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Posts posted by Deli

  1. 2 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    It has been for the last six years, hence the economic bubble that's about to burst.
    Covid was the last straw but truth be told the economy has been sliding for quite some time.

    We've constantly been told that tourism is only 12% of GDP, so with most people back to work now the other 88% should be looking good and keeping Thailand afloat, unless someone's been lying for a long time and it's about to sink ?


    It was 19 % in 2019

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  2. 2 hours ago, crazykopite said:

    Worse is to come especially if the Government do not extend the visa situation come August / September 1,000s of Foreigners will be heading back home there is an estimated 3 to 400,000 stuck here just think about the loss of income if they all pack there bags and clear off . I’m okay but my wife is stuck in the U.K. if things dont improve I to will be departing for at least a year until everything quietens down and the restrictions are removed I have already got someone in mind to live in my property and I’ll head to The Canary Islands and meet up with my wife. I will see how the next three months go but if I’m honest I cannot see it improving ☹️☹️

    Won't miss anyone who has to leave for visa issues.

    However, tourism and his income is despetately needed by millions of locals.

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