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Posts posted by hobz

  1. In my home country Sweden toilet doors are most often opened outwards for various practical reasons.


    1. Toilets are small, opening inwards further limits the already small space.


    2. The hinges should be on the outside because toilets are moist.


    3. If someone is unconscious inside the hinges can be accessed from outside (this is rarely mentioned. Found out about it today when doing research)


    4. Fire safety standards, in panic people tend to push doors.. Not sure about this one, but came up during research.


    Why do thai toilet doors open inwards? Is there rational reasons or something something ghosts?

  2. 2 minutes ago, tropo said:

    That's exactly what I think happened. He made a comment about the price, then the yabba loaded slut saw read and attacked. 


    Many of these working females have an exceptionally short fuse.

    Plus she might already have been upset that they took two seats in a bar with no intention of barfining someone ... It's easier to pull potential customers into a bar when it's full with bargirls with no customers.. 


  3. 3 minutes ago, khunPer said:

    In answer to opening post:

    It's not that black-and-white, especially not in Thailand – there are at least 50 shades of grey...:whistling:


    Yes, some girls and ladies are professional gold diggers, and if they hook up with a man, it's for money only, and the man can never be more safe than if someone more handsum and more rich appears, the lady may quickly move to something better.


    However, there also girls and ladies, with or without children, coming to find a good foreign husband – a good farang, as they may already have bad experience from a Thai husband or boyfriend, or just heard all the Pretty Woman stories about the prince in the white Mercedes – and as the available foreigners are not likely to show up in a remote Isaan village, they head to areas where the subjects are available. Meanwhile they need to support their own living, and sometimes also kids and/or parents at home, so the need to make money at the same time. The advise from other village ladies, often succesful with a farang husband, is to "work bar". But such a girl or lady can become an excellent wife, taking in consideration, that there are multiple levels of grey between blank and white.


    And how do you know that your Thai partner, girlfriend, wife is not a pro..?

    In my view, you don't really know – as OP says, any girl who cannot support herself – especially in Thailand where money is a basic part of relationship and marriage; however, in old Western time, it was also the man, who was the provider. I know many a lady that are more in the white spektre of the grey shades, who has a so-called normal work but still look for a farang husband to take care of her, may even accept money, or ask for money, or just expect money on a date – remember, a good husband takes care and provide, a Thai boyfriend may give his girlfriend his whole salary every month and only receive little pocket money – is she a "hooker"..?
    Do you know all about your Thai girlfriend's/wife's past part of her life, and may she has done anything a Westerner considers being a "hooker"..?

    The worst true horror-stories from friends, are about "normal" ladies ripping the man completely off, even a lady from a well respected and well off Chinese family – those ladies seem to be only in it for the money – are they "hookers"..?


    Many village marriages are kind of arranged, a financially acceptable match, where the girls are taught that a not too young husband, who can provide, is the best, and when first living together, then love will come later.


    I believe it's a question a balance – from both parts, as there is also a cultural gap – and yes, money cannot buy love, but money can buy something that feel and looks exactly like love; and as long as you cannot tell the difference...:smile:

    Excellent nuanced post, I believe the topic is not black and white, I love the reference to 50 shades of grey :)

  4. 2 minutes ago, MANFROMBOCA said:

    well its a passive aggressive post if your dont know dont post

    I thought I was allowed to express my thoughts and ideas. I dont have to back them up with evidence or research unless I claim that they are facts.. 


    If you are so interested in how i came to my thoughts and conclusions, let me tell you.


    Definition of a hooker = has sex for money

    So hookers are willing to do more than a non-hooker for money. 

    This leads me to the conclusion that they are also more likely to be willing to marry only for the money. I can't prove this. But, it makes sense in my eyes. 


    Are there regular girls that marry only for the money, OFCOURSE

    Are there hookers that marry for love, OFCOURSE


    I'm just guessing that hookers are more likely to be capable and willing to marry for the money only. Based on that they are willing to have sex for money. 


    Also, there seems to be anecdotal evidence that many farangs have been ripped of by marrying thai hookers. But again, there's plenty of men all around the world that have been ripped off by normal girls as well :) 


    You see some flaws in my reasoning here? I would be glad to discuss them, but please no more insults, just stick to the argument :)


  5. They are more likely to be in it only for the money, meaning, if you run out of money, they are more likely to leave you. Or if they find more money in another guy they are again more likely to leave you. Than a regular girl. 


