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Posts posted by hobz

  1. 6 hours ago, tingtongtourist said:


    What about the drugs? Where are the drugs?


    A bargirl tell me a few days ago they had a big bust on some Aussie guys in Pattaya.

    I think she read from a Thai sorce like Thaii wrath or something.


    She said guns found but also was very sure the article mention of ice yaba and many drugs.

    Could be another mob but if there is money laundering then usually some drugs involved also

    Probably the corrupt cops are also drug dealers. They just went back on sale on the market.

    • Like 1
  2. Hi guys,


    Living in Chiang mai, 


    Looking for a UV (Blacklight) Flashlight that I want to use both in my garden to spot evil creatures at night and to spot bedbugs at home (and at hotels).


    I've been to home pro, global house, thai watsadu. Nothing.


    The lovely helpful staff at homepro hinted that maybe the stores on the north side of the moat that sell police uniforms, military uniforms and military/police equipment would have them. Nope. But they did have a bunch of cool flashlights and knives and stuff,,, everyone should check those places out,, cool stores! If you are driving on the north side of the moat going east,, they are after chang phuak gate,, and almost at the end of the north side going east.. on the left side of the road. There's 3 different stores that all sell police/military stuff. But not UV/Blacklights ... go figure..


    Somebody said that BB-gun shops might have them,, so i will go around visiting BB-gun shops... but dont have time to visit them all at once...


    If I can't find I have to order from China through lazada, and that takes around 3 weeks.... 


    Bonus: anyone know a mobile shop that sells xiaomi or one plus brand smartphones in Chiang mai... dont want to order a phone over internet.. so much can go wrong... ASUS is a good budget brand that is available in chiang mai everywhere,, what i like about ASUS is that ASUS kind of supports rooting/unlocking your phone,, they have an unlocker available on the official website,, ofcourse it voids the warranty,,,, but still better than having to download shady rooting tools that could contain god knows what types of backdoors and stuff and could brick your phone..


    Bonus 2: anyone know a store in chiang mai that has Z-wave devices? sensors? controllers?


  3. 9 minutes ago, elviajero said:

    The cynical answer is many don't pay tax anywhere.


    Those that do should pay in the country the business is registered, and possibly the country they are resident for tax if it's a different country.


    Most people around the world live from pay cheque to pay cheque so the same will apply to many DN's. There will be some long term DN's racking up tax liabilities in Thailand they don't know about!

    exactly. where the business is registered.


  4. 8 hours ago, bazza73 said:

    Synergistic effects ( the scientific term for cocktail ) are not in the thinking of regulatory authorities. It's just too hard.

    Having said that, extending carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic reactions to chemicals from other species to humans is a bridge too far. That's why the widely used Ames test is now discredited.

    I forget which way around it is, but when you are comparing the mutagenic effect of dioxin in hamsters and guinea pigs, one species has high birth defects and the other is immune to massive doses. Two species very close in terms of physiology. That just shows how complex Mother Nature is.


    complex indeed. we might end up paying for our ignorance.

  5. The scariest part of this is the cocktail effect.

    Basically the cocktail effect is that chemicals that alone cause no harm could have different effects when combined with other chemicals.

    There's infinite amount of combinations, so it's extremely expensive to study them all.


    But there was a study in Denmark where they took low amounts of chemicals that were low enough to be allowed for human consumption, and they combined them and gave them to various animals (birds, rats etc) and they had serious birth defects etc. Whereas when given individually they caused no harm to the animals.



  6. they raided shared office space in chiang mai once and everyone was let go, despite not having work permits etc. once its proven that money is coming from abroad it seems to be ok.

    chiang mai immigration chief said also that unofficially its ok to work on tourist visa as long as money is coming from abroad.

    so avoid having thai clients and you should be fine.


    technically it could still be argued that you need a work permit. but unless policy changes nobody seems to care.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

    In the US that would mean they are not spraying the crop but that the soil has had chemicals used in the past or previous crops had been sprayed during the last x amount of years - I think at least 3 years, in California probably 5 years.




    I'm not sure if that's what it means for this company's produce though.

    The article talks about free range eggs. Meaning as organic as it gets! 

    The chemicals are everywhere. Organic or not.


    The only way I can see chemical free food would be completely controlled indoors environment. Outdoors the chemicals are everywhere in the soil. 

  8. 11 hours ago, smedly said:

    Like everything else in Thailand enforcement of standards doesn't exist, enforcement of anything doesn't exist, standards don't exist - because it costs money


    Buying submarines exists - corruption exists  

    Exactly. Hopeless country.

    They will make laws now but they will not be enforced for the foreseeable future. Perhaps never enforced.

  9. 18 hours ago, ukrules said:

    I've read about things like this in the past. The puzzling thing about it is that everyone pays for every meal they eat, every day.


    Lets say you pay for and eat 3 meals every day of your life right up until the point where you arrive at an airport, your check in and find that you have a delayed flight.


    Why should you suddenly stop paying for your own food at this point ?


    They give a discount voucher which probably covers the inflated airport prices but you're still responsible for feeding yourself regardless of your flight status.


    This guy is just another dummy.



    Lets say you have a job and it only pays when you actually come to the office and do the job.........

  10. 7 hours ago, sanemax said:

    Take away all the Thai bashing, this is a good idea

    Trying to stop the people driving drunk 

    They have good intentions. But the plan itself is questionable. I think they should focus on more patrol cars stopping vehicles that drive a bit weird..

    Everyone will know where the checkpoints are. They usually prepare the checkpoints a couple of days in advance so that its easy to avoid them on your regular routes.

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