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Everything posted by Deli

  1. Even electroluting and water-boarding would not change a thing. This breed is immortal as cockroaches are
  2. And this is why we are here. You know the risk when you ride,
  3. Snowbirds do not help the classic tourist industry. It's the 2 or 3 weeks couple / family tourism that keeps the wheel turning and brings money to the people. And they will be shocked by the inflated ticket fares.
  4. Let the kids party and the old farts staying under their blue roofs. This is just bolloxx
  5. And so was I at that age and millions of others. It's called living and being young.
  6. Give the one bullied a gun. Problem solved. Self defense.
  7. Cannot call it a strike.
  8. If the average Somchai does the same, ther's a little outcry, maybe. If a foreigner does the same it's a HUGE thing. Don't wanna say that it's nothing but shouldn't they be treated all equally ?
  9. Fatty, donate your watches to me, you will be gone soon anyhow
  10. The Generals have money for Chinese Subs but not to educate the people in need
  11. He destroyed a vintage scooter. What a shame !
  12. The most influenceal criminals are sitting in BKK and wear fancy uniforms and watches
  13. Coz he has a short one and feel embarressed if his mates would see that
  14. Means one short time less for the cf's and a Karaoke visit for the Bibs
  15. GF drives for almost 30 years, had only one minor accident. Still can't park a car reverse or drive a car with manual gear box. Nothing surprises me here.
  16. They had their golden years
  17. Ask @steven100 and you have one loyal blind follower. But only one
  18. Srcap all this belt rubbish and let the people decide if they wanna buchkle up or not. I never will.
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