    Ofcourse, non hooker girls could also be in it for the money, and hooker girls have the capability to love you for who you are as well, it's just more likely, i don't know how likely though ... Also hookers are more likely to develop mental issues and addictions, this makes having a relationship with them more likely to fail ... again, i dont know how likely,, maybe it's 5%, 10%, 20%, who knows.

  6. I'm getting devious ideas ... What would happen if i set up a camera on an pedestrian crossing and pushed out a baby stroller into the traffic,,, would i get into trouble when they hit the stroller?


    I wish some locals would start doing this and post the results on facebook etc.. time to start raising more awareness of how horribly illegal everybody is driving here .... 

  7. 4 minutes ago, jesimps said:

    Ridiculous statement. When did you last see a foreigner cause a bad accident here? Locals are involved in fatal accidents regularly through falling asleep, overtaking on blind bends, drink, drugs, lack of common sense etc etc etc. Hence #2 in the world for road fatalities.

    I see tourists on motorbikes having no clue how to drive all around chiang mai,,, chineese and westerners ... when i see their rental helmets i always slow down even further than usual :D

    *that being said* the worst drivers that scares me on a weekly basis is the minivan and truck drivers that seem to have no regard for others and think they have the right of way no matter what.

  8. 1 hour ago, simonuk said:

    Pathetic road laws barely enforced by a pathetic police force combined with the little prince complex that so many thai men have making it impossible for them to see their limitations when driving. Oh and disregard for the safety of others and ignorance when it comes to risk.   Hardly a day goes by when im driving in Thailand that i dont feel like smashing someone in the face  because they've come close orphaning my son through bad driving.  

    Agreed, it's really frustrating, they should fire the entire traffic police and charge the chief of traffic police with incompetence leading to loss of life and give him the death penalty.

  9. 4 hours ago, Mango Bob said:

    Why not spend your valuable time getting  those road rage warriors off the highway for speeding, killing people and the like instead of this crap.  No wonder why the  academics are  criticizing the police.

    Exactly! 99% of thai drivers dont signal before they recklessly change lanes... Tons of work to do there... Girls having fun on facebook doesn't kill anyone.

  10. 10 hours ago, ajarngreg said:


     You seem to know what life is all about. Keep on moving and good luck with your house. I mean good luck with the relationship with the person the house is built on. 


          BTW, I'm on a very natural drug, also called Adrenaline. 



    Thanks for wishing me luck, we both know i will need it :)


    you should have said "good luck with the relationship with the person and the persons family the house is built on" :)


  11. Ever since the junta took power the night scene in chiang mai has suffered. But this is the first raid against a brothel in the news i think.


    Sure, go ahead and close the brothels, but at least allow the clubs and dance places to have open past midnight/1pm.. Not much fun for tourist to visit here when they can go to samui, pattaya, phuket etc... Lots of young tourist visiting here,, allow them some fun please :)

  12. 32 minutes ago, ajarngreg said:


     Alcohol should be on top of the drug list. All people can legally destroy their brains, marriages, kill others in road accidents, sleep with ugly people, etc..only to fill up the governments' wallets. 


     LSD wasn't considered a drug until AMERICA made it to one. 

    Alcohol = one of the most damaging, directly and indirectly. Agreed.


    Marriage, ehm, sure. Love is one of the most powerful drugs out there, makes people make horrible decisions.


    Kill others in road accidents, are you crazy? This should never be accepted.


    Sleep with ugly people? <deleted> if u outlaw that then i would have to report anyone that sleeps with me! Do you have any idea how often i would be at the police station? Actually not that often :(:( *tears*


    How does sleeping with ugly people and road fatalities fill the governments wallets?


    LSD should be legalized, extremely dangerous in the wrong hands,, even more dangerous because of its legal status (impossible to know correct dose etc on the black market). Would have great use in a psychiatrists office as well. Illegal because the government didnt like the anti war protests..cant let a psychedelic get in the way of the money making murder machine that is the military industrial complex can we? We gotta have our priorities straight, bombing and droning = good. Psychedelics = bad, very very bad.


    Dude, what drugs are you on right now? Im on sleep deprivation and exhaustion from buying a house in thailand and generally being ugly.

  13. 20 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:



    So it's still being debated whether marijuana is the cause of mental illness in some people or not. Meanwhile the fact is that driving stoned on marijuana is just as dangerous as drink driving.

    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2722956/ this study compared cannabis and alcohol in drivers. They could not prove that cannabis led to more accidents.. Alcohol however without a doubt led to more accidents. 

    Where did you get your info from?

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