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Posts posted by hobz

  1. 20 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

    I posted the question some time ago - "Do any Uber drivers have commercial insurance to cover pay-for-hire passenger accident fees?" I got zero answers, probably because none do. So use the cheap service while you can - and hope you are not involved in a crash. 300 baht - around $10 or $12 bucks - up to you.

    It's not only about the price. It's VERY hard to find a taxi at all in some areas in Chiang Mai.. specially during night ... but also very annoying during the day when it's so hot outside... And driving your own car is expensive.. Driving a motorbike is extremely dangerous unless you are a good and experienced driver.... So yeah.. uber is a good choice even if you increase the price.


    The thai taxi drivers don't speak english,, very hard to explain to them sometimes. And they can barely read maps (amazing!) .. with uber at least there's some clarity on where to go :)

  2. 8 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

    I posted the question some time ago - "Do any Uber drivers have commercial insurance to cover pay-for-hire passenger accident fees?" I got zero answers, probably because none do. So use the cheap service while you can - and hope you are not involved in a crash. 300 baht - around $10 or $12 bucks - up to you.

    You think the taximeters, tuk tuks or red cars in Chiang Mai have that type of insurance? I guess they are more likely to have that. 


    Uber insures the passenger somehow... "

     When the Uber app is turned on, a low level of liability insurance becomes active. When a trip is accepted, a higher level of coverage kicks in and remains active until the passenger exits the vehicle. Previously Uber had only offered coverage when a passenger was in the car, but the company updated their policy after a series of accidents which resulted in various lawsuits.


    But they also mention that the drivers must check if their insurance policy covers "for-hire" situations .. and they say that often it does not ... I'm confused...But I think maybe the driver will not get any money, but the passenger will be insured by uber.  This fits with the general picture of uber (exploiting the drivers)

  3. 16 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

    If you think many BKK taxi drivers at the airport are drunk or on yaba you are very wrong and you also see and speak with the drivers at the airport before you enter the car. It would be easy to detect this for most people and others around the driver would see this as well. So you can keep rolling on with comments that are foolish. I can keep taking Taxis at the airport that use the meter that almost everyone else does. 

    I have been scammed by Thai taxi meters. I have never been scammed by uber.

  4. On 2/25/2017 at 5:00 PM, impulse said:


    You apparently don't get down to Bangkok very often where sidewalk vendors, electric poles and illegally parked scooters and cars force people to walk on the roads in many locations.


    I don't disagree with you in this case, after seeing the video- and especially pushing a stroller.  But you're casting a pretty wide net.  In fact, I had to walk in the road in 4 or 5 locations on my weekly jaunt to Chinatown this morning.  Mostly construction, and all the other factors I mentioned

    Its in the traffic laws that pedestrian side walks should not be blocked etc etc. It all comes back to a lack of law enforcement, specially when we talk about traffic.


    Section 109 and 110 

    Land Traffic Act, B.E. 2522 - Thai Law

  5. On 2/25/2017 at 8:51 AM, dotpoom said:

    Hardly passing without due care and attention. What is one supposed to do when wanting to pass a Bath Bus in traffic? Wouldn' t it be safe to assume (like we have to do all the time) that no idiot is going to "jay walk" across a main road in heavy traffic. If we were to drive the way you are suggesting traffic could not move faster than 20 klm. an hour.

    20km/h limit is kind of what thailand needs to be honest.

  6. 9 hours ago, gemguy said:

    Geez ..BS if there ever was....you can CLEARYLY see a car pulling over in front of the motorcycle while the motorcycle went AROUND THE CAR THAT WAS PULLING OVER AND STAYED IN HIS LANE, THE SAME LANE, AND DID NOT (OVERTAKE ANY VEHICLE ) WHAT SO EVER


    I can not see anything at all the monocycle driver did that was or could be considered illegal or dangerous or reckless...NOTHING AT ALL

    The video clearly shows who is a fault and caused the accident.

    Other than the guy leaving the seen, the video clearly proves his innocence up till he left the scene.

    Geez ..the evidence is plain to see but he still is held at fault.

    Thailand...such a disappointment..... so often.

    Opportunist abound and hang about like vultures ready to pounce and extort some money... some how someway.



    It looks to me as if the motorbike is overtaking the tuk tuk just before hitting the baby. 


    It would be illegal in thailand within 30m from pedestrian crossing..


    But it was not a pedestrian crossing or?

  7. 1 hour ago, farcanell said:

    Appently so bro..... now, unfortunately... and hopefully not to be seem as being callous... it's all about not convicting the biker, who is a victim of circumstances ... to wit.... being in the wrong place at the wrong time... when the parents decided push their child into moving traffic.

    If it was not a zebra crossing he should be let go...otherwise he is at fault because he overtook a vehicle within 30 meters from a pedestrian crossing which is illegal in thailand.


    Is it 100% sure that it was not a pedestrian crossing?

  8. Just now, farcanell said:

    Yep.... but.... There's always grey areas.... and given what's happening to the Aussie guy involved in the jet ski accident in Phuket, I really really wouldn't want to be this Canadian bloke, especially now that the toddler has passed away

    Yeah, ofcourse, what a horrible thing to have on your mind.... And also what regret and guilt the parents must be dealing with now.... it's just horrible... and it's a shame for thailand the traffic safety situation in general... I hope Thailand will find a way to make it safe soon.

  9. 8 hours ago, MadMac said:

    Ok, after all, it is usable?

    Yes, the prices are very good in town at least.. From nimman to central festival, 50-60 thb in a clean aircon car.. Beats taking a tuktuknor songtaew or a overpriced taximeter every time.


