result is around 1500 baht, or a bit more depending on where/how much you pay for the carbon prefilter sheets.


    I'm gonna give it a try. The main question I have right now is, the body of the fan doesn't have a very deep sealed area along the exterior of the fan housing only about 2 inches deep in front of and behind the actual fan blades, with the remaining portion behind the fan blades being an open grill material. So I don't know how much air deflection is likely to occur once you slap the filters on the front of the fan.


    And of course, whether it actually works as intended!!!


    The grunluft HEPA filter is even cheaper. Can order from lazada (pay on delivery).

    Only problem is it's rectangular it's not square.




    U should get it probably 3-4 days after ordering.


    They also have activated carbon and charcoal filters. Same size as the hepa.. makes a nice stack.. just need to find two square fans that stack together to fit the filters.


    I can give you the exact measurements if you are interested. As I have them at home.

  5. 25 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Yep, that's what I thought of too when I saw them on Lazada... What happens to you in Thailand if you buy from that Thai company, and then poof, they disappear one day, as is not uncommon with small Thai retailers. Would be interested to know if filters for that particular machine can be had elsewhere for import to Thailand.


    BTW, it's normal for the HEPA filters to come sealed in plastic, as it protects them from getting dirty/dusty before they reach you. You always need to remove the plastic seal/wrapper before inserting them for use in the air purifier.


    As for cutting another brand air filter, I'm not sure that really is going to work with a HEPA filter. Because, it's critical to keep a solid seal around the exterior of the filter where it adjoins the frame of the air purifier unit. And once you start cutting into a different HEPA filter to resize it, I think the cut edge is going to tend to lose its air seal capability. Then the air simply starts bypassing the filter and going straight out the unit's blower...at least...to some extent.


    If I had to go that route for some reason, I'd probably look for a slightly smaller HEPA filter that I could keep physically intact, and then look to use something else to seal the extra space between the filter and the frame of the air purifier.


    PS - What's the recommended replacement cycle for the Gruenluft HEPA filters?  For the charcoal pre-filters in general, they usually have a 3 month recommendation.





    Ok, makes sense about not cutting HEPA and super smart to buy a smaller one and sealing the sides with some foam perhaps.


    Cycles for filters, they recommend:


    - cleaning the pre-filter every month. (it doesn't need to be replaced.)

    - replace charcoal filter every 3 months

    - replace activated carbon filter every 6 months

    - replace HEPA filter every 6 months


    And I also noticed that the filter replacement lights are actually just timers based on this.. when you replace the filters you need to reset the timers... so nothing advanced there :D


    ps. I noticed 3 potential problems so far with the machine.


    1. When unplugging the machine and pluggin it back in again it doesn't automatically start. This means that if there is a short outage that is super common in Thailand it will turn off the machine. And then you need to push the button or the remote to turn it back on.


    2. It starts with the ionizer turned on by default. Not sure if this is a problem..? 


    3. The remote is completely dead. Someone on lazada says to replace the battery. I will go to 7/11 later and buy a new battery and report back.




    This is with air con running at full speed in the same room.

  6. 4 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    5 micrograms is SWEET!!! :smile:  Keep it there!


    I've never heard or seen of the Gruenluft brand of air purifiers before. But I did notice one thing -- I went thru the entire Lazada catalog last night of air purifier accessories, and Gruenluft thru the retailer on Lazada you bought from was pretty much the only one that also sold the corresponding replacement HEPA and charcoal filters on Lazada.


    Other air purifier brands that are sold on Lazada including the big name ones like Sharp and Toshiba and others -- virtually no replacement filters for those units available via Lazada. So kudos to the Siriwan company on Lazada for both selling the air purifier AND the replacement filters to go with it.



    Yes, They do have the replacement filters on lazada...  But I'm still worried that if the seller on lazada stops selling the filters I have not been able to find them anywhere else!! So I already ordered one set of extra filters and I will keep stocking more if I see that this machine is working out.


    I had to remove the filters and remove the plastic wrappers before putting them in place and starting the machine.  So I can already tell that It would be pretty easy to fit a random HEPA filter in there... Just need something that can be cut to the right dimensions.. It's square and there's no weird hinges or stuff... so should be pretty easy if I cant find the real ones... 


