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Posts posted by Deli

  1. East coast has bad weather at that time of the year, so fogey Ko Tao. Lanta starts not before November.

    PP is full of Chinese, avoid. In the end it's Phuket and it is not as bad as some say. You go to do a course, means to learn something important.

    IMO, what you see during the course is secondary, what you will learn is what counts.

    If you wanna have great diving + course, than maybe you change destination to Indo or Phils.

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  2. If you fund the work for reparations and the furniture and whatever needs to be bought, in order to protect yourself you should make a legally valid contract that all mobile goods (TV, washing machine, etc. ) belong to you and that you invested xxx THB in reparations. For this you have the right to stay in the place for xxx years without paying, unless your GF pays you back your investment. I know that there is such kind of contract possible but you need to talk to a lawyer for details.

    My advice: Don't do it - too many farangs got fleeced in that way

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