    But there is also the app "grab" that sports almost same price... Men and gf use uber/grab when its too hot outside to be riding motorbike :)


    just having issues with going far out of town like to hang dong where uber charged us 350 once.. Now im not sure if they still have that

  10. 48 minutes ago, bubba said:

    There is a flat rate to Doi Suthep. The fare was 250 baht, but I heard that Uber recently raised it to 350 baht.


    Also, I received a message from Uber a couple of weeks ago saying that they would provide a fixed price to all destinations when you request a ride. You would be charged this regardless of the distance or time. I have not used Uber since I received that message, but maybe someone else has and can verify.


    Yes, i can confirm that the estimator in the android app tells 350 to doi suthep.


    But when i enter nimman - hang dong it says like 103THB now where before it would say 350... Did they remove the flat rate to hang dong??

  11. 7 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

    Read the story blamed the driver.

    Saw the video blaming the parents.

    Did you see the motorbike taking over the tuk tuk right on a pedestrian crossing? Is that smart? ... Well.. I guess even if it's dumb. It's never as dumb as pushing your baby out into Thai traffic.... They should give out pamphlets in the Airport for arrivals explaining to them that zebra crossings don't work as back in farangland here in Thailand and that the tallest Thai women are not really women :)

  12. 20 minutes ago, inzman said:

    It will be hilarious to see you argue how right you are from your casket. Be safe and practical in Thailand. Don't ever think drivers will follow the law!

    Dude, I never said that it's RIGHT .. i just said what's legal and not legal... 


    Ofcourse it's the parents fault for being idiots and pushing their baby out into Thai traffic.... But LEGALLY it's probably the motorbikes fault .. at least from my current understanding of Thai Traffic Laws


    *edit* I hope you will visit my casket and give me some flowers. Be a graceful winner :)

  13. 2 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

    When the PM travels all other traffic is halted.

    Yes, and once normal traffic resumes people are now late and start driving even more reckless than what is Thai standard.. And even more accidents are likely to happen ... But he will never see it ... After farang new year this year he made a statement saying that he had tried everything with traffic and that he had given up... LOL .. all that's left is to fire the entire traffic police....

  14. 1 hour ago, chickenslegs said:

    When I was learning to drive I was taught that if you make any manoeuvre from the normal forward flow of traffic (e.g.- left turn, right turn, lane change, joining a main road, leaving a main road) it is your responsibility to ensure that the manoeuvre is carried out safely.


    In Thailand, motorcyclists are obliged to keep to the far left. Yes, it is a bloody nuisance when they don't react to your turn signal - but there is no excuse (none whatsoever) for turning across the path of a any vehicle which is merely travelling in the correct direction.


    There is a good reason why cars are fitted with 3 rear view mirrors. In this case it is very clear that the car driver didn't use them.



    It's possible that the car driver saw the woman on the motorbike but expected that she would slow down.... 


    I feel like I have been in that womans situation on my scooter a million times, And i always slow down and curse the idiot car driver for not signalling earlier... but i do slow down.. and i'm still alive. Thank god.

  15. 9 hours ago, Mook23 said:

    I see nothing strange in the movie. Car doesnt use its direction lights/indicators. And turns left without watching his back. Motorcycle doesnt slow down although it was pretty obvious the guy was going to do a leftie. Driver then flees. Normal. Thai. Behaviour. Next. Please. Khrap.  

    Yes, this is standard driving here around Chiang Mai as well... A bit suprised that the motorbike was not slowing down more... maybe failing breaks? OR she was daydreaming? 


  16. On 1/13/2017 at 3:38 PM, lkn said:

    It would appear that the airport is not the only destination with a fixed price.


    Hang Dong Golf Club is 300 baht (17 km) and Kad Farang Village is 350 baht (13 km), another location in Hang Dong also showed me 350 baht.


    I noticed that as well. So did others. 


    Now it seems like they have removed this fixed rate.. At least it's not part of the estimate any more.... Can someone confirm this?

  17. 6 minutes ago, whaleboneman said:

    Perhaps you could give some examples of when it would not be safe to stop for pedestrians? In the west (Canada) pedestrians always have the right of way. Hit one in a crosswalk and you have no argument.

    I know you didn't ask me, but i'm burning for this subject, and in Thailand it's simply unsafe to stop for pedestrians when you have vehicles behind you. I have personally been involved in one situation where I stopped for pedestrians and the vehicles behind me collided because I stopped. 

  18. 16 minutes ago, smedly said:

    you are posting incorrect information, like I said in a post above - in the west (UK) yes vehicles are required to stop at a pedestrian crossing ONLY WHEN IT IS SAFE TO DO SO, pedestrians have no right of way until all the vehicles have stopped to allow them to cross  - that is fact and is common sense, these people walked out onto the road (crossing or not) when the traffic was still moving, it is 100% their fault regardless if they were at a crossing - even In the west (UK) if there was a crossing they did not use it properly - the fact that it is Thailand is even adds a whole pile of extra dangers because Thais don't know how to use them and the laws are not enforced

    I think I didn't make myself clear enough, I am saying that LEGALLY if it was a pedestrian crossing then the motorbike was 100% at fault (and maybe the tuk tuks reckless driving and overtaking within 30m from pedestrian was also part of the blame)


    But like I said, rationally it was the pedestrians fault at this situation, because everyone knows that in Thailand people don't stop... But it's like saying that downloading music from the internet is legal because everybody else does it.... It's true, but it's still illegal.

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