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Posts posted by hobz

  1. 2 hours ago, idman said:

    According to Travel Titbits reporter Karnjana Karnjanatawe in todays Life Travel section of the Bangkok Post this expansion of the Airport will not start until an environmental impact assessement takes place and work would begin in 2019. What a load of twaddle, work on the project has been ongoing for the past six months at least as anybody can readily see for themselves if they drive/ride by the southern part of the Airport on Hang Dong road or even better the soi that runs on the west side of the runway. Just another typical example of a Thai reporter talking out of their <deleted>?? Or more than likely since TIT, sod the environmental report, it isn't going to stop what we have already started and plan to finish.

    Sent from my SM-T805 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

    Would not suprise me if they ignore all the environment issues etc. We know money runs this country and law and order does not apply when big money is involved. And we know this involves big money.

    Mafia run country.

  2. 22 hours ago, farcanell said:

    Then your not really driving to the conditions of the road.... personally, I fully expect these issues, as you describe, to appear without warning.... and rarely ever drive at 120, even during the day.... it's too damn risky on Thai roads

    Exactly, that's why I consider everyone that is driving over 80-90 is a reckless driver in Thailand, There's just too many factors out of your control that make it too dangerous to drive that fast here. 


    Ofcourse, you can call me a pussy and you will.... But i'm just thinking safety first. 

  3. 19 hours ago, Bassosa said:

    What added on charges are these?


    As far as I can tell, Uber's method for calculating ride cost seems pretty transparent.

    Actually uber has flat rates to "specific destinations" like airport or doi suthep.


    Usually this is shown clearly in the trip estimator. 


    But they used to have a 350 THB flat fee for CM - Hang dong. The problem there was that the estimator would show 70thb but when you arrived you got billed 350thb. Or even worse, my coworker got the fee adjusted the morning after from 70 to 350 on her credit card....


    Another problem was that these flat fees were not listed anywhere on the website.


    They have since removed this specific flat fee (cm - hang dong), probably because the estimator had issues.

  4. 16 hours ago, CMKiwi said:

    I think nowadays if I wanted to use public tpt I'd use Uber too.  But the majority of the time I just jump on my bike.


    Getting around town is easy enough but you do have to be very alert.... Red bus drivers are the worst, no indication, no road sense and they think they own the whole road.


    Never had a problem with tuk tuk drivers but do know they over charge due to their perception that tourists want to ride in one.


    Sure they are fun initially but once the novelty wears off they are a noisy smelly piece of dog do.  And it's not often you find noisy dog do!

    What if it's super hot outside? What if you are not in condition to drive? Maybe drank a few beers? What if you are not an experienced motorbike driver? ... 

  5. Downsides of red cars in no specific order: (compared to uber)


    1. Sometimes refuse passengers.

    2. Sometimes (often) try to overcharge.

    3. Sometimes (often) drive long ways around to pick up or drop off other passengers.

    4. Hard to explain destination sometimes, poor english, poor knowledge of how to use maps. (i know, i know, it's my fault for not speaking thai)

    5. Spew out black smoke.

    6. No safety belts.

    7. Often drive extremely recklessly, changing lanes suddenly without signaling.

    8. Illegally stopping near footpaths that have red and white lines. Basically ignoring most traffic laws and contributing to danger and to traffic jams.

    9. Get dizzy by sitting sideways and having no front view (i get motion sick easy)

    10. Have to breathe in exhaust fumes from other vehicles (makes motion sickness worse)

    11. Not easy to find them in some areas, specially at night. 


  6. Seems to be no more news about the crackdown,, perhaps the red car lobby is waiting for a decision on section 44 closure of the app?'






    "Chiang Mai’s Red Car and taxi drivers, who regard Uber and Grab drivers as illegal competition, are helping authorities catch them by taking photo evidence."


    Maybe people should start taking photos when Red Cars are stopped illegally.... see it every day.


    "Deputy Transport Minister Pichit Akrathit on Friday said that the Transport Ministry would have a meeting in a couple of weeks to discuss a legal hurdle in which Uber claimed it could not register as a public transportation because Thai laws were outdated." This is going to be interesting.... :)



    I hope they just give up and let uber do it's thing.


    But they could blacklist the uber service IP's through section 44 forcing all thai ISP's to implement the block. It could be circumvented with proxies etc.

    They could also keep raising the fines and making new crackdowns/sting operations until uber gives up.




  7. 4 minutes ago, bubba said:

    A few weeks back, I was charged 350 baht for an Uber ride between Chang Puak and the airport. This was obviously an error, so I asked for a fare review through the Uber app and I was refunded 200 baht within a couple of hours.

    Ok, glad it workef out for you but my coworker contacted uber support several times and they refused to apologize or refund, quoting flat fee cm - hd. I think many people complained about this (me included) and the flat fee seems to be gone now.

  8. 9 minutes ago, millwall_fan said:


    But I am assuming (maybe naively) that as you have found your way onto ThaiVisa and posted over 100 times, you are not  a clueless tourist.  Clueless tourists will always be ripped of to some extent the world over. Sure there are some  rogue drivers - with anything up to 200,000 taxis in Bangkok there are bound to be a few. All I can say is that I've never had any problems. I speak rudimentary Thai, but not enough to win an argument. I've taken taxis home after a good skinful and although drivers uniformly refused to use the meter I could always find one for 100 Baht whereas the meter fare is 70B and I usually give a 20B tip, that's only 10B more than the meter. As I used to be a minicab driver in London maybe I'm a bit biased in favour of the taxi drivers.

    I dont really see a need for uber in bangkok. Because the taxi meters usually use the meter and pricing is fair. 

    I guess uber is slightly better due to the trip planning feature where it could be problematic to explain to driver where u want to go...


    But in Chiang mai the taximeters NEVER use the meter and uber has been a blessing.

  9. 21 minutes ago, JaseTheBass said:

    Just went through setting up the Uber app and the cash payment option is no longer available, only credit/debit cards.

    Ok, be careful with that, uber charged my coworker 350 thb the morning after! Because her trip went to hang dong and the initial charge of 70thb was incorrect..


    But i think they have removed the 350thb flat fee for cm - hang dong now..


    But im just saying :)

  10. 3 hours ago, bubba said:

    Just read an article in that other newspaper saying that DLT officials are saying that they need to step up the crackdown on Uber in Chiang Mai "to bring order to public transport services for the sake of passenger safety and interests."


    DLT Chief Sanit Phromwong said "All of these measures are aimed at protecting passengers from unwanted incidents and offences,"


    That's right...DLT is very concerned about our safety and interests, and they want us to be protected from unwanted incidents and offences. Of course we all know how much safer and protected from unwanted incidents and offences we will be if we use Tuk Tuks and Songthaews rather than Uber cars.

    Yeah, because at least red cars and tuk tuks have safety belts!! Oh wait...

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