    Another thing about gruenlift.. It's german engineering manufactured in China ... You can tell it's german engineering... It's very fool proof... Good manual,,, impossible to start without opening the box and remove the plastic of the filters as the power cord was tucked inside there... smart way to prevent idiots from just opening the box and plugging it in while the filters are wrapped in plastic inside and destroying the fan... 


    so far i'm impressed.. it also has indicators for each filter when they need replacement...not sure how the hell that can work.. but ok... :D

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Sorry to burst your bubble, but neither 50 nor 20 micrograms of PM2.5 is considered "good".  See the color coded chart I posted above with the PM2.5 levels in micrograms added into the AQI chart.


    20 micrograms is midway into the moderate/yellow air quality level. 50 micrograms or close to it is at the high end of the orange unhealthy for sensitive persons category.


    Ideally, you'd want your indoor air to be in the green/good category at 12 micrograms or less.


    Ok, cool!


    It's been running for a couple of hours now and the indicator says PM2.5 is at 5 now! 


  8. I got this one delivered today.




    To my suprise it contains a PM2.5 detector!

    Also to my suprise the air quality in my house was already good!

    Below 50 PM2.5 .. Bedroom had only around 20! 


    So ofcourse now I'm happy and disappointed at the same time.. Maybe I didn't need this air purifier after all... oh well... can't hurt!



  9. Anyone wanna rent out their PM2.5 sensor for a day or two? :D I'm in Chiang mai and I can leave you a deposit for security if your paranoid :D 

    Or you wanna come over to my house with your PM2.5 detector and i'll buy you lunch or something? :)


    I'm waiting for my gruenluft air purifier now.. It should arrive early next week.. (Mars 24-28) and can't wait to see if it works well... But I dont want to spend like 2k on a PM2.5 detector if I can avoid it.


    Private message me :)





  10. 8 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    This is only the beginning. The next big thing will be charging air fares by passenger weight. A few airlines are already doing it. 

    To be honest, they will lose money by this policy,,, since people with over 56 inches will be forced to buy regular tickets instead of business class tickets.. it has nothing to do with money and only to do with regulation and safety

  11. On 3/2/2018 at 8:11 PM, mick220675 said:

    In the area I live the police want people to brake the law. They charge 500 baht per farm for each sugar farm burnt. Any one transporting the sugar is stopped if the sugar has signs of burning they also have to pay. Lets face it Thai police need people to brake laws, its how they get there money.





    On 3/2/2018 at 8:24 PM, Hupaponics said:


    How is that a bad thing? I'm confused.

    Very good the police charge every farmer and transporter of burned sugar farm/transport.

    Just the other day I saw a machine harvesting a not burned field. That's the way to go

    500 THB seems like a too small fine for this crime.

    people are dying every year because of the direct effects of this (mostly elderly people, but still).

    its unknown how many people die from lung cancer later on in life because of this..


    fine should be high enough that it really hurts. its basic economics and human behavior.

    • Like 1
  12. On 3/2/2018 at 7:02 PM, Hupaponics said:


    You just don't get it, do you...

    Only morons complain about "law enforcement". They don't realize what would happen IF the law was enforced throughout the country in EVERY area.


    Chill mate, would you like to live in Africa?

    how rude. calling me a moron for simply stating a fact.

    and then have the nerve to tell me to chill?? wow. I am chilling, dude. not so sure about you...


    do I want law enforcement to enforce every area? no.


    do I want them to protect citizens from actual danger? yes.


    do I wanna live in Africa? where in Africa to be exact? what a moronic question.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Mattd said:

    If only life was so easy!

    1. The defendant has and is seeking consular assistance from the British Embassy.

    2. There is no way that the British Embassy will issue him with an emergency passport whilst knowing that he is waiting legal proceedings against him.

    3. He will be blocked in the Thai immigration system and would not be allowed to leave.

    4. Last reports from his Mum were that his passport is being held by the authorities, which is normal procedure.

    Then it looks like he has to sit it out. Pretty unusual afaik. 


    He should go to get his visa extended so he can avoid overstay charges. Or at least go have it sorted out as good as possible.

    • Haha 1
  14. On 2/25/2018 at 12:20 PM, Just Weird said:

    If he meets he requirement of the court or police, whoever grants the bail, then he will get the bail back when the case is over.  This is a tourist who will not be here in 6 months not one of your yaba-addicted Thai friends.  I do not believe that bail refunds can be withheld until 6 months of clear urine tests have been completed after a case has finished.  It's either over or it isn't.  If what you say about your friend is accurate then he was probably on bail for that whole period.

    Yes he probably was. And yes, obviously this tourist would not stay here this long, which is my whole point, he would not get his bail money back. He would get out on bail and leave the country,,, the case would then be dropped and the bail money would be held by the state.

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