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Posts posted by Deli

  1. How many would have died anyhow (soon) cause of co-related illness or being sick already with other deseases ? Number of annual deaths in many countries BEFORE they locked down is not higher than without the Chinese virus but dealing with a flu. It is not killing more people than any annual regular flu.

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  2. 3 hours ago, nightbird said:

    Tourism itself is a special kind of disease. It has always created pollution and will eventually destroy places environmentally. Thailand has always attracted irresponsible tourists and the government is complicit in this. The same problem exists in Europe in places like Greece, Italy, and several other countries. False economies, garbage, excessive partying, irresponsible behavior, inflated real estate and hotel costs, Airbnb, and all the other exploiters rising to the occasion. Do you really think the governments want to do anything but raise money? They pay lip service, but little of anything else. You can't exclude the Chinese and welcome the Brits, for example. It won't work. 

    Don't agree but Governments would need a different mindset doing this. It this would not be a Thai mindset, where there is money today and not caring about tomorrow